Belts: people whinge too much about them. If it makes you feel safer then get one and use it :]
Go on then get some figures up! I'll join you on this one.Why does everyone go so light on the leg press on here.
I'm started to see small gains but my work pattern is just killing me atm. Today is back but I fell like if I try to deadlift I'm going to fall into a wall. I work from 9am - 8:45pm and 14 hours on the weekend.
Plus a 70kg deadlift makes my wrists feel like they're attached to my arms via a length of string!
I hit 460 which was my previous maximum for 10 but the jump to 500 was more out of curiosity more than anything else and my legs were beginning to get wobbly!Thing is I can do 200kg+ on the leg press, but then I can only do 1 or 2 reps
I'd rather go at a weight I can do a full 10-15 reps on for a few sets. Which on a good week is about 160-170
and don't use it for deadlifts unless you're attempting PBs.
I hit 460 which was my previous maximum for 10 but the jump to 500 was more out of curiosity more than anything else and my legs were beginning to get wobbly!
Go on then get some figures up! I'll join you on this one.
On my 5x5 week 3 weeks ago I hit 500kg
Keep at it. Try to increment 5kg every week. Before you know it - you'll hit the big '00!
Olympic plate loader for the win! Knees to my chest every time.
Personal bests for x5
Ez curl bar 100kg
Shrugs 320kg including bar
Leg extensions 170kg
Triceps push downs 155kg
Dumbbell concentration curls 45kg
Wide grip pull downs 320-360 cable on the way out![]()
5ft 10" 73kg - I'll try to get a video up leg press 460kg for 10? you are only little arent you? quite impressive :]
When I hit a plateau around the 100kg mark I decereased my reps to 1-3 and I kept just racking up the weights.A 2.5 increment is hard enough! When I do the reps drop and then I wait untill I can do the full 3x8 before moving up again.
5x5 build up to 620 kilos for five reps and 650 kilos for personal best.
There wouldn't be enough weight in my gym for you.