*** The 2015 Gym Rats Thread ***

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Anyone here do much conditioning training? spiderman crawls seem damn hard!(probably was my form being crap :p ) i can do pushups easy but these....guess i just need practice but they seem very good to do.

It's so hard getting back into training fully after having flu for about 10 days. :(
Well the days i do not do weights i like to vary my forms of cardio as i do not believe in treadmillls and the weather is bad outside so i tend to mix it up with different body weight exercises/circuit training.I am not sure if this will have a negative effect on certain things though as i usually train sun/mon/weds/thurs so i get 2 rests a week.(i wouldn't go to gym at all on the other 3 days)
Well... what do you want to be good at?

If you're a weightlifter, then conditioning work is rather specific: more reps of hte classic lifts.

If you're a runner, then doing press-ups isn't necessarily going to help you in any significant or meaningful way...
Well with my current regime of weights 4 times a week you think i should do pushups/inverted rows/lunges/circuit cardio on the days i do not or just rest?

I have good fitness/stamina now but my strength needs improving some though i been usually doing 6-10 rep range with weights being upped each 1-2 weeks.I was just trying to work out ways to improve my strength on days i do not do weights and shred a bit of fat.
Not an expert like others here but I think resting is also very very important and switching up rep/weights can help a lot. I like to try going from 10reps at 50kg bench to 3 reps at 80kg and I've personally found some good results that way in terms of strength. I only really do this when I don't feel much of a burn after a work out even thought I've increased the weight form the pervious one.
Proper rest is important. It will allow you to push yourself more on the days that matter - your strength training days.

I don't get nearly enough rest and I can really tell how much my performance (and hence my rate of improvement afterwards) is impacted when not properly rested.
Thoughts on getting the missus to do SL5x5?

She's been mainly a cardio bunny for the last 4 years, slowly transitioning her into doing more weights than cardio over the last 12 months.

She's seen the slight progress and changes in my body i'm getting on SL5x5 and wants to give it a try. She'd be eating at a 10-15% deficit so no risk of getting all big and bulky ;)

I don't see any reason why she shouldn't do it, might need to invest in some 0.25/0.5KG micro plates though.
Thoughts on getting the missus to do SL5x5?

She's been mainly a cardio bunny for the last 4 years, slowly transitioning her into doing more weights than cardio over the last 12 months.

She's seen the slight progress and changes in my body i'm getting on SL5x5 and wants to give it a try. She'd be eating at a 10-15% deficit so no risk of getting all big and bulky ;)

I don't see any reason why she shouldn't do it, might need to invest in some 0.25/0.5KG micro plates though.

Go for it, I managed to talk my house mate out of the OMG got to do cardio!!!!11!1!! mindset when she wanted to get in shape for her wedding and she was really pleased with the results of almost pure weightlifting with a little swimming thrown in.
I think the biggest thing was she used to absolutely hate her legs and would cover them pretty much all the time, she now loves how they look and will use any excuse to get them out.
Yeah think i am going to stick with the 4 days weights 3 days rest regime....but try alternate my workouts better like maybe do 3-5 rep range on bench/squat/deadlift/ohp to get my strength up and alternating with 6-10 rep range on some db exercises.
After yesterdays advice I am going to change my Chest Press from using the smith machine to using dumbells. However, I also do a close grip bench press on the smith machine for triceps. I enjoy doing this. Can you do this with dumbells? We don't have a bench with a rack so can't use a barbell on a bench.
After yesterdays advice I am going to change my Chest Press from using the smith machine to using dumbells. However, I also do a close grip bench press on the smith machine for triceps. I enjoy doing this. Can you do this with dumbells? We don't have a bench with a rack so can't use a barbell on a bench.

You could do skull crushers instead? They really hit your tris.

Alternatively you can do CGBP with DBs too easily enough. There are loads of video guides online.
What is your current regime?

Usually i splt two muscle groups a workout with 6-8 exercises total around 6-10 rep ranges for all but may do a few 15-20 rep range sets to finish every now and then.(usually if i end with an isolation but i tend to do as much compounds as i can beforehand) I always do 6-10 rep range on bench/squat/deadlifts/ohp too even but seems i should go heavy on them instead to get my strength up....although it has gone up a fair bit like Squats went from 40kg 3 sets of 6 reps to 70kg 6 sets of 6-10 in 4 months or so.

For triceps using dumbells i do neutral grip dumbell press with elbows tucked in close and it works very well.Skullcrushers with ez-bar is quite nice i find too with arms at an angle rather than vertical starting position.
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+1 for Skull Crushers (Much more natural feeling with the ez-bar)

Good old fashion dips are good too, weirdly tri's are one of my favorite muscles to hit, got to get that horse shoe!
I do dips anyway. My tricep work is:

Dips (unassisted) 3x8 (usually don't manage 8 on the last set - get to about 6)
Standing Overhead Dumbbell tricep extension
Close grip press

Will have a look at the skull crushers. Thanks.
If you want to get significantly stronger at pressing then I would highly recommend loading on some weight with a dipping belt.
I'd be careful with skull crushers as well they mess my elbows up like nothing else! All other tri exercises cause me no issues.
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