Dumbell chest press neutral grip (struggling to get above 36kg with these, but hoping the other chest exercises will help)
Barbell chest press
Decline chest press
Incline chest press
Dumbell fly
Yup, chest day. Shoulder feels good today, rotation exercises are definitely working, but have lost a lot of chest strength in the meantime.
Whenever I squat and get to parallel a tendon behind my knee on the outside, I think its could be the hamstring tendon, sort of pops out. It has never caused me any pain in a few years of squatting.
Do you guys think it is worth seeing a physio or should I just smash the area with foam rolling and stretches?
I do enjoy watching people squat at the gym for some laughs, has anyone ever spoke to somebody barely getting two digits degrees of depth to give them some advice?
Been going to a physio for several weeks and it still happens, how long is it likely to take to fix? Is it even a problem if it causes me no pain?
I do enjoy watching people squat at the gym for some laughs, has anyone ever spoke to somebody barely getting two digits degrees of depth to give them some advice?
No, because everybody has their own battles to fight and the chances are you - as a casual observer - don't know about any of them.
You would have pulled me up six months ago for squatting like a noob because I had damage my hip socket and was keeping my legs moving by quarter-squatting.
I can now squat to depth as I need because I spent six months squatting like an American powerlifter. But thanks for your offer of advice: I would have happily inserted a chalked barbell into you for not having a clue.![]()
One of the powerlifter guys I talk to at the gym had the new SBD belt, which is a kind of hybrid dual-prong/lever 13mm thing. Looks killer but £160 or something! U w0t m8?!
Went for week 2 of the reiyushin DL plan using new PB numbers. Needed a lot of time but got through it. 3 x 3 @ 140 was a real test for me, but by the third set it was starting to feel decent! Hamstrings are going to be burning tomorrow morning!
Less cardio; more food and sleep.
A graveyard shift will keep you pumped full of cortisol which will kill your gains... So you either need a new job and/or more food and rest.
There's no way your weight wouldn't increase if you Up'd your calories sufficiently. If you're neither gaining or losing weight, increase by 300 cals a day. If that doesn't work, bump it up by a further 200. Repeat until swole.
Mini brotein containers peeps - what do people do if you want to take a portion or two of powder with you? I don't like putting some directly into the shaker, i always seem to get a little minging crust of leftover powder in the bottom if I do and it seems like there's too much potential for spillage. Mini tupperware? I'm after something cheap but still enough to carry 3-4 scoops so ~100g
It is gloriousif it's a lifetime belt then that's a fine pricetag if it's not then it's a rip off!