Poll: ***The all new gymrats thread***

Do we archive this thread and start a new one for 2010?

  • Yeah good idea.

    Votes: 11 78.6%
  • Nah I'm happy with this one.

    Votes: 3 21.4%

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That pull downs is lbs right?

Kilos;) I'm currently back up to 22.5st from 20 so I generally don't get lifted when doing heavy lat pull downs as long as technique is in time. I'm on three seven seas cod liver oil and glucosamine a night:) which does make a huge difference. It all begun a while back doing one arm bent over rows with a 60 kilo dumbbell left that well alone now not worth the pain!
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Kilos;) I'm currently back up to 22.5st from 20 so I generally don't get lifted when doing heavy lat pull downs as long as technique is in time. I'm on three seven seas cod liver oil and glucosamine a night:) which does make a huge difference. It all begun a while back doing one arm bent over rows with a 60 kilo dumbbell left that well alone now not worth the pain!

Man that's one of the craziest lifts then compared to me, oooeee. I can do 110+ so that's pretty insane :p
I haven't tried the glucosamine but I have read a lot of good things, might have to get me some I think. Touch wood I haven't had any problems with dumbell rows but like you say if it causes you pain leave well alone, same with upright rows for me, no thanks.
I have to leave out skull crushers now as it aggravates my elbows, really worried me at one point about long term damage! I have really gotten into cable Rope overhead triceps extensions now, loving them and they feel like they are doing more if you know what I mean.
I never really gave skullcrushers a chance mate, tried it once and it really didn't feel right so left it. I love rope tricep extensions but never do them overhead. Do you feel it more than regular stance?
bah tank comes along and makes me look weak!!! LOL :( ;) :D

As for belts well as I'm starting to get onto 1/5 to 1/4 tonne lifts it might be wise to start using one when repping at 80% max lifts.
bah tank comes along and makes me look weak!!! LOL :( ;) :D

As for belts well as I'm starting to get onto 1/5 to 1/4 tonne lifts it might be wise to start using one when repping at 80% max lifts.
Can anyone recommend a good gym in the South West/West London area? I'm going to cycle around a bit later on and check out a couple of places, a good one looks to be Golds in Park Royal - only bad thing about that is a 5m cycle home after leg day :o. Can't see any prices listed for membership either, so probably expensive!
By the way does anyone get restless hands after gym sessions for the next evening or two?

Feels like when my hands are open they want to close, and when closed they want to open. In the middle they just feel weird :p

Any ideas on how to stop it? Stretching out my fingers backwards doesn't seem to help.
Don't think there is any way round it really. Just the muscles in your hand growing and being used to holding heavy weight when closed.
Quick Leg day last night. Tried front squat @60kg but it just really didn't feel right. It seems like my arms/shoulders don't have the flexibility for the clean hold. Maybe I've got long forearms or something, but my hands are level with at best my ears so the bar sits against my adams apple.. not nice :/


Back squat:
10x60kg (DS)

PB for total weight on that one, going to try 110kg and maybe 120kg next time.

Hamstring curls:
10x56kg (DS)

Leg extensions:
10x56kg (DS)
Bench 5x5 is still progressing :)


Working sets:


PB there. Never had 100 x 5 for more than two sets :) and I was out on the lash last night! and not had a great deal of sleep either! :p roll on 100x5x5!

And a lot of other things that Freefaller kindly posted up in this thread, have a read up;).

Currently taking Cod liver and a Glucosamine mixture...Trying to help my joints out in general...And I'm not even lifting at the moment apart from at work, its killing me sometimes :(

Hoping it all kicks in at some point.
Me and a mate just had a go at pulling his van (we got a harness).

Hard work but good fun, we found a car park on a slight hill so one way was fairly easy and the other absolutely nails.

Doing it again next week, will try and get some pictures.
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