No you have to hit 1 muscle group only, adn then do a back up exercise.
e.g. chest & back day
A1 - Incline bench 10x5
B1 - WG Chins 10x5
A2 - Dips 3x8
B2 - 1 arm DB rows 3x8
The tempo is critical as is the rest time, 4 seconds lowering phase, quick lifting phase for the 10x5s. 3 second lowering phase and quick lifting phase. They are called eccentric and concentric movements. The rest time is 100s for the 10x5 and 90s for 3x8s.
Those 2 aspects are almost more important than the actual exercise.
You start off at about 60-65% of your 1RM, something you can just about achieve 10x5 in. And work on from there through the program. Each "cycle" is 11 days, then you move onto the next workout which is an increase of 6-7% for the exercises for 11 days doing 10x4, then you increase by 8-9% (from the original weight lifted on the first 11 days) for the following 11 days doing 10x3. You are now 1/2 way through the program.
Now you start off again from scratch, but instead of the inital weight you choose the weight that has increased by 6-7% for your 10x5, then move up by 6-7% for 10x4, then 8-9% for 10x3 etc... By the time you're at the end of work out 3 you will be dead.