Anyone know if there's a decent squat rack/ half cage that is under 1930mm/193cm high? I've got very limited height in the garage where it would be going but want to upgrade from my stands.
Something like the CF415 and a bench?
Quick seach found this -
Dunno if that's any good but its low enough.
Something like the CF415 and a bench?
[TFU] Thegoon84;28363421 said:What do you guys normally have for breakfast? I’ve got all my meals down to a tea but am struggling with brekfast..
So far I’ve only got:
Scrambled eggs and whole grain bread
Porridge oats and semi skimmed milk…
Any advice?
Bit of a beginner question here, recently started strong lifts and only up to 55kg on my squat, I've had the weekend off but noticed my knees are hurting? I thought my form was quite alright but evidently not?
Any advice or would you need to see my form?
Bit of a beginner question here, recently started strong lifts and only up to 55kg on my squat, I've had the weekend off but noticed my knees are hurting? I thought my form was quite alright but evidently not?
Any advice or would you need to see my form?
Bit of a beginner question here, recently started strong lifts and only up to 55kg on my squat, I've had the weekend off but noticed my knees are hurting? I thought my form was quite alright but evidently not?
Any advice or would you need to see my form?
[TFU] Thegoon84;28363421 said:What do you guys normally have for breakfast? I’ve got all my meals down to a tea but am struggling with brekfast..
So far I’ve only got:
Scrambled eggs and whole grain bread
Porridge oats and semi skimmed milk…
Any advice?
Durr I've found plenty of tools to get a hypothetical 1RM from x reps but nothing to suggest where to start if I want to add 5x5 to my workout 3 days/week. I'm currently at 110/120/70/60 for the squat/deadlifts/bench/ohp 1rm, any suggestions where to start for my weights? I don't see the point going back sets of 30kg or something when I can work on gainz now... I was going to go 80-85% for the big three but no idea where to go with the rows and that seems pretty hard for sets of OHP, I can always deload again though so...
Have you tried something like 5/3/1 or similar workouts? The workouts are based on percentages of your 1RM which would give you a starting point.
Durr I've found plenty of tools to get a hypothetical 1RM from x reps but nothing to suggest where to start if I want to add 5x5 to my workout 3 days/week. I'm currently at 110/120/70/60 for the squat/deadlifts/bench/ohp 1rm, any suggestions where to start for my weights? I don't see the point going back sets of 30kg or something when I can work on gainz now... I was going to go 80-85% for the big three but no idea where to go with the rows and that seems pretty hard for sets of OHP, I can always deload again though so...
Honest answer is nope, not done any research into 5/3/1 or such, I thought SL would be the default. Thanks, I'll have a look
E: which reminds me, I guess that's me at 300 now so time for videos for the totals thread but don't y'all feel even just a little weird filming your lifts at the gym?