Need more squats, you need to deadlift, and worry less about rubbish exercises like shrugs, upright rows, pull downs (do pull ups/chins instead), and do a lot less arm volume. There's just no point in doing SO much arm work - they're small muscles that are stimulated by other exercises anyway.
More compound movements: bench, OHP, squats, deadlifts.
More decent accessory exercises such as, walking lunges, front squats, bulgarian split squats, reverse lunges, kettle bell swings, glute ham raises, romanian deadlifts, pull ups/chin ups, DB Push press, bent over rows, dips.
Less ab work and more core work, pallof press, roll outs, dragon flags, kb squat with pulse etc...
Where should i add more squats into my workout?(maybe do several compounds on Friday?) i do 5 sets of them on Sunday.Deadlifts i am not doing at the moment as i can never get perfect form do not want to injure my lower back but will try them again with low weight as practice first.
I do pullups/chins but only once a week, think i'll do them twice a week and remove some of the exercises you say, thanks for criticising as i knew there were some i can rid but wasn't sure which.
My arms aren't that big at the moment and need more strength from them so it's just temporary although i do pushups aswell to help with upper body strength.
I am changing my workout in a month anyway so will rebuild it totally from scratch with deadlifts/benchpress/squat/ohp twice a week of each with chins/pullups/dips/rows mixed in and a few other good exercises.
Problem with me though is my leftside is struggling on higher dumbells due to my grip being less than right(broken fingers) so might start using one of those grip squeeze things daily which should help?