Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Well I couldn't stay away, I just had to get back even if I was knackered and jet lagged

Seeing as I'll only be able to do 2 sessions this week, today and tomorrow, I figured I'd do a Push day today, to cover chest tris and shoulders. Ended up doing a couple of pulling ones but they still focused on shoulders

Incline DB Bench Press
25kg(x2) - 3 sets of 10

Decline DB Bench Press, Supersetted with Standing Military Press
22.5kg(x2) - 2 sets of 10, 30kg 3 sets of 10

Tricep Cable Pushdown
25Kg - 5 sets of 10

Standing Cable Flies
30kg(x2) - 5 sets of 10

BB Upright Row
30kg - 5 sets of 10

Seated DB Tricep Extension
25kg - 3 sets of 8

DB Front Raises
12.5kg - 3 sets of 8

70kg - 5 sets of 12

Felt so pumped after that was brilliant :D Quite a lot of volume I know but like I said, I'm making up for the lack of not being able to go most of last week and until today because of the holiday

Back squats

12x60 (front squat to warm up)



Step ups // db very deep slow lunges

6x100 (each leg) // 6x21kg (each leg)
6x100 (each leg) // 6x21kg (each leg)
6x110 (each leg) // 6x21kg (each leg)
6x120 (each leg) // 6x21kg (each leg)
5x130 (each leg) // 6x21kg (each leg)

I know the lunges aren;t huge, but when you're supersetting them they don't half kill!!!

Fun session today - dead slightly! :D
Come July I shall be giving this program a go (Advanced GVT):


So it's 10sets of 5 reps. It's going to be nauseatingly difficult, but I'm up for it. They claim you can gain up to 8-10lbs of lean muscle tissue which I can believe it you work out the volume and intensity of each work out. I may have to modify a few of the exercises to suit my gym's equipment - but very much looking forward to it.

Hi as you say its 10 sets of 5 reps for say flat bench,would you then do the same with incline/decline ie on the same night
Er.. are you asking or telling me? If you're asking then yes, you do 2 exercises @ 10x5, then do 2 "backup" exercises at 3x8. If you're telling me - I know all about it dude ;)
Er.. are you asking or telling me? If you're asking then yes, you do 2 exercises @ 10x5, then do 2 "backup" exercises at 3x8. If you're telling me - I know all about it dude ;)

No i was asking ,just i find it a tad confusing
would this be fine say for a chest night
10x5 flat
10x5 incline
then as you say back ups ie 3x8 decline
3x8 weighted dips

thanks for any advice
No you have to hit 1 muscle group only, adn then do a back up exercise.

e.g. chest & back day

A1 - Incline bench 10x5
B1 - WG Chins 10x5
A2 - Dips 3x8
B2 - 1 arm DB rows 3x8

The tempo is critical as is the rest time, 4 seconds lowering phase, quick lifting phase for the 10x5s. 3 second lowering phase and quick lifting phase. They are called eccentric and concentric movements. The rest time is 100s for the 10x5 and 90s for 3x8s.

Those 2 aspects are almost more important than the actual exercise.

You start off at about 60-65% of your 1RM, something you can just about achieve 10x5 in. And work on from there through the program. Each "cycle" is 11 days, then you move onto the next workout which is an increase of 6-7% for the exercises for 11 days doing 10x4, then you increase by 8-9% (from the original weight lifted on the first 11 days) for the following 11 days doing 10x3. You are now 1/2 way through the program.

Now you start off again from scratch, but instead of the inital weight you choose the weight that has increased by 6-7% for your 10x5, then move up by 6-7% for 10x4, then 8-9% for 10x3 etc... By the time you're at the end of work out 3 you will be dead.
Did some chest last night and for the first time it ages it actually aches a bit and still feels pumped, I went for heavy weights the whole time and did no Thai Boxing or HIIT cardio before.

Flat DB Press 3 x 6 @ 42KG

Incline DB Press 3 x 6 @ 34KG

Decline DB Press 3 x 6 @ 44KG

Press ups 5 x 20

I quite like lifting the heavier weights, you get the workout over quicker, the only problem is my mates complaining about dropping in Heavy DB's when we do decline ;)
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Here's a discussion for you.....and I'll probably get flamed as it was mentioned in this thread previously or another thread :D :(

But we were talking in the office today after someone saw me drinking a protein shake while they were previously talking about the Jacko death/heart attack, is bodybuilding/weightlifting bad for your heart?

I mean if you're 100% natural that is

I don't see why it should be, you're effectively doing physical exercise and keeping fit, but on the flip side, lifting those big weights and going for those PB's, it must put a hell of a strain on the old ticker. I know sometimes I leave the gym and my heart feels like it's going to burst out of my chest it's beating so hard

Doing this week in week out, it surely must take it's toll? Or is it actually doing it some good?

Discuss, because I just got rolled on today by people convinced it could be nothing but bad for you.
I think its overall good for you, lower resting heart rate etc a lot fitter than the average person. I think it can do some damage to your joints IIRC but other than that, unless you're using poor form you should be alright. A lot of people seem to think protein shakes in particular do terrible things to you =/, most of these people need slapped.
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Never let the average person who looks like a bag of **** tell you anything about being "healthy" or weight training in general. They don't mean to be as ignorant as they sound half the time, but they are nearly always uninformed.
Keep lifting hard- they are probably just envious of your dedication/ building physique :D
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