Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Have you considered joing a gym? That way you'll have more equipment to play with, learn how to properly do exercises and be able to train your legs.

At the moment I can't afford the membership each month. I've been a few times with my mate, and it's good yeah. I'd prefer to do it at home however and save the money. Like I say, I've got a multi-gym and bench here, just after some new free weights for now. :)
Alcohol stuff

Ah ok, I thought it might be a case of a bad phrasing :)

To be honest if you're committed to your BB'ing/sport of whatever it's not hard to give up, like you said, you just realise your health is more important than a drink. And I think the people that say they drink because they like the taste are lying to themselves anyway, I miss having the odd good quality wine but that's about it, and I definitely don't miss all the side effects that come with it.
I've never posted in any gym threads before and it has been plain rude. About a year ago I read the sticky gym threa and have been training since. I'm always readin the threads and using the information so a big big big thanks.

Yesterday I managed a pb of 110kg on bench press. Really happy. I was looking in the post your pics thread and benny posted a detailed explaination on GVT. I want to really increase my strength and think a 5x5 plan would be great. Could someone point me in the right direction?
I've never posted in any gym threads before and it has been plain rude. About a year ago I read the sticky gym threa and have been training since. I'm always readin the threads and using the information so a big big big thanks.

Yesterday I managed a pb of 110kg on bench press. Really happy. I was looking in the post your pics thread and benny posted a detailed explaination on GVT. I want to really increase my strength and think a 5x5 plan would be great. Could someone point me in the right direction?

Indeed, i'v never posted in here before but a big thank you for all the info! Superman, where do you train in Nottingham?
Get cracking with a 5x5 stronglifts routine. I saw 20KG more on my bench after about 8-9 weeks with this. Also tightened up and improved DB press form too. Don't be affraid to use it on other lifts either.
Thanks benny boy, 20kg increase is amazing. I'm starting a the Uni gym in 2 weeks so going straight into 5x5 then. I currently train at cinderhill gym proper old school gym with a lot of strong people. You train in notts?

Just thinking about it a bit more and I would have neve started training if it wasn't for Gordy and ocuk. Crazy. I'll update as I go along.

Out of intrest benny. How did you time your rest when doing GVT? I really think I'd lack the concentration for GVT.
1st day back from having finished AGVT and though I'd give a chest day a go... Well boy did it go well! :D

Went up to 140kg for 2 on my 5th set, then dropped back to 80 for 12 for a DS. :cool:

Up to 25kg dips on 5th set too for 8 reps.

Life is good! :D

AGVT is definitely the way forward - I'll be doing another one in a couple of months after I come back from holiday!
Thanks benny boy, 20kg increase is amazing. I'm starting a the Uni gym in 2 weeks so going straight into 5x5 then. I currently train at cinderhill gym proper old school gym with a lot of strong people. You train in notts?

Just thinking about it a bit more and I would have neve started training if it wasn't for Gordy and ocuk. Crazy. I'll update as I go along.

Out of intrest benny. How did you time your rest when doing GVT? I really think I'd lack the concentration for GVT.

Yeah, the progression was fairly quick for me too. Starting at 90KG and finishing on 100KG for 5x5 normally going up 2.5kg every 2 weeks, or first few sets at least. Took 120KG down for a good clean rep, but stalled coming just off my chest with 122.5KG this was an attempt after a leg day. Haven't had more that 117.5KG up in a while though. My attitude to heavy training has changed somewhat due to GVT and now prefer to make lighter weight feel heavier! But it's always nice to push yourself and see what you are capable of!

I used to do my Bench 5x5 on a different day to my chest workout. I'd work chest on a Tuesday, then on a Saturday or Sunday have a quick warm up with 60 or 70KG for 10, then work my way up a few reps each weight upto the weight I was starting with for 5x5. Sometimes going over if I felt strong. I then deadlifted and did various other exercises. But yeah that's how I did it.

Nah I train in Lincoln where I'm at Uni, and then back in Hertfordshire when I'm not there.

My rest periods for GVT were a bit erratic. Some days I'd have a days rest inbetween. Sometimes I'd do 1 day on, 1 off, 2 on, 3 off. Due to how I was feeling that week and other more pressing engagements it wasn't perfect.

I never did legs or shoulders & arms the day after chest & back.

Seeing as chest & back hits most of your entire upper body anyway I always had a days rest between. :) Theres a good few articles about the routine on T-Nation and on the rest of the internet. Lots of advanced and varied versions too.

1st day back from having finished AGVT and though I'd give a chest day a go... Well boy did it go well! :D

Went up to 140kg for 2 on my 5th set, then dropped back to 80 for 12 for a DS. :cool:

Up to 25kg dips on 5th set too for 8 reps.

Life is good! :D

AGVT is definitely the way forward - I'll be doing another one in a couple of months after I come back from holiday!

Good stuff! Congrats on finishing! & enjoy your holiday! :)

In a few months I'll have a few questions about the Advanced GVT for you, but until then no more GVT! WOOOO! :D
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Freefaller have you got a link to the routine and plan you used for AVGT? As soon as I've finished this cut I'm going to give it a go

If a beast like yourself gets results from it then it sounds good to me
Thanks benny boy, 20kg increase is amazing. I'm starting a the Uni gym in 2 weeks so going straight into 5x5 then. I currently train at cinderhill gym proper old school gym with a lot of strong people. You train in notts?

Just thinking about it a bit more and I would have neve started training if it wasn't for Gordy and ocuk. Crazy. I'll update as I go along.

Out of intrest benny. How did you time your rest when doing GVT? I really think I'd lack the concentration for GVT.

Yeah i train down at forumla one in the centre, sometimes train at Liberty gym too. This is all during term time as im currently studying there.
Yeah i train down at forumla one in the centre, sometimes train at Liberty gym too. This is all during term time as im currently studying there.

Klkl, well if you ever take part in a 'Super Enigma' I'll see you where-ever we end up and we can exchange drunken ramblings :p
Freefaller have you got a link to the routine and plan you used for AVGT? As soon as I've finished this cut I'm going to give it a go

If a beast like yourself gets results from it then it sounds good to me

Haha - I'm no beast, it's hard work though, and although you may think I'm beast like, it nearly broke me a couple of times. IT's not an easy program to do. However if you're honest about it and start a decent weight and do it properly and I mean properly you'll be onto a winner. What's great is that I've not lost any strength so far it seems. But I'm doing a full body week and hammer myself before the holiday on the 18th before I make the final verdict on that! ;)

I followed this programme:


but I modified the exercises to suit me.

I loved the push/pull split though. Good stuff.

I liked the slow eccentrics and the powerful concentrics. I liked the short pauses. I like the sheer volume of work done. It is without a doubt a hard push. And doing some ancillary exercises, like shoulders and powercleans or supersets etc... can work, but man it's hard work. You need teh rest days. You NEEED the rest days. I've had doms for 60 days straight pretty much. I'm slightly broken, have tendinitis in my left arm (carried on though - which is daft, but I really pushed it).

Results were, a good honest 6lbs lean gained, 0.5% bodyfat reduction. My vascularity although minimal has clearly improved (to me - I can see it) - it's a bit of a shock not doing it anymore!
Thanks benny boy, 20kg increase is amazing. I'm starting a the Uni gym in 2 weeks so going straight into 5x5 then. I currently train at cinderhill gym proper old school gym with a lot of strong people. You train in notts?

Just thinking about it a bit more and I would have neve started training if it wasn't for Gordy and ocuk. Crazy. I'll update as I go along.

Out of intrest benny. How did you time your rest when doing GVT? I really think I'd lack the concentration for GVT.

Is that Cyrills gym? Seen some vids of people in there, some immense strength! I'm a ponce and go to David Lloyd in Aspley, lol.

I've got an issue with squats, I get quite a painful feeling in both my shoulders. It feels really uncomfortable to hold the barbell and it's limiting my squatting ability as I can support the weight and I think I can squat heavier.

Anyone get this, or had it and got rid of it? I'm thinking it's poor flexibility in the shoulders, if it is this then how do I increase flexibility in the shoulder joint safely?
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Is that Cyrills gym? Seen some vids of people in there, some immense strength! I'm a ponce and go to David Lloyd in Aspley, lol.

I've got an issue with squats, I get quite a painful feeling in both my shoulders. It feels really uncomfortable to hold the barbell and it's limiting my squatting ability as I can support the weight and I think I can squat heavier.

Anyone get this, or had it and got rid of it? I'm thinking it's poor flexibility in the shoulders, if it is this then how do I increase flexibility in the shoulder joint safely?

Tried front squats?
No not yet. I contemplated it whilst at the gym but wanted to check the correct form online before attempting it.

Does it target the leg muscles differently?

It targets quads more. Some reading here: http://stronglifts.com/7-benefits-of-the-front-squat/.

Personally I find the form of a front squat easier to maintain despite using the clean grip, as I find that I stay more upright. With a normal (back) squat I tend to lean forwards too much.
Just had a fairly harsh session. Started deads (although from doing squats so long I think I have an advantage), so was knackered but thought I'd do a load of otehr stuff for fun.

100kg squat 5x5
BORs DB 3x8 25kg
Chins 3rep sets until fail

Deadlifts I did:
40kg x8
70kg x8

Feeling that in my back right now :p Still they certainly get a sweat going!

Then did 2x5 dips
3x5 20kg(+ EZcurl bar weight ) bicep curls(palms up)
2x5 10kg(+ezcurl bar weight) bicep curls (palms down)

finished it off with a 45min flat out cycle ride home..

Well.. my legs are shot :o
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