*** The all new Apple iPad thread - Keep all iPad stuff in here ***

Hmm, I guess the size of the screen earns it brownie points, but to me it doesnt actually seem to do anything more than my phone (N900) aside from having a nice big screen.

Might go have a play with one though, it seems semi-tempting, even though I don't actually know what I'd use it for! :D There will be a 3G version of it coming out, yes?

There will be, but it will be after the Wi-Fi version.
couch surfing, reading books/comics, videos and apps.

It fits in a new bracket that nothing else covers.

Smart phones have a small screen.
Notebooks are big heavy, fold out.

Ipad fits in the middle, a simple turn on and use device. no maintenance, nothing to slow it down. Great UI.

Except lots of other tablets :p

http://www.enso-now.com/ is a quick example, a hole lot cheaper too

Or you could go to iPad prices and http://www.neowin.net/news/msis-tablet-pc-to-launch-2h10-500-msrp
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couch surfing, reading books/comics, videos and apps.

It fits in a new bracket that nothing else covers.

Smart phones have a small screen.
Notebooks are big heavy, fold out.

Ipad fits in the middle, a simple turn on and use device. no maintenance, nothing to slow it down. Great UI.

i know this my own opinion but i would never ever purchase a device which one of its title functions was being able to read books on it...what was wrong with paper BOOKS, i definatly wouldnt want to read a book on the ipad in bed...mmmmbright glowing screen...soothing!!!

I guess people are just so fat now a days they cant shift themselves into a chair infront of their pc from the sofa...sad times...sad times indeed.

if the ipad was running at around £150-200 quid then i could say yeah its a 6 of one half a dozen of the other device with no real focused functionality but does a few things okay.

but we all know its gona be 400+ quid for any decent one...and thats just to much for a bit of a wishy washy unfocused device.

Also there have been tablet pcs for a while...wonder why they have never really taken off? Because theres usually a gap in the market for a reason :D
Hmm, I guess the size of the screen earns it brownie points, but to me it doesnt actually seem to do anything more than my phone (N900) aside from having a nice big screen.

Might go have a play with one though, it seems semi-tempting, even though I don't actually know what I'd use it for! :D There will be a 3G version of it coming out, yes?

Nice phone.

Can it do 720P and to a Plasma/LCD?

Does Flash playback smooth?
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i know this my own opinion but i would never ever purchase a device which one of its title functions was being able to read books on it...what was wrong with paper BOOKS, i definatly wouldnt want to read a book on the ipad in bed...mmmmbright glowing screen...soothing!!!

I guess people are just so fat now a days they cant shift themselves into a chair infront of their pc from the sofa...sad times...sad times indeed.

Also there have been tablet pcs for a while...wonder why they have never really taken off? Because theres usually a gap in the market for a reason :D

The market was not there (the market has only been created since smart phones), they also cost twice what the Ipad does and have a full OS (which is a massive downside)

ebooks are cheaper starting from free and you can have many books/magazines on the device taking up no room.

So you never watch tv/films and browse at the same time. Hardly ideal sat at a desktop doing that. Or browse out of the house where a desktop is useless and a phone is again limited to a tiny screen.

you have to pay for a 3g subscription on top of the device cost i think...fun!
it's payG no contract.
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with a silly small screen.

What about the second link? (Would seem a lot more for the same kind of price too)

Only downside i can see to Android over the iPad OS is the apps, but app store devs are starting to port there apps to android more and more
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Because you stated that the iPad is all great because nothing else does what it does with ease of use, but the truth is there is lots being released this year and some already out that do the exact same thing.

I guess iPad and Android tablets are going to be an OSX and Windows thing. But the fact is the iPad aint as godly as people seem to be making out
Because you stated that the iPad is all great because nothing else does what it does with ease of use, but the truth is there is lots being released this year and some already out that do the exact same thing

Who said it was Godly?
It is simply the first device of it's kind.

so nothing does do what it does as they aren't released yet and aren't going to be for some months.
It is the first on the market the others will be copies when they are available, which they aren't. Even when they are released they are Ipad copies and cost the same.

What is already out? I looked and even asked in a thread in GH and no-one could find any.
Also the MSI with android has for E.G HDMI port, SD slot and mini USB. This to me makes me want to wait for better stuff than the iPad for the money, if you like the iPad touches and feel the need for the bigger screen then thats fair enough, id just like more for my money
Also the MSI with android has for E.G HDMI port, SD slot and mini USB. This to me makes me want to wait for better stuff than the iPad for the money, if you like the iPad touches and feel the need for the bigger screen then thats fair enough, id just like more for my money

What are you going to use usb for?
What are you going to use HDMi for?

I've been on about the MSI over the last few threads and it looks great. but unless the usability is up their with the Ipad then I won't want it. i hope it is though as I don't like apple, but realise that they do software like no one else for portable devices.
ebooks are cheaper starting from free and you can have many books/magazines on the device taking up no room.

So you never watch tv/films and browse at the same time. Hardly ideal sat at a desktop doing that. Or browse out of the house where a desktop is useless and a phone is again limited to a tiny screen.

it's payG no contract.

dont bother replying to my comment about reading from the ipad in bed lol, im sure thats not an important issue since im fairly sure thats where the majority of people do their reading.

and hmmm...your on holiday, take a few books to read. So you save some space in ur bag with an ipad, great! but...you cant leave it on ur sunlounger like a book...and what if it gets wet?!....and im sure its not going to like being left in the sun to long...Oh the functionality!! Definatly not practical for holiday usage imo.

i dont really understand the tv/film comment...as u cant multitask on the ipad...

i dont know about u but checking facebook/emails doesnt really need a massive screen...and would you really bust out ur 400 quid ipad to have a little browse in public places. Im sure there are gona be a lot of people crying they have had the ipads snatched out their hands when public browsing. Also u cant just shove it back in a pocket in a second...

It just seems to be an attempt to create a market out of stuff thats really not needed.

And then to fleece people for the opertunity to find that out.
This bloody argument again! :p

Go and read the iPad thread that got lock if you want to see this go on and on and on.

Yes, some people love Apple, some people hate Apple.

Some people couldn't give a toss about who makes it, but realise it serves them a purpose. If it doesn't fulfil your requirements, stick to the desktop/laptop.

There will be other tablets, yes. Will they do more, offer more flexibility - probably.

I'm rather looking forward to the iPad (understatement!) as lets face it, it's all about the Apps, pretty much the best touchscreen tech I've ever experienced (in an iPhone) and the general polish of the product which means it'll start instantly, browse quickly and I can dick about with some cool games.
i dont really understand the tv/film comment...as u cant multitask on the ipad...

i dont know about u but checking facebook/emails doesnt really need a massive screen...and would you really bust out ur 400 quid ipad to have a little browse in public places.

I'll happily read Ipad in bed, read on my front when in bed any way.

You watching a normall tv, whilst browsing the web.

And yes I would bust out £400 to have a sofa surfer and portable device. As I said I am waiting to see what the MSI is like but if it is not up there I will be getting the Ipad, I don't know any other device apart from those two which are similar.

So you can't see any use for such a device on holiday?
even though it's smaller and does so much more than books. Just don't get it wet. I assume you manage with a mobile when on holiday.

This bloody argument again! :p

Go and read the iPad thread that got lock if you want to see this go on and on and on.

Good point, I'll shut up.
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dont bother replying to my comment about reading from the ipad in bed lol, im sure thats not an important issue since im fairly sure thats where the majority of people do their reading.

and hmmm...your on holiday, take a few books to read. So you save some space in ur bag with an ipad, great! but...you cant leave it on ur sunlounger like a book...and what if it gets wet?!....and im sure its not going to like being left in the sun to long...Oh the functionality!! Definatly not practical for holiday usage imo.

i dont really understand the tv/film comment...as u cant multitask on the ipad...

i dont know about u but checking facebook/emails doesnt really need a massive screen...and would you really bust out ur 400 quid ipad to have a little browse in public places. Im sure there are gona be a lot of people crying they have had the ipads snatched out their hands when public browsing. Also u cant just shove it back in a pocket in a second...

It just seems to be an attempt to create a market out of stuff thats really not needed.

And then to fleece people for the opertunity to find that out.

What if your mobile phone gets wet? Are you saying you shouldn't take one on holiday because of ifs and maybes?

There probably will be a lot of people crying when they have their iPad stolen, I know I would. A lot of people cried when they had their Walkman stolen in the 80s, CD players in the 90s along with mobile phones and the same thing happened with expensive MP3 players. You can't fault the product because people want to steal it. It's going to happen with any expensive product.

Would you prefer to check your email/Facebook on your laptop/desktop or a 3 inch mobile phone? I know what I'd prefer to do. And the iPad is the perfect replacement for people who only check Facebook and emails, and a full blown operating system and powerful hardware is completely overkill for their needs.
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