Yes this ipads are great does everything nearly that a laptop can do but does it so much better and with FAR more style! This is typed on iPad of course
I use night stand HD and left it running over night and it woke me up in the morning. Battery hadn't even dropped 1%!!!!!!
I was actually going to consider an iPad...however this made me change my mind:
How is it for graphically intense pdf files? Though I would be hard pressed to justify the cost atm.
Does anyone know who has better 3g reception in the square mile? o2 or 3?
What software are you all using to convert videos?
Its fantastic for PDF, anyone with an iPad shold check this out, looks stunning! Lotus F1 Report
Which PDF viewer you use?
Handbrake is good for converting video for the iPad.
I paid for the iPhone version (before the iPad version came out).
Make sense?