The 800x600 MAXIMUM screenshot thread (56k no no)

I love this game.

Hitman BM is a good game indeed, i'm still stuck on the crow (festival level) where you have to dress in the chicken suit etc.. its a pain.
BloodWolf said:
i like soaked the best, i created a water ride that makes you end up into a swimmin pool hehe :P

wilds okay, but soaked is better..

speaking of rollercoaster games, check this..

could have sworne i seen it coming to pc too :(

I sort of went off theme park games when they went 3D. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 is still the best theme park sim imo, it just looks better, when it went 3D it looked cartoony :(
Vita said:
It was hard, but I did it eventually on Normal level. You have to be sneaky sneaky. :p
I think the first 5 minutes of that level are vital. Do the right thing at the right time and it becomes easy.
5bjoshua said:
Whats Hitman like as a whole, i played the demo and it didnt really grab me, is there anything im missing.

An awesome game seriously get it the demo linear as its the first mission the rest is open do what you want. :D
The level you get in the demo is also just the training level so everything is linear and you don't have the choice of kills and routes you have in the full game.
Some Farcry. Don't make the mistake of playing the game on hard difficulty because it becomes ridiculously hard near the end; you basically end with a giant bullseye glued to your head!




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thats the thing i hate most about fps games, on hard setting all it does is improve the AI aimbot to 100% or in some cases spawn a few more baddies
dave2k2005 said:
Beautiful mate, what settings and any mods to improve the graphics? Because i play with 4 AA 8 AF, max settings and it doesnt look that good :eek:

I play maxed out at 4xaa,8xaf, paradise mode with v1.33 patch. I tried 1.4 beta patch, but HDR looks a bit silly tbh.

Me and Benjo in our ownage Hustler. We offer a protection service and this is us just cruising about looking for trouble :cool:

Whoops - wrong screenie :cool:

EDIT: Fixed
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