Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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Its great to have a goal mate and I wish you the best of luck but depending on what you are like now I'm afraid its going to take a hell of a lot longer than 5 months to get anywhere near that level. The only person who said he isn't that big is FF, who is probably the biggest sub 20% bf guy on here so...
Hehe thanks for the advice guys but, and I know this may sound like a "Oh here we go post" but I was just watching the film and thought that I would like to achieve something similar in terms of my own bodyshape :) So following the sticky and keeping a good diet after 4-5 months should be similar? I've been training since October last year but want to increase the intensity, but if you guys are saying he's not that big maybe its gonna be easier than I thought!

Sorry dude but its gonna take a few years to get that size naturally.
Its great to have a goal mate and I wish you the best of luck but depending on what you are like now I'm afraid its going to take a hell of a lot longer than 5 months to get anywhere near that level. The only person who said he isn't that big is FF, who is probably the biggest sub 20% bf guy on here so...

When I said he isn't big, of course I'm comparing to my targets goals and aspirations. As you say it is great to have a goal and it's important to have something to compare your progress to. But just in terms of stats VD isn't that big a chap - however If you're a 150lb 6 footer then of course he'll appear chunky. IT's all relative I guess. :)
Well circuit training is going ok, got the gf to finally come to the gym :)
Wouldn't take her on heavy weight days but no harm in taking her while I am doing some circuits since she can just do everything but use lighter weights :p

Got a 2 week break coming up though which I am not looking forward to!!
Anyone done 5x5 and how did you find it?

I did it for around 4 months and really enjoyed it :p
Strength gains were great (for me) and would increase the weight slightly each and every week (although maybe I started too low).

Wasn't great for size though to be honest but I think you could do better if you start off heavier sets than I did
Officially got the news today that I've got a perforation in my spine in the lower end. Slipped disk... greaaaaaaaaaat :////

Apparently my spine was twisted in the upper half (Without me knowing) and this twist meant a number of things. My pelvis was twisted, one leg was longer than the other and every time I lifted it was putting a torque through my lower back. The joke of it is, I was always so so worried about damaging myself because of previous back injuries that I made sure my form was perfect every time. Seems it made no difference. And just when I had managed to hit 170KGs for 5x5 (with straps). All that progress for nothing :@

No more squats or deadlifts for me for a VERY long time.


dun - Looking good fella!

neon.uk - I like! I was training towards full planches but just found myself lacking in time, maybe another time!

Benny06 - I used to feel like that. It's them bloody squats! Everything else I can cope with mentally but the squats really used break me down.

Alex - That sounds horrible :( Time out for you it seems. I wouldn't get too worked up about it, it certainly wasn't a wasted effort. Just take it easy. What have the docs said?

First day back in the gym since 22nd/23rd. Hitting an explosive 6X3, 5X5, 4X6 routine. Really different from what I've done in the past.
Think I'll check the complexes thing tomorrow and see how it goes. sounds fun :)

I'm similar with lifts..
squat is 100-120 (haven't done them in a month though, preferring DLs now).
DL is now at a mixture or 100-120 for reps

my bench is 22.5kg DBs (1 set of 25s in the middle) for 5x5. I generally ignore this exercise but I've decided to increase my focus as it's pretty woeful at the mo :p
Indeed. That's the biggest plight we face in this game - time. IT's worth it though... but you have to want it enough to be happy to wait for it.

Well I'm happy to have a target, been training for the past year without having a real target apart from upping the weights each week slightly and changing my routine every 3 months. A few years to get to that level you guys think, does that mean that he trained for the same length of time aswell? And a totally noob question here, what do you mean when you say he has low bodyfat so it makes him look bigger, is that just saying he's not got a lot of extra weight so his muscles are more apparent?
DS- Thanks mate :)

Infam0us- Like I say it depends on what you are like now. People could train willy nilly all their lives at not look anywhere near that big. And when I say look big I mean exactly that, you can weigh much less than someone yet look bigger/ more muscular because you don't have a layer of flab blurring the shape and definition of the muscle.

What are your stats at the moment? Weight height etc, and do you have any pictures?
Ill again, christ this is annoying.

On the plus side, this weekend was my first time back in since mid Dec after a Go-Karting crash, illness and xmas. The pleasant surprise was that I could bench 8kg more on my DB Bench (total) and could probably manage 10kg more if I really went for it (6x3).

What a difference a few weeks break makes, even the 'stuffing your' face xmas period :D
Just did the barbell complex from


CHRIST I nearly died :o

Loading: For the barbell complex, start with an unloaded bar. From there, increase the load in 10 pound increments (a five pound plate on each side) until you find a load that challenges you from start to finish.
So naturally I started with the bar + 2x5kg plates, so 30kg..

Anyway the thing was:
What's a complex? It's a series of movements, usually on the order of 6-10, with no rest between each movement. In essence, you'll pick up a barbell and you won't put the weight down until all movements are finished.

Bloody Barbell Complex

Overhead squat for 10 reps

Hang clean for 10 reps

Standing military press for 10 reps

Bentover row for 10 reps

Lunge for 10 reps on each leg

Romanian deadlift for 20 reps

Front squat for 10 reps

Standing calf raise (barbell across upper back) for 30 reps

Had to do it in two parts because my shoulders were giving up :p Never in my life have I been so tired, sweaty, achy and out of breath from about 2mins of work :eek:

My main problem was the hang cleans as I've never done these before and they really caned my front(anterior) deltoids so much that I could only manage 8 and had to pause for about 20secs before doing the rest of the list..
doing 20 reps of the RDL also burnt a bit, since my body really doesn't seem to like high reps even on low weights.

Not having rests or putting the bar between the exercises really puts extra fatigue on your grip and shoulders, and by the end I really didn't want to/wouldn't be able to rest because I just needed to finish quickly so I could put it down!

To top all of the pain, I started with this so it meant I still needed to do more things, or I'd have driven 15mins for a 5min session in the gym :o

Managed to do:
30KG BB complex
2x5 100kg DL
3x5 (for each arm) 25kg DB row
3x5 25kg DB bench
3x8 50kg overhead rope cable tricep extension
3x8 50kg rope cable bicep curl

Definitely recommended if you don't like yourself ;)
That looks like a tough complex. I was under the impression it was 6-8 reps of 6-8 compound exercises! with about 90 seconds rest for a total of 5 times.

I suppose you can be creative :p

OT: I saw a girl and her father (I assume) squatting on the smith. Except she had her feet way too far back and was on her toes :( it looked incredibly uncomfortable. I wanted to say something but have a feeling knowing my luck he'd turn out to be the coach of the Polish Powerlifting team or something :p
90% of the people who squat in my gym do half the movement, not even close to parallel.
Yeah, just the fact she was in completely the wrong position was going to affect the flexibility in her calves actually making it imposible to go any lower!

However I have seen women at my Uni gym squat with perfect form, not that they aren't capable just that it is rare!
That looks like a tough complex. I was under the impression it was 6-8 reps of 6-8 compound exercises! with about 90 seconds rest for a total of 5 times.

I suppose you can be creative :p

OT: I saw a girl and her father (I assume) squatting on the smith. Except she had her feet way too far back and was on her toes :( it looked incredibly uncomfortable. I wanted to say something but have a feeling knowing my luck he'd turn out to be the coach of the Polish Powerlifting team or something :p

That would probably explain my pain then :o

Deffo try it out though, that one really is rewarding, and energy sapping. It's kinda cardio too doing so many reps.

that squat, was it a sissy squat?

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