Feel free to rephrase it for me
By all means, sir.
Well our firm is going through a massive and ambitious growth plan,
We're planning to make more money
to move up the ranks in the industry capitalising on our expertise and multidisciplinary skills
And make more money
Owing to this massive change in business strategy, we need to manage a few workstreams,
We're going to sack some people and hire some people.
such as:
- idea management (ideas lead to solutions/innovation and opportunities)
- knowledge and knowledge management
- integration of a common data environment (our industry is awful at sharing information, and single source of truth)
- achieving BIM level 2
The good ideas club have made a bunch of good ideas and we're going to make them happen.
Those are some of the main ones, clearly there is a commercial transformation project ongoing, improving our CRM and integrating that into our CDE, financial transformation and there is even an IT transformation project on going. All of this ties in together to be part of our transformational journey.
We're sacking some people, cutting costs where we can and buying some new computers. This is all to make more money.
Innovations come from ideas, ideas provide potentially solutions to problems, opportunities to try new things, new processes/procedures/materials/ways of working etc.... Ideas can be disruptive, and we have to be agile enough to change how we work to take on board these opportunities without them turning into blockers or halting how we work
Good ideas are good, bad ideas are bad. We want everyone to listen to the good ideas and carry them out, otherwise we want them to just shut up and get on with their work.
We consider innovation to be the process of translating an idea, invention or process into a product or service that creates value or for which customers will pay - for that we need to have our bid teams, work winning teams, business development teams, design teams, engineering teams, commercial teams, PR teams, comms teams, operations teams, plant teams, basically everyone... on board to be part of these new processes/products/services as they are rolled out, or trialled, or developed. Quite a task!
What we need are teams. Lots of teams! And we need those teams to all work together as part of the big team, just like any other company, organisation, agency, force. If we all work together well, we complete lots of tasks (and make more money).
If we're not all aligned with one another, and considering we are multi-national, if the arse doesn't know what the elbow is doing, and we offer different pricing models, different solutions, or promise to deliver things we have no capability in delivering, we end up not making any profit in what is already a very low yield industry. Engineering firms consider anything between 1.5-3% fantastic. We're aiming to get as close to 10% as possible, something which is not common in our industry at all.
Despite there being lots of teams, everyone needs to remember who the boss is and follow the rules. If we don't follow the rules, we won't make any money and we'll probably sack you to.
The design houses, and consultants can achieve this, but their roles are specialist,
These guys think they're soooo bloody special and important to the company. That's why we pay them lots.
we have a clear opportunity to improve our business, by reducing inefficiencies, bring ideas to life, and work collaboratively to achieve this.
We have a clear opportunity to improve by sacking people we don't need, using good ideas and working together.
And it is.
but tying all these disciplines together in a very silo'ed industry is a massive challenge.
People in our industry are turds, we don't share information or knowledge, or anything for that matter. This makes change stuff difficult.
Hence the change management piece - so I'm doing a lot of work with our cultural development team, our organisational effectiveness team, as well as spending a fair amount of time, with my peers in the senior leadership team making them understand that change, innovation, culture is nurtured from the top and grown from the bottom - and we need to meet them halfway. Often middle management is where a lot of the blockers to change/innovation happens
So this is why we're working harder to change things. I'm working with all our teams and at the same time making the grunts at the bottom feel valued.
Some people are open to changing things, some people are stubborn old gits who don't like change. We'd like to sack them people but we probably can't.
So this is where I try and transcend the business, and fortunately I have a strong comms team on my side,
So this is where I do a lot of driving around the country. I'm supported by a good team, to be honest, they make me look good.
as well as a group of like minded individuals who are all bought into our change programme and business growth plan. .
I've also let a few people who conform with my ideas into my team. Back skuttle me, you'll get a job.
We're still a family business and not a PLC, so it does give us a bit of freedom to explore opportunities more quickly
We sometimes get away with doing things we normally wouldn't as a PLC. So we can make more money quickly.
For example, the company didn't exploit it's R&D tax relief - it didn't realise it could. Engineers solve problems every day, and don't talk about it, and that leads to a huge loss of opportunity across the business
Some IDIOT didn't realise this heap of money we were entitled to. We should have sacked that guy!
I've retrospectively secured nearly £1m of R&D relief for 2015...
Im awesome. I save/make the company money.
We just need to make that sort of behaviour organic, encourage safe risk taking, encourage openness, and we are building the tools (CDE, knowledge management, BIM level 2, etc..) to allow us to better do it.
We need more people to be more awesome like me and save/make the company money.
The tools are just enablers, they don't magically create a culture of collaboration and innovation - but they make information easier to handle and help people help themselves as well as hopefully working together more effectively! There is a lot of human interaction and comms still required to keep this thing alive, and to continue to add value.
People don't magically become awesome like me. We need to train people, sack people and buy newer computers. Then we'll make more money.
This is just a very short overview - happy to chat more in depth off-line
This is business bingo. If you want me to put everything in layman's, give me a call and we'll go for a beer, because maintaining this level of business bingo hurts my head as much as it does yours.