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Page 6 :eek:

heheheh ;)

Just been watching Naruto, a 20 episode stint ^_^

What a great series, really nice animation, great storyline, plenty of action and a lot of character building so far.

So whats everyone else been watching ?

(//plans a bunch of new sigs)
I've also been watching naruto and once I get either a multi region capable DVD player or DVD drive that works i'll be watching the kenshin OVAs. I also might take a look at Bleach as I've heard good things about it.
~Divine~Wind~ said:
Page 6 :eek:

heheheh ;)

Just been watching Naruto, a 20 episode stint ^_^

What a great series, really nice animation, great storyline, plenty of action and a lot of character building so far.

So whats everyone else been watching ?

(//plans a bunch of new sigs)
just finished Ai Yori Aoshi Vol.1 so far not to bad, animation is super sharp :D
I'm currently watching Haibane Renmei (should watch vol 3-4 tonight).
Then i've got Evangelion Platinum Volume 6 to watch, which i'm looking forward to (i've never seen the directors cuts before).

Once i've finished them, I'm trying to decide which series I should rewatch out of
Ai Yori Aoshi (and then the sequel), Noir, Steel Angel Kurumi, or His and Her Circumstances :)
That always assumes that the 3 volumes of Rahxephon i've got on order from don't ship first :)
Have fun watching FMA, I thougth it was great, cant wait for Vol.2

Werewolf, got Noir sitting here and aint got round to watching it, is it doable in large sittings?

hehehe week off uni, then 2 weeks off for easter :D

Pants :( just checked and we aint got Toonami
Noir, I think is watchable in large chunks (when I get round to it, i'm planning on 2-4 hour chunks).

Toonami i think is 903 on ntl digital (I think it's part of the family pack) - come to think of it, i'm fairly sure that was what used to be CNX (Bebop, Tenchi, Outlaw Star etc)
Werewolf said:
Toonami i think is 903 on ntl digital (I think it's part of the family pack) - come to think of it, i'm fairly sure that was what used to be CNX (Bebop, Tenchi, Outlaw Star etc)

Your right, CNX turned into Toonami but dropped most of their Anime titles. They are (or have) launched Adult Swim, unlike the USA version there's a distinct lack of Anime being shown. One day we will get the chance to see good quality Anime on the TV and only need to buy DVD's for titles we want to see again. Toonami can be found on Sky 621 (i think)
I rememebr when Channel 4 used to show a loada manga late night/early morning.
Sci-Fi channel used to have a load on as well (altho I aint exactly been checking lol)

Never nowt on the TV now :(

Gimme a little help here, film about a bunch of guys that can turn into dragons, called legend of 4 kings or summit ?? That the right title ?
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legend of the 4 kings it was, i think it was known as legend of the dragon kings in the US.

I have a feelng it's out on DVD tehre
well just finished wathcing LH again, really good, predictable ending but still realy good wraps things up nicley shame it had to end really :( :)
Might get roud to watching that eventually.

Small backlog at the minute lol

Busy watchin FMP2, 7 eps in at the mo, not my usual type of anime but its funny as ****
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