Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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I had a bit of a rough session today. Upper Hypertrophy so blood rushing all over the place, chest, back, shoulders, chest, back, shoulders, arms etc.

I've not done any long steady state cardio in quite a while now and am about a good stone heavier. I think I need to do work some longer CV in every so often as opposed to just H.I.I.T twice a week.

Also with my legs now coming up to the 26" mark running and anything that involves using my legs for long stints of time (that isnt H.I.I.T) is quite taxing!

But today I found I wasn't focusing on my breathing quite so much and a few times felt quite a bit feint. I can tell as things start to look bright, almost like a bright white transition and my vision focus goes.

Finished my session, soldiered on and then when in the changing rooms remembered why I felt quite so crap :p I gave blood yesterday :rolleyes: which might have had something to do with it.

I've given blood and trained a few hours later but I was a stone lighter and training just one area. Whilst I was able to train okay I found once I was fatigued failure came without warning.

This time though it had been a full 24 hours since donating and I was pushing it a bit. I had eaten and drank plenty too. Never the less a good session!

I had been doing B.O.R's wide a shoulder and a half width grip. I've changed this to shoulder width and can feel it much more on the inner of my back.
A really light weight with good form: legs stiff, back straight, shoulders back, head up should get you feeling it.
I think really this is the best option and then go from there :) I know I said base of the spine but really it is about 4-5 vertebrae up. Weighted good mornings have helped considerably but the main problem with this is conventional situps Weighted crunch machines are ok though. I hit legs hard about three times a week and so I always include them with something else.
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I think really this is the best option and then go from there :) I know I said base of the spine but really it is about 4-5 vertebrae up. Weighted good mornings have helped considerably but the main problem with this is conventional situps Weighted crunch machines are ok though. I hit legs hard about three times a week and so I always include them with something else.

Keeping the legs dead stiff is what really puts some isolation onto my hamstrings. If they're aren't kept stiff them I don't feel it in my hamstrings much and more in my back.

Realllllly light. I found my flexibility was quite poor to begin with and didn't need to stand on a box to begin with. But now I can quite happily touch 100KG to the floor on SLDL for 5x5. Might be time to get a box in, however I really am feeling it still :p

Edit: I also find I get quite a bit of a workout in my upper back, in the top of my lats, just below each armpit from keeping my shoulders back and the weight moving slightly as I pivot from the hips up and down.
Glad you were ok after five minutes as I'm sure you appreciate it could have been much worse ;)
Heh ye it passes. One of the downsides of doing 0 cardio for a year.

Yeah, slightly. I had tons of motivation after the stretch though so I pushed through it. Best chest session I've had in a while, I think my body just needed the change in routine. :)
Nice one. I love mixing it up :)

My training partner couldn't make it today but the gym is shut tomorrow so I went in for a bicep/ tricep session alone. Wow what a great session it was. Burned through the weights feeling really good and the pump at the end was incredible. About half and hour after I got back home I measured my right bicep at 17" (obviously still with some pump) but still I'm over the moon.
Well I've been a little down since not going powerlifting and was looking at using the gym at night to do my training, spoke to the owner and he was a little off saying most nights in the gym are taken up so It's train with us or not at all, I'm like bye then lol.

I've been at work all day today to come home to find my partner has left me 220kg of new weights in the garage:D bloody hell what an xmas/new year presant :D

[edit] Nice work Dun :cool: [edit]
Any opinions on Amino 1000 tablets? Worth it or not?

They're not for me, my brother asked if I could post on here. I personally think he should spend his money on a better diet but I said I'd ask anyway!
Yeah I tried it too and failed at it pretty comprehensively. Couldn't balance so faceplanted.

Tried those planche pressups drunk once on a tile floor too so have a nice scar on my chin to tell that tale :o
Would've had a good gym session today if my back didn't twinge again. It seems my back takes on too much and my abdominals sit back and let it do all the work - not good. Going to have to re-evaluate my posture and start working on my abs/posterior chain (i have excessive lordosis and a lovely protruding gut/tight hamstrings as a result).

However, i finished my session off today with a barbell complex and turkish get-ups. If you haven't yet tried these exercises - do it!

The getups were awesome, even with 12.5kg i was struggling to stay stable at times. Will be adding these into my routine from time to time after i've sussed the form.

Barbell complex was with 30kg:

8 partial deadlifts
8 cleans
8 military press
8 squats

and then i died :D

this would be the ultimate 'finish him' move if it was in Tekken.
I've been meaning to try complexes out. I read up about them a while ago and just haven't ever got round to it!

Same boat as you until today. Really great exercises, however i can see them being dangerous with some exercises as they really do tire you out which, personally, will make it easier for my form to slip. That being said, it's a good form of torture :)
Yeah complexes are great. I am going to incorporate them in to my routine shortly.

I am trying to lower my bf even more. Has anyone played around with kettlebells here?

I bought a 16kg one thinking it would be childs play. But they can be pretty great for cardio - my lungs were heaving after a short session of high rep swings!
Thanks lads. How much you weighing in that video neon? I had a go on the wooden floor which was a bit too slippery but it was quite tough :p

Umm I think I was around 78kg in that video. When I first tried I could only hold the starting position, but from then on it was just a case of practice and I finally got the hang of the pressups :D
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