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Possible stupid question, I'm just setting up my Mums iPad (xmas pressie), and have just done her email address.

Can you list all the emails on the whole screen, or do they only list them in that small column on the left? I cant see how to get the list on the whole screen? If its possible!?

So the 'preview' takes up the whole screen? never seen anyone mention it.

I use mBox mail. Works so much better. though the list is still on the left and can't be made full screen. I have 'folders' set up in windows live mail. On the apple mail app I can't see those folders, mBox mail recognises them and puts my emails from there into them :D
I fyou dont already own a Netbook/ Lappy, and understand what it offers, then yes, still enjoying mine since getting on release week, novelty may wear off but theirs jsut so many uses for it.
So what are the best covers for these things? and are they worth bothering with if i'm just keeping mine at home?

The genuine apple cover is quite good, perhaps a bit pricy for what it is, but is nice to hold, protects it well, offers various options for propping the ipad up and is quite a good fit, not too bulky at all, if anything it improve the handling.
The Apple case is the most functional...I put it on when i was replacing the corners in my Dodocase but i haven't took it off since. Went to Rome with it and it was just easier to be in that than the Dodo.
My apple one should get redelivered tomorrow, been sitting on Reading depot since Mnday night

Will comment when it arrives, though I see good reviews here about it and pretty bad reviews everywhere else
It looks worn, but imo that adds to the appeal, depends if your a poser or not :) If apple sold 'pre-worn' apple cases for £50 a pop, people would be climbing over each other to get them.
It gets these kinda white marks on it really easily, although they are easily removed it is annoying seeing how it was sat in my bag all day. :p
But for me it's the best for the reasons given above. :)
I have the Apple case for when I take my iPad out and about and it does the job with no fuss. For around the house I have an iKit leather slipcase that I got as a birthday present, it adds a bit of bulk to the iPad but makes it nicer to hold.
Wow didn't realise it was that thin, and it gets so dusty. Only been out of the plastic for a few minutes.

First attempt it didn't even go all the way in.. i couldn't get access to the volume buttons etc. Then couldn't get it out, now time to try again



Thin so no protection at all really, the flap doesn't stay down much, I can't easily change the volume, It doesn't feel that nice on the hands, It gets so dirty, it covers up a bit of the speaker ports
£26 down the drain

Snugg case: It will help if it is dropped, its a nice material, all the ports are easy to get to, easy to take in and out, it won't slide out at all only slide down when in the standing up position.

Can't return it either as it was on black friday
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