If you're looking for all-round strength, then stronglifts really isn't a bad way to go.
However, 5/3/1 sounds more like something for you to consider, as it is a well-structured routine that will incorporate the big canon lifts and build good all-round strength.
Smolov and RSR are specifically tailored for squatting - nothing more, and nothing less. So if you want to do other leg work whilst on these, you should probably look elsewhere (particularly with Smolov).
As a start for ten...
Behind-the-Neck Press: 3x12 This is bad because of the potential for shoulder dis-articulation. BTN PUSHPRESS is fine, but not strict. Why do you want BTN anyway?
Squat: 1x20 As outlined, 1*20 will not do anything for growth or strength. It's stupid and pointless. Yes, you'll get horrific DOMS from it, but if you want that from a functional exercise, try Deficit Bulgarian Split Squats.
Pull-Overs: 1x20 Just do bench, instead, and make sure you get good, quality reps out of the big compounds, rather than mucking around with these ancillary exercises.
Bench Press: 3x12 Fine. But you're going in for hypertrophy rather than strength with these ranges.
Bent-over Rows: 3x15 Why 15 reps? If you're talking single-arm rows after barbell rows, then I get it.
Stiff-legged Deadlift: 1x15 Single set of 15 reps is a recipe for injury. Don't do this.
Shrug: 1x15 These will make you go blind. Learn how to power-shrug, instead. Or better still, the second pull of a snatch.
First off, your rep ranges are set up for (where not completely insane) hypertrophy rather than strength. Whilst strength can come about through motor pattern familiarity, this is not the way to do it: stick to 3-6 (or even 8) reps if you want strength to be the focus.
Secondly, you're missing deadlifts out. This is bad.
Finally, I'm assuming your core strength and control is exceptional, as you have none programmed in there? Consider things like barbell roll-outs, dragonflags, candlesticks or planks (if you can do them properly).