The 5 year plan to £50k

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It sounds like he has depression, in which case it's not an "excuse" and needs to be dealt with before anything else.

This, sadly. FoxEye, I'd urge you to consider making an appointment with a counselor or similar service.
It sounds like he has depression, in which case it's not an "excuse" and needs to be dealt with before anything else.
I'm sorry but I don't sympathise. To me it doesn't seem like he has depression, not from his posting style anyway (even in other threads.) Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.

Before anyone starts jumping onto me and saying 'you don't understand the severity of depression', well, I was once diagnosed with 'severe depression'. The rest of my post about 'go do' still applies though.
I'm sorry but I don't sympathise. To me it doesn't seem like he has depression, not from his posting style anyway (even in other threads.) Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.

Before anyone starts jumping onto me and saying 'you don't understand the severity of depression', well, I was once diagnosed with 'severe depression'. The rest of my post about 'go do' still applies though.

I really doubt the OP is just being lazy. There's something going wrong somewhere. Blaming him for the situation really isn't going to help. He needs support with a strong touch of tough-love.

FoxEye, can you do these self-assessment tests please. I'm strongly siding with the other posters that you're probably suffering from mild-moderate depression in which case I strongly suggest you look in to speaking to a counsellor to help you get things back on track.
I'm sorry but I don't sympathise. To me it doesn't seem like he has depression, not from his posting style anyway (even in other threads.) Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.

Before anyone starts jumping onto me and saying 'you don't understand the severity of depression', well, I was once diagnosed with 'severe depression'. The rest of my post about 'go do' still applies though.

I think it's pretty clear from his posts in this thread that he has issues that are stopping him progressing. Not everyone is the same, so what applies to you does of course not necessarily apply to other people.
I'm sorry but I don't sympathise. To me it doesn't seem like he has depression, not from his posting style anyway (even in other threads.) Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.

Before anyone starts jumping onto me and saying 'you don't understand the severity of depression', well, I was once diagnosed with 'severe depression'. The rest of my post about 'go do' still applies though.

Erm, there is no way to gauge someone mental state over the internet.

Didn't do very well on the NHS one, scoring only 13/27.

However I aced the Goldberg test with 59. So there is definitely something loose up there! Both my older brothers have been on anti-depressants at various times and I'm really anxious that they'd want to put me on them too.

I think I should pull myself out of this without meds if at all possible. I saw a councillor a couple times at Uni, btw. I didn't give it time to work, only had a couple sessions, and they didn't make me feel like any progress was being made. My mental state from Uni to now has largely stayed the same. Since a child I always have had continual stream of negative thoughts about myself swimming around in my head from dawn to dusk. I just learned to cope with them, rather than get rid of them. I guess I figured being stable was good enough. At least I'm not bipolar, up and down, up and down. Just steadily down :p Perhaps also self-obsessed. People say I should think about others and not myself. It's an alien concept :) I use up so much mental energy thinking about myself it's true to say I don't think about other people at all. Strange, huh.

And above all, I know I've brought this on myself. Can't say I had a bad start in life, so it can't be anybody else's fault but mine. But that doesn't explain why I have become the person I have. Nobody intentionally ruins themself. So why would a normal child with normal parents choose to become a weirdo? Doesn't add up. I don't know what to believe.
FoxEye, on Monday I want you to go to your GP and ask for a form to submit to a counselling service (they can usually be picked up at the reception area).

Will you do that?

Give it time this time.


You can do this without meds, I appreciate the reluctance. I would suggest looking in to CBT though. See the links I provided earlier. Just going through the process may help you.
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Call me a cynical git but I dare say if you come up with any reason to why OP hasn't done anything I would expect a post shortly after with him agreeing and blaming that new reason.

Sorry but i don't buy it.......

I'm personally in a position where i need to change jobs as I've stagnated and my general social side has took a major hit. Difference is i know its entirely my own fault and my own making. Difference between me and the OP is I'm not looking for an excuse. I'm now looking for the answer and trying to get myself going and planning but more importantly doing what needs to be done to change.

You're living at home enjoying the familiarity of the family roost because its convenient.

You're in the job you're in and doing what you are doing because its convenient.

You're sat there moaning about how **** your life is because its convenient.

None of the above require any effort or any thought and you just allow yourself to go through it all because its nice and easy to do so. Stop looking for excuses and agreeing with every "NET GP" in this thread. Buck your ideas up and grow some balls because one day you're current setup will come crashing down around you and when it does you'll be wanting someone else to take responsibility for your actions and decisions and tell you whats right and wrong and what you should do.

As Mischeif said "Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.".......
HybridX said:
I agree with you. As someone who has chronic anxiety / depression issues, there can be underlying factors for this sort of thing. One of my symptoms is being a world class procrastinator over anything that isn't immediately important. Once the pressure is on I can make a decision quite easily and not worry about it.

Laziness is a factor but so is anxiety and without a subtle (or not so subtle) push to get stuff done, it's easier to just sit on your bum and do nothing. I speak from experience on that one. If it bothers you and you can't handle things yourself there are a lot of medication and support services out there to get you on the right road.

It helps to think objectively about what you want to actually achieve, map out what you need to do to get there and just do it. No questions. Accept that the big things will take time (education, saving up for stuff etc) and just get on with it. Life is what happens between making plans. :)

Also the London IT market is **** hot at the moment and you can make a killing if you're willing to put the effort in. I'm loving it right now.
I'm sorry but I don't sympathise. To me it doesn't seem like he has depression, not from his posting style anyway (even in other threads.) Too many people use depression as an excuse these days to justify their laziness.

I too find you can easily tell if somebody has a mental illness through posting style on an internet overclocking forum. I don't even know why they waste time using professionals to diagnose such things.
I feel bad about some of my posts seeming harsh now that I've read your recent stuff. I think you would benefit from some expert to give your head a shake and help you overcome the hurdles you create for yourself.

It's not depression, it's more like some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or somethin. You are obsessed with analysing every single decision you make. You talk yourself out of everything.

Buy a car.. It breaks. You have 40k available to pay for repairs.. Dude come on. Think about it lol.
It's not depression, it's more like some kind of obsessive compulsive disorder or somethin. You are obsessed with analysing every single decision you make. You talk yourself out of everything.

Which is actually an indicator of mild to moderate depression. ;)

The brain-fog, the anxiety, the procrastination, the complete apathy, the worthlessness. It all adds up.

CBT will probably help him. You're completely correct that he just needs a bit of a shake-down though.

The OP could have quite easily not have bothered making this thread, but he did, he's doing something even if it's a small baby-step. The next thing is to make sure he continues those steps until he can hit the ground running again. Everything else is inconsequential.
The is sod all wrong with 90% of people!

10% are real 90% are just making excuses for being bone idle.;)

£50k in 5 years is saving aprox £800 a month. Thats a lot of cash to be sticking under your matress. :eek:
The is sod all wrong with 90% of people!

10% are real 90% are just making excuses for being bone idle.;)

£50k in 5 years is saving aprox £800 a month. Thats a lot of cash to be sticking under your matress. :eek:

I think you have missed the whole thread dude. He wanted to earn 50k a year as a salary by then. He also has saved 40k anyway living with his mum. Have a scan through. Makes an iinteresting read.

Id honestly feel quite good if FoxEye makes some progressive steps from this mess. Fingers crossed!
Im an actual doctor. OP try to complete this test, its an accurate indicator of autism/other disability:

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