*** The all new iPhone 4 thread - Keep all iPhone 4 stuff in here ***

Looks like it, you can't purchase a subsidised iPhone from Apple. Looks like you'll need to buy the phone directly from your network should you need to sign up to a contract and have the price of the phone subsidised.

But you should be able to reserve for in store, where you can buy a subsidised handset on contract, (unless they stopped that?)
Wow - and after all this frenzy it is hardly surprising that Apple get away with charging the prices that they do...

I'm really interested in one too chaps, but surely there's no need to digitally wet yourself on the forum?!
Right its now 8:00am on the dot and despite all of the evidence and info given to us by all the companies involved nothing has happened.

Therefore there is only one logical conlcusion.

The iPhone4 is a complete and utter fake. Steve Jobs is up in a tower somewhere lauging at us all sitting atop a throne of fanboy skulls.

You got us this time Steve. But next time....

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