Would it be better for me doing 1 set of 1x5 deadlifts without any warmups for SL?
Currently my max I've done so far, for past 2-3 weeks is 90kg, been doing SL for about 4 months and I always do 5 sets, 2*10 60kg then 5 70kg, 5@80 then final set of 90kg. Pretty exhausted by this point which is why i don't feel too comfortable going heavier. Will try 93.5kg tonight, which is the next set up of weights in my gym.
I'm still pretty green body wise which is why I've been thinking of doing more deadlifts rather than one heavy set. Have a flabby belly and not much lean mass. So would sticking to my current method be best and slowly go up, like today, or just do one heavy set each time for best results?
183lbs, 6.1