*** The all new Apple iPad thread - Keep all iPad stuff in here ***

Its cant b surly, ill go with one of a the competitors if so, some are looking to good to ignore now.
Have caved and ordered from Ebay for £450 delivered.

If the UK price is £399 I've only lost £30 as that includes delivery if its £499 I'm laughing! :D
I'd grab one from the US but I just splashed out on a load of home AV :( Can't have everything I suppose!

Might get one in a few months once the missus has forgotten how much I've just spent!
Anyone know if the 3G version will accept the normal data sim that is currently in my Mobile Broadband Dongle.

I don't want to have to take out another data subscription for the iPad, it would be much simpler if I can use the one I have in the iPad and also then put it back into the dongle to use with my netbook.

Anyone know if the 3G version will accept the normal data sim that is currently in my Mobile Broadband Dongle.

I don't want to have to take out another data subscription for the iPad, it would be much simpler if I can use the one I have in the iPad and also then put it back into the dongle to use with my netbook.


They use the new micro sims I think dont they? Seem to remember this being mentioned when the iPad was announced.
They use the new micro sims I think dont they? Seem to remember this being mentioned when the iPad was announced.

They do,

I read on engadget that there essentially the same except the case (plastic bit) is bigger, you can chop them down and use them.

There must be a guide on the net showing how to do it.


As OS4 isnt coming to iPad till the "fall", which sounds to me like around the same time that the iPods are going to get updated to whatever the new iPhone gets, kind of smells like other updates to me.
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I've been looking at the current prices on the bay and quite tempted to get a US import if it's at the right price.

Are there any drawbacks or issues with getting a US import? Would it cause any problems with warranty or if I need to take to a UK Apple Store?

I've just read somewhere that apparently the UK iPad App Store isn't live yet so you cannot download apps straight to an iPad, you need to use iTunes to download and then sync the apps.

This doesn't bother me as long as it all works happily after the UK launch :)
Just got back from my trip to NYC i poped in the apple store and had a good play with an iPad but dident get one i am sure i will do a little wright up later if anyone is intrested.

They use the new micro sims I think dont they? Seem to remember this being mentioned when the iPad was announced.

Cheers for the info, then searched for it and found it to be correct, the iPad will use Micro Sims. Thats a real pain as it mean I'll need to take out another data sim package to run one. Seems no really good reason why they did this, apart from maybe working with the operators to stop people swapping sims around as I was planning on doing.

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