Thought I'd add my career path here - realise this was requested a while ago but I've been sitting on this post as I've been expecting some good news about a potential promotion I wanted to hold off until I got that landed.
1999 - Left school with 9 A-C grades, not particularly great but considering the school I went to thats quite an achievement.
2001 - Left college, a C in A-Level in Accountancy and nothing else to show for it. I discovered alcohol, women and freedom, it didn't end well for me.
2001 to 2002 - My first real job, an entry level accounting role at a small metals traders. The company ceased trading after around 6 months into my tenure, the owner really didn't need the money and it was showing in his work ethic which fed down to the rest of the team. He decided to shut the business down and moved to Monaco.
2002 to 2010 - I took a temporary job working for Vodafone to bring some cash in while I looked for something better. I spent the best part of 8 years working there, from entry level up to acting Manager for various stores across the network. Horrible job, earnings capping out not much north of £30k, constant pressure to achieve across more metrics than you can reasonably keep track of, staying here as long as I did was one of the biggest mistakes I've ever made.
2010 - First proper accountancy role, a very close friend of mine managed to land me an interview at his place and I was able to get a job. Started on £30k which is probably far more than I was worth at the time but I saw this as my opportunity to start earning a decent wage.
2011 - Promoted to Financial Reporting Accountant, salary bump to ~£35k, more resposibility, expanding job role, things are looking up.
2012-2013 - Spent two years being an absolute **** up. Break down of my marriage, excessive weight gain, awful performance at work for which I should have been fired on about 90 different occasions, awful.
2014 - Decided it was time to turn things around, started working on my health, work performance improved drastically, again started hoovering up all the responsibility I could. With incremental rises I was probably sitting on £37.5k at this point.
2015 - Best year I've ever had in a job, Financial Controller left and I assumed a sizable chunk of his responsibility, really went above and beyond for the entire year. Granted a ton more responsibility to deliver the reporting track of a $100m USD underwriting system the company decided to purchase... expectation was that I'd put in the work and the money would follow.
2016 - Overlooked for promotion in favour of another candidate, no bonus, 3% incremental pay rise despite all the extra responsibility I'd taken on, decided at the start of the year that I'd had enough. Realised that potentially my bad two years had really burnt my bridges with my employer and it was time to move on.
Feb 2016 - Moved to a more local insurance company as their Insurance Reporting Accountant, salary bumped to £43.5k. The insurance reporting side was a bit of a mess, it was clear that the person in the role before me wasn't suited to it, they didn't understand the basics of insurance reporting and there was going to be a lot of work involved to get things right. I think this was the point that I actually realised I was good at this. Spent 18 months completely overhauling the insurance reporting process, more automation, more analysis, more control and doing a spot of empire building to bring everything under my control.
June 2017 - Promoted to Solvency II reporting accountant, salary bump to £55k - transitioning into the new role to provide business expertise to our Solvency II consultants to ensure the figures we're filing to the regulator were in better shape than they have been previously. All the business as usual monthly insurance reporting was handed down to a new member of staff who joined the team while I still took care of the more complicated one-off and ad-hoc stuff.
June 2018 - Solvency II role became drastically more involved as time went on, a lot more than it was ever pitched to me as being and we moved from being the team assisting the local regulatory experts on producing the numbers to having ownership of the numbers. Last six months have been hell, steepest learning curve I've ever faced with a long way to go. Off the back of the effort promoted to Solvency II Reporting Manager with two people working under me, decent salary bump, up an employee grade, contractual bonus, whole package is now worth between £75k - £80k but now is the point that I really need to step up and prove that I'm worth what I'm being paid. I'm still only a finalist, with two exams to go, I would not be able to command a salary like this anywhere else, so I have to make this work.
As you can see, bit of a strange career journey, the wasted years at Vodafone were a killer, hard to imagine where I would be without all that wasted time. With that said I'm very satisfied about where I've landed now, and I'm incredibly thankful to my friend who managed to get me out of Vodafone, I could easily still be running stores, hating every single working day and earning buttons for the privaledge.