Any 40+ gym rats with experience of joint issues here?
Mine feel like they're getting steadily better since I switched up my routine, but they're always lurking in the background waiting to ruin my day at a moment's notice, it feels like. Particularly golfer's elbow and shoulder impingement, which I just can't seem to totally shake. Would really love to be able to lift again without having to think about working around these, but my tendons just don't seem to like loads as much as they once did.
Any other grey haired lifters got tips for managing?
Well I can tell you what works for me. Collagen.
Back in 2015 I was at my strongest but managed to subluxate my shoulder and its been loose since.
I have never been able to db press or use the bench press since with out pain. (db are worse)
In 2020 I re-injured my knee that I had an acl reconstruction on in 2004.
I've told the story on here before so wont go in to it.
But I started taking collagen in desperation as the acl was swollen every single day.
Within 4 months the situation changed from me on the phone to surgeons to find to how much a revision acl would cost, to me now thinking I will be able to live with a little laxity in the knee. The acl is no longer swollen every day. I just have a little bit of laxity but squats and leg work is my answer.
Back to shoulder. Over the years the shoulder improved, from a shoulder that was slipping and partially dislocating to one that wasn't slipping any more but was crying whenever I tried to do any sort of push both horizontal or vertical.
The collagen has really really helped and now I am able to bench and ohp press. I stay away from db but the barbell is much more stable.
So I would say give collagen a go. Give it up to 6 months but for me within 2 I started to see benefits and its been 4 months now and the situation with both the knee and the shoulder are massively improved.
Take a 500mg vitamin c supplement with the collagen as well as your body needs vit c to create collagen.
I would say the issue I had with the shoulder was shoulder impingement after subluxating it back in 2015. The reason why I wasnt able to press was because of the impingement.
I'm 41.