***The All New OCUK Anonymous Confession Thread!***

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I sort of made a blind kid walk smack head first into a pole, was at break-time back in school and me and a bunch of friends were stood near a netball post when I spot him wandering directly towards us, I just didn't want the awkward moment of a blind kid walking into us so I told everyone to be quiet and move away a little bit... still crease up to this day remembering how loud that clang was.
A few years ago my girlfriend bought some lube. shortly after for one reason or another we broke up. but after that I noticed it going down and it wasnt being used by me! Figured it must be my brother and not getting on with him at the time added chilli powder to the lube and put it back in place. needless to say it only went down a lil bit after that! To this day we havnt spoken to each other about it. Cant help but wonder how far him and his mrs got before the chilli kicking in though....
When i was but a small child, i was once playing out, as kids do and i really needed a crap, i was too far to make it home in time, and i didn't feel like getting my trousers and ass wet my crapping in the beck.

For some reason, when i spotted a builidng being renovated nearby the rather large pile of brick was looking quite comfy too me so i curled one out on that, and proceeded to get chased home by the people who owned the property.

To this day i still could not say why i did it on the pile of bricks and not in a bush, but hey.
One time during a school lunch break, we sneaked into the chemistry lab and liberated the Chem. teacher's storeroom keys. The idea was to have a laugh with some alkali metals, namely Potassium, and nothing else. However, my friend decided it would be a novel idea to shut and seal all the windows, turn on the all desktop gas taps and leave the Potassium in the sink. This crude timer was nothing more than a beaker with a huge lump of the metal in the bottom which was then blu-tacced to the bottom of the sink. The tap was then turned on and we ran. About 5 minutes later we heard an almighty woosh, a sound of breaking glass and quite a bit of shouting.

The force of this blast had put every window in the room out, set fire to the curtains and the roof. To top the lot though the chemical storeroom from which we'd liberated the metal was ablaze and the fire brigade's hazmat team had to be called out which in turn called for the entire school to be closed for two days.

We were never rumbled either!



Only thing I did was that sort of filing stuff that makes a real whoosh of a flame when lit.

I threw the whole container on a flame.

Scorch marks. :cool:
I always wanted to give some girl a Brown Tatoo so after having a one night stand with a girl when I was 19, I waited for her to fall asleep, went to her toilet to push one out, didnt wipe my bottom and proceeded to giver her a brown tatoo on her upper arm before putting on my clothes and doing one out of her flat. I never saw her again. I felt really guilty afterwards as she was a nice girl.

so he didnt wipe his bum before he ran out of the flat :eek:
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