*** The 2017 Gym Rats Thread ***

On the topic of core training/strengthening, would you recommend any particular exercises?

Congrats on the pb Dreamforger :)

Why yes - of course... ;)

- Deadbugs
- Lying leg raises
- Braced planks
- Candlesticks
- Dragonflags.

And we'll done Dreamforger!
Close to the 180 bench last night with no deload before. Hit a 280 deadlift, hookgrip, conventional and beltless....I'd love to know where my sumo is right now... :D
I recently realised that my body was better suited to sumo :( I felt dirty, but then more manly as I was able to shift more weight. Damn my long arms :(
I recently realised that my body was better suited to sumo :( I felt dirty, but then more manly as I was able to shift more weight. Damn my long arms :(

Long arms are good for either stance, it's usually the old torso/femur length ratio that makes the difference. Just be thankful you don't have t-rex arms which put you at a disadvantage for either stance! #moangrumblemoan
Deadlift Saturday sure wipes me out. That said, i am progressing the most with this at the moment. Going to try to push my bench max again soon - think I am going to use the squat rack safety bars rather than a spot. My shoulders aren't quite ready though.
After reading Freefaller's post and also having long arms I tried sumo this morning. I felt it more in my hamstrings/glutes which are my weak areas so naturally I want to switch from conventional but is there any reason why I couldn't pull both (each once per week)?

I've also got long femurs so I assume the deadlift advantage is limited somewhat.
Shoes turned up yesterday. Still have the tag on, not bad for less than half price. Thanks for the tip neo. :D Was going to give them a try today but way too sore after rugby.
After reading Freefaller's post and also having long arms I tried sumo this morning. I felt it more in my hamstrings/glutes which are my weak areas so naturally I want to switch from conventional but is there any reason why I couldn't pull both (each once per week)?

I've also got long femurs so I assume the deadlift advantage is limited somewhat.

Generally long arms short torso suits conventional better (think Tom Martin). Sumo executed properly uses more leg drive off the floor as there's less of a hip hinge compared to conventional since your torso starting position is more vertical...



BUT the structure of your hip socket will play a part too and there's no getting around the fact the ROM is going to be shorter which is why in the IPF at least, up until the heavier weight classes nearly everyone pulls sumo (for the men at least, the women seem to vary more) cos the goal is to win. If you want to really hammer your hams/glutes then doing things like RDLs, Good Mornings, GHRs/Nordic curls etc, where you have a full eccentric/concentric are where it's at.

There's no reason why you can't train both concurrently if your programming is sensible. If you're a competitive powerlifter than most of your deadlifting will be with your competition stance because you want to train it as both a lift and a skill in order to be able to pull the most weight. If your training is more for general strength then you can afford to mix it up a bit, although given how taxing deads can be it's usually a case of having a heavier deadlift day with your preferred stance and a lighter one with the other one. I remember Greg Nuckols intermediate x2 a week deadlift programming had one day of each.
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