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Well after a huge marathon I've finally finished Patlabor on TV. Fantastic, I absolutely love this series. The characters all have their own personalities and quirks and by the end of the series I felt like I knew them all and could guess what their responses to situations would be. One of the best cast of characters I've met and they all get their moment of fame.

The variety of stories was excellent from vanilla police actions and comedy episodes to ghost stories and shadowy plots developing over many episodes. The animation quality wasn't the best as it is oldish but the show was that good I didn't notice after a while.

Got the New Files to watch next so it will be odd to watch them in Japanese rather than English but I'm sure I'll enjoy them.
emo_hug, you really need to keep track of your orders ;)
excel (the spreadsheet, not the character:p) is pretty good for that purpose :)

Loopstah, I had a feeling you might enjoy Patlabor TV, I loved the way a certain calm and collected (not to mention extremely competant) character reacted to any suggestion of the mystic/supernatural :D

I haven't watched much anime (again), I really want to sit down and watch some but haven't had the time recently (at least not the time when i've been able to concentrate to enjoy it).
Werewolf said:
Loopstah, I had a feeling you might enjoy Patlabor TV, I loved the way a certain calm and collected (not to mention extremely competant) character reacted to any suggestion of the mystic/supernatural :D

Yeah, that was suprising :D .

That's what I loved about the characters, they weren't just 1 dimensional and all had their quirks that made them seem more real.

I'm under the impression the New Files are a rehash of parts of the TV series with some new bits thrown in am I right?
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the New Files, is I think meant to be the end of the TV series, it finishes off some parts of the story and I think leads the way for the first and second film (it basically feels like a continuation of the series - possibly it was originally planned as such).

I'm going to order the original OVA's sometime soon, but not until i have time to watch and enjoy them.
Werewolf said:
the New Files, is I think meant to be the end of the TV series, it finishes off some parts of the story and I think leads the way for the first and second film (it basically feels like a continuation of the series - possibly it was originally planned as such).

I'm going to order the original OVA's sometime soon, but not until i have time to watch and enjoy them.

Just watched the first volume which concludes the Griffin storyline so I imagine the other two volumes will be independant stories.

It was a bit odd watching it in Japanese (I thought it best to watch the first volume like that even though it has a dub to keep continuity) but after a few minutes I didn't notice anymore. It's one advantage of being a fast reader I guess. :D I also noticed that the voices of the dub and original are pretty similar so I can only imagine CPM skimped on a dub for the last two volumes due to finance rather than "Fan Preference" as I imagine most people would rather have both and I think the dub voices match so well.

The Original Files is alright, it has a different start than the TV series, introducing the characters differently and I think the animation is the best of the bunch. I think it's more comedy focused than the TV series.

I'm hoping to pick up the Manga R2 release of the movies cheap this week so I can watch them as I have Wasted XIII already, though I still intend to get the Bandai versions as well as they have a different dub apparently but I'll have to wait for some spare cash for them and I'm impatient to see the films. :D
The old Manga dubs of the films aren't bad, but I think the new Bandai one is better :)

Patlabor has I think now had at least 4 dub casts, films 1 & 2 Manga, film 3, TV/OVA's, films 1 & 2 Bandai :)
As for the "fan favourite" sub only disks for the new files, I agree totally it was done due to economic reasons rather than because it's what most of the fans wanted, CPM were/are having money trouble and Patlabor wasn't selling enough to warrant paying out for continued dubbing (I guess we were really lucky they finished the series off as they could easily have just left it).

For Full Metal Panic fans, the time has come to start placing pre-orders ;)
Funimation have given a tentative release date of November 14th for the first disk, which will be available as both a disk only standard version and a "starter set" which normally means disk + box + some other extra (OST, hat etc).
Werewolf said:
For Full Metal Panic fans, the time has come to start placing pre-orders ;)
Funimation have given a tentative release date of November 14th for the first disk, which will be available as both a disk only standard version and a "starter set" which normally means disk + box + some other extra (OST, hat etc).

Yeah, I spotted that too. Definately getting TSR although that makes quite a lot of Vol 1 + Box sets I'm looking to pick up when I get some money through, not that I have any space for empty boxes. :(

I've got quite a few boxes im in the process of filling though. :(
Area 88 Vol 1+box, Gilgamesh Vol 1,2+box, Godannar Vol 1,2+box, JoJo's Vol 1+box, Megazone 23 Vol 1+box, .hack//Twilight Vol 1+box, Madlax Vol 1+box, Macross Vol 1+box, Stellvia Vol 1+box. So I suppose I should concentrate on filling them before I start on new series.

At least quite a lot of the series I'm looking at have had thinpak/ brick releases announced so that saves me messing about with artboxes.
Has anyone ever seen Argento Soma. I've just got it now and i've reached episode 7. It's been quite boring so far and the art work isn't very good. Just wondering if you guys have seen it.
Watched a few good anime the past few days.

I've had Kiddy Grade hanging about for months and I wish I'd watched it earlier. It started a bit so-so but I really got into it and I enjoyed it by the end. It reminded me of Galaxy Angel in animation style and I have a soft spot for girl heroes and space ships. :D

Then I watched the Oh My Goddess! OVA. I loved this, Belldandy is the ultimate anime girlfriend and I thought the rest of the characters were pretty funny, especially the Motor Club. A sweet story with a few comedy moments and I was really gunning for a happy ending. I have the new release so the quality was very good as well.

I also watched the Ah! My Goddess movie. I think it's probably meant to be watched with the TV series in hindsight as the style seemed different from the OVA as there was more action orientated theme. A good movie with some very nice animation but not quite as good as the original.

I'll probably watch the TV series tomorrow.

Finally I watched the Giant Robo box set. It looked like a 50's style anime which seemed a bit odd with the modern story but worked well. The music was amazing, very atmospheric and the whole style reminded me of mix of Batman and Metropolis. A fantastic story with great characters and quite a few twists I never saw coming. Definately one to watch if you like super hero-secret agents and giant robots. The Gin Rei special was pretty funny as well.
Kiddy grade is fun, although not one of the greats it's one I can rewatch happily :)

I think the Movie is based after the OVA, but meant as a largely self contained story (due to the format).
I beleive the TV series will eventually get to that storyline, at least if it's part of the manga.

I've managed to catch a few episodes of various things over the past few days, and i'm hoping to watch all of elfen lied on DVD in the next few days (just got volume 4 through).
I've also got the Heat Guy J set arriving soon.
Just had 2 weeks off work during which I treated myself to the box set of the first gig of Stand Alone Complex. Must say I am very impressed, I thought that the 25min episode length was a bit short, but it works really well.

I also expected to hate the "intelligent tanks" but found after the first couple of appearances, I really like them too :)

I am about half way through the series, and loving it, some really nice ideas explored about personality, the nature of individuality, and how cybertechnology may be developed in coming decades
Emo_Hug, cheers for that lonk i've downloaded it and will read it when I get a chance :)

Phoen1x, i find the 25 minute episode lengths fairly good for GITS, just long enough to tell a decent chunk of story, but short enough that you can watch it comfortably an episode or two at a time.

If anyone is interested BlahDVD have the Directors Cut of Steamboy for a tenner, it's the 2 disk set with the postcards, comic book and storyboards in a box type thing, it's showing as out of stock at the moment but they seem to getting more in (I received one this morning).

Has anyone seen anything of Otogi Zoshi?
I watched the first disk over the past few days and it looks fairly good, with an interesting animation style (it's Production I.G.).

I'ave also managed to watch most of the first disk of Heatguy J (£18 for the complete R2 set), which looks like it's going to be fun.
I havn't seen any anime for a quite some time now, and I kind of fancy getting back into it a little. Can any of you guys recommend some series that have been released in the last year or two?

I'm really out of the loop with recent anime. No idea what's good and what's not. :/
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