*** The 2013 Gym Rats Thread ***


About 4 weeks ago I was complaining of pain in left tricep and forearm. Pain was caused by me doing dips, and of course once your tricep is trashed anything else tricep dependant is going to suffer.

It was basically inflammation of the tricep. I took 5 days off from the gym and then when I got back I de-loaded all the weight and just did bw wide grip dips for a few weeks.

It never was 100% healed but enough for me to feel free and strong again and have full rom with power and strength. Over the last 2 weeks I have started to load the wide grip dips again and low and behold my left tricep is inflamed again.

I had to walk out of my gym today as couldn’t do any work as it's chest day. Nothing, all power is gone as I am wincing from pain in left tricep.

So it seems I have to drop dips altogether from my routine as it is simply causing me pain. It's just really strange as the right tricep is fine, but the left one gets inflamed as soon as I start to load it.

Anyone had any experiences similar to this?

The answer I know is just to drop dips. But it's a shame, because I enjoyed them...

The question is do I drop the dips and cary on even tho tricp is still gona be sore, or do I take time off and let it heal? And how long? A week might not be enough.

My freind is of the opinion, that you cannot afford to take time off, from the gym if you want to make progress.
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Phsyio & or sports masseues.

I don't know what you mean by wide grip dips, you do dips at the appropriate width for you, whatever that may be.

If you take time off for an injury to heal, you take as long as it takes to heal.
Phsyio & or sports masseues.

I don't know what you mean by wide grip dips, you do dips at the appropriate width for you, whatever that may be.

If you take time off for an injury to heal, you take as long as it takes to heal.

What I mean by wide grip dips, is rather than using the parallel bars, to work the triceps, I use the flared out ends and bend forward so the stress is on the chest area.

In other words chest dips... :p

Except when I do it, I do feel a lot of pain and discomfort in my left tricep which gets more pronounced as I up the load.
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wait wait.. you feel pain/discomfort even on BW dips and you still add weight? how does that work out in your head? If I feel pain I look into it before loading it with more.. which you did and injured your tricep again..
I'm not an expert but I've always thought wide grip dips are like doing a bench press in a T shape with your arms out at 90 degrees and your elbows flared - in other words, goodnight sweet rotator cuff/shoulders. Like Benny said, I've always thought dips are only done properly one way (to avoid screwing up your shoulders).

If you want to isolate your chest, why don't you choose some movements that do it without putting a load of stress elsewhere?
wait wait.. you feel pain/discomfort even on BW dips and you still add weight? how does that work out in your head? If I feel pain I look into it before loading it with more.. which you did and injured your tricep again..

Your right. I probably shouldnt have added weight to the bw dips.

The idea in my head, was that eventually the muscle would heal and get used to the fact that it is being used in this way, chalk it up to inexperience.
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I'm not an expert but I've always thought wide grip dips are like doing a bench press in a T shape with your arms out at 90 degrees and your elbows flared - in other words, goodnight sweet rotator cuff/shoulders. Like Benny said, I've always thought dips are only done properly one way (to avoid screwing up your shoulders).

If you want to isolate your chest, why don't you choose some movements that do it without putting a load of stress elsewhere?

That’s exactly what I'm going to do. I’m going to drop the dips and add some fly's in after my flat and/ incline presses at least for a few months, if not indefinitely.
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Who's got the bigger back? My friend think his is bigger than the guy on the right. I say not.
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Who's got the bigger back? My friend think his is bigger than the guy on the right. I say not.

Your friend has literally no width, the taper in that picture is created purely by the fact he's digging his hands so far into his waist

As for thickness? Well aside from the fact his posing is terrible, he also has next to no thickness. Even non lifters can get some lines in their back if they pinch their shoulder blades.

I give his back 2/10 bananas
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