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12 Oct 2005
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With only an 8GB 3GS to be available surely the prices of 16/32GB 3GS will go up second hand?

I dont know if they will go up but i think its safe to say they will not fall in to nothing best thing would be to try and sell over facebook or to a friend as the bay prices will be dropping due to the mass amount of people trying to unload at the same time or just wait until 16/32 3g/s are not flooding the market.
13 Jan 2004
So overwhelming interest in the Apple pre-orders has led to them keeping back stock which should have gone to the networks, hence leading the networks to postpone announcements as they either have no clue what stock they're getting or they're getting severely less than they had anticipated meaning they know they're up **** creek as demand will be infinitely higher than supply.

Or that's how I'm reading this farce anywho :).
13 Feb 2003
So overwhelming interest in the Apple pre-orders has led to them keeping back stock which should have gone to the networks, hence leading the networks to postpone announcements as they either have no clue what stock they're getting or they're getting severely less than they had anticipated meaning they know they're up **** creek as demand will be infinitely higher than supply.

Or that's how I'm reading this farce anywho :).

I would imagine the networks agreed their stock long before this, just because they haven't released prices and pre-orders yet doesn't mean that they called Apple yesterday to ask if it was alright if they could sell a few new iPhone's in their shop. :p

There may well be an agreement that Apple has where they get to launch their pre-orders first. Also, at the end of the day, the networks make more money on the contracts than selling the phone itself, where as Apple doesn't.

Is it really that much different to the iPhone 3G launch though?
If I recall, the white at the time was only available in 16gb, but they did have some. There was again massive demand and a huge turn out of people showed up at the Apple Store on Regent Street as expected.

I bought one three days after the launch, had to que about 15 minutes and they had plenty of stock.

There was also the fact that everyone goes to the Apple Store to que, where as many news reports at the various 02 stores along Oxford Street showed that some of them only had 7 people queing!

Apple are well aware of the demand for their product, it generates a lot of hype if they appear to be selling out already. But you have to remember they will have plenty of stock still for people to just turn up and que to buy, and many who pre-order with no obligation may not even go and buy one.

They've been here before, the networks have been here before.
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17 Feb 2009
Guys, help me out please.

I really want an iPhone but currently on contract with Orange till the 5th next year.

I have a Blackberry Bold for now, and paying around £35 a month. Now, just looking at Orange prices, the handset is £119 for £35 a month tariff.

Question is, do you think Orange will let me transfer my current contract to a micro sim then buy then iPhone on the £35 tariff, since i'm on the same tariff as it is, instead of forcing me to buyout my contract for £200, and then forking out £119 for the phone still for more or less the same tariff?! Or is that being cheeky?
18 Oct 2002
Arg, I saw the o2 email in my inbox and got excited that they may have released their prices... gimmie the prices! I want the prices.
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