The all things Anime related thread.

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Dunno if you lot have spotted it but there are a lot of Ghibli/Miyazaki films coming on freeview ch 31 ,the filmfour channel over the next few weeks :)
that toppy hdd recorder is gonna be working overtime i think :D
fieldy said:
:eek: you dont know!?!?! their the small blue tank things in GITS SAC and they all have indavidual personas :)

Thanks I was being dumb, I havent got any SAC yet only seen the movies so im gonna have to start collecting them now
Andarial sounds like a plan that Hanibal would be proud of ;)

Shadow Phoenix, the two little blue guys and the black one in this pic, between them are the other figures you get with the varous R1 LE's (and some other toys).
I can't be arsed to read all 74 pages of this thread so apologise if it's already been discussed.

I'm pretty new to Anime. Watched Ghost in the Shell and some of the SAC first gig, Patlabor, Laputa, Spirited Away, Spriggan and enjoyed them all.
Last Exile is a title that caught my eye. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?

Looking around I can get R2 DVD's for around £15 or the complete series from several e-bay sellers as R0 NTSC for about £20. Is there much difference in quality compared to PAL?

Oh, and nice tachikomas Werewolf :cool:

EDIT: I've just spotted a Zoid! I used to have that one too. :D
There will probably be lost of difference in quality as most of what you get off Egay are bootleg copies, with lots of episodes squashed onto few discs so PQ is normally nowhere near as good.

I would steer well clear if I was you.

I've been done a couple of times by mistake & it's just false economy in the end as you have to replace them almost straight away because some are just soooo bad.

If you can play R1 DVD's though then your laughing as there are a few sites that sell R1 stuff at almost half the price of the R2 series...for Example currently have the Season 1 box set of Gantz for about £25 delivered whereas the UK series of 6 discs will set you back around £20 per disc on the high street :eek: :eek:

Pumpkinstew said:
I'm pretty new to Anime. Watched Ghost in the Shell and some of the SAC first gig, Patlabor, Laputa, Spirited Away, Spriggan and enjoyed them all.
Last Exile is a title that caught my eye. Has anyone seen it? Is it any good?

Yes, Last Exile is amazing.

You can get the complete R2 First Gig of SAC for £25 - £30 and it's well worth it.

Pumpkinstew said:
Looking around I can get R2 DVD's for around £15 or the complete series from several e-bay sellers as R0 NTSC for about £20. Is there much difference in quality compared to PAL?

Yes there is a difference as they are bootlegs made in China and will be nowhere near as good quality wise as they will cram too much on the discs compared to official releases. If you don't mind funding drug dealers, slave traders and mobsters feel free to buy them. :eek:

You can get official R1 releases of many complete series for about £12-£15 these days so it's much better to just buy from the US than Ebay. are great for this as they have large discounts on everything. have weekly deals that can be very good value as well as regular discounts on different companies products. can also be good as they are based in Belgium so you don't get customs interfering, although they aren't quite as cheap as the US.

Look for BANDAI Anime Legends releases as they are super cheap, ADV thinpaks and Animeworks collections are also good value. There aren't many complete collections that come out for £50+ these days except the hottest and latest stuff.
Loopstah is dead on with his retailers and comments :)

I use DVDPacific for most R1 orders these days and they have been extremely good both in prices and customer service.

Rightstuff has some great bargain bundles, but their normal prices and shipping are killers for most orders :(
However the bundles/box sets in their offers can be very cheap - for example they are currently doing a cardcapters 18 disk bundle at 84% off the RRP and would ship as a single item ($15 for the first item no matter if it's a single disk, or a 30 disk bundle).

Personally I don't use Ebay for DVD's most of the time, as most of the Anime on there are normally bootlegs with either very poor translations, or they've taken the R1 releases and stuffed them onto a much lower disk count (with compression problems etc).

With the current habit of the R1 distributors to rerelease older titles in "thinpacks" (full series, normally stripped of extras to get the disk count down), or "essential" etc packs the prices of some great series can be very low (common RRP's are $50 $70 and $100 for such packs, which tend to get about 30-40% off at DVDPacific).

Finally, if anyone is interested there are some pics of the R1 GITS:SAC 2nd GIG vol 7 LE* up on anime on DVD.
I'm very glad i've had it pre-ordered for a while, as the set looks rather nice, a nice tin for the whole series, OST 3, and a Kusanagi model.

*Try saying that whilst drunk :p
Werewolf said:
Personally I don't use Ebay for DVD's most of the time, as most of the Anime on there are normally bootlegs with either very poor translations, or they've taken the R1 releases and stuffed them onto a much lower disk count (with compression problems etc).

Another problem I've encountered a few times is Ebay Shop retailers listing stock they don't actually have. Quite a few times now I've checked up on an item I've bought after 2 weeks to find it hasn't been posted because they haven't got any. I've decided now if they don't have a photo of it I'm not wasting my time buying it from them.

However it can be a good place for bargains if your lucky as I found when I got both o.o.p boxsets of Nadia for £10 inc postage in perfect condition. I would look on though rather than as there seems to be a lot less dodgy stuff on the US site and there are usually a few people selling off their stuff at cheap prices in good condition.

Werewolf said:
Finally, if anyone is interested there are some pics of the R1 GITS:SAC 2nd GIG vol 7 LE* up on anime on DVD.
I'm very glad i've had it pre-ordered for a while, as the set looks rather nice, a nice tin for the whole series, OST 3, and a Kusanagi model.

Looks nice, I don't know if I should get the US versions or the UK versions. I do notice that the image for the UK version is of the US tin I wonder if it's what we're getting or if it's just a placeholder.

Finally tracked down a copy of Agent Aika: Naked Missions on the canadian ****** after a lot of searching. Last one in stock too. :D Ordered on Wednesday with 2-4 weeks delivery and it turned up today, so I watched it.

Definately one for the panty fans, although it has it's fair share of nudity and boob shots as well. A blatant excuse for tittilation altough the story is semi-decent as well so it's quite funny seeing how many excuses the director can find to flash panties without being too silly.
If anyone is interested DVD Pacific have Witch Hunter Robin "anime legends" up for pre-order for the grand sum of $29 + postage here, I suspect postage will be about $10 or so for cheap shipping (as I think it will count as a 6-7 disk set).
Not bad for a series that cost me about $25 a disk (inc shipping) a couple of years back :p
loopstah said:
However it can be a good place for bargains if your lucky as I found when I got both o.o.p boxsets of Nadia for £10 inc postage in perfect condition. I would look on though rather than as there seems to be a lot less dodgy stuff on the US site and there are usually a few people selling off their stuff at cheap prices in good condition.
yup I just got all of UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie for like £22 :D
I was looking at Witch Hunter Robin the other day(albeit the more expensive boxset). This sort of price makes me want it all the more. I'd imagine the price not going up much(if at all) so I'll leave it until I've run out of new anime to watch.

I notice Filmfour has several ghibli films on for the next week:

Fri 4th Aug 4.55 pm - The Castle Of Cagliostro
Sat 5th Aug 4.45 pm - Kiki's Delivery Service
Sun 6th Aug 4.30 pm - Princess Mononoke
Mon 7th Aug 4.55 pm - Laputa: Castle In The Sky
Tue 8th Aug 5.10 pm - My Neighbour Totoro
Wed 9th Aug 4.45 pm - Nausicaa and the Valley of The Wind
Thu 10th Aug 5.15 pm - Porco Rosso
Fri 11th Aug 4.45 pm - Princess Mononoke
Sat 12th Aug 5.05 pm - My Neighbour Totoro
Sun 13th Aug 4.55 pm - Laputa Castle In The Sky
Mon 14th Aug 5.05 pm - Kiki's Delivery Service
Tue 15th Aug 4.45 pm - Nausicaa and the Valley of The Wind
Wed 16th Aug 4.45 pm - Porco Rosso
Thu 17th Aug 5.10 pm - The Castle Of Cagliostro

Apparently the first showing is dubbed, the second is subbed. I'll certainly be watching a few of these.
Thanks for the info I'm watching Kiki's delivery service right now, and I'm really liking it really magical just an all round nice film. Any idea if theres like a special edition or somthing like they did for Howls moving castle a 2 disc thing or somthing :confused:
yup got the 2 disc edition(Disney)sitting in front of me now
2 nd disc is just story boards though.there is a behind the mic interview and trailers though on the first disc
think i prefer the japanese with subs for this movie,somehow the us voice actors/actresses dont quite make it for me,particularly the VA for the cat,he plays the moggy with too much sarcasm when compared to the original japanese story :)
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Decided to watch something of quality on Sunday so I watched:

RahXephon: Pluralitas Concentio Like a shortened version of the series but with a few key differences so it isn't quite the same story. It still had the same effect on me though and with the added emphasis on the love story than the action it was more moving. I imagine anyone who hadn't watched the series would be confused as hell but having watched the series it makes some things clearer and replaces others with what I think are better ideas than the TV series.

Then I watched The Place Promised In Our Early Days. I thought Voices was good but this was even better :eek: . A masterpiece of animation and story telling, I was amazed at the quality of the animation and the story was a touching and interesting one. Simply one of the best anime films I've seen so far, I hope he keeps making them like this. If you've been thinking of watching this I recommend you do right away.


I watched Blue Seed:Beyond. Pretty good if you like the series as it's just more of the same with a gratuitous hot spring episode thrown in for no reason.

I also watched Voogies Angel which was a reasonably good "cyborg girls blowing things up" anime. Seemed a bit shallow at the start but had a moving ending. I just have a soft spot for girls with guns I guess. :D
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TinnionA said:
I was looking at Witch Hunter Robin the other day(albeit the more expensive boxset). This sort of price makes me want it all the more. I'd imagine the price not going up much(if at all) so I'll leave it until I've run out of new anime to watch.

I notice Filmfour has several ghibli films on for the next week:

Apparently the first showing is dubbed, the second is subbed. I'll certainly be watching a few of these.
thank god for Sky +, I've got em all recording as they are on stupid times of day.
The only one I haven't got yet is Porco Rosso, pity I haven't got my own sky box as I doubt I could get away with "cartoons" when there are DIY/ gardening programs on. :(
TinnionA said:
I was looking at Witch Hunter Robin the other day(albeit the more expensive boxset). This sort of price makes me want it all the more. I'd imagine the price not going up much(if at all) so I'll leave it until I've run out of new anime to watch.

A word of warning, some of the cheap sets released are only available for a short time/one production run, especially if they are due out around christmas time (although they may well be rereleased again later on in another cheap set).

Fortunately I think as this is an anime legends release it's probably going to be available for at least 6-12 months.
loopstah said:
The only one I haven't got yet is Porco Rosso, pity I haven't got my own sky box as I doubt I could get away with "cartoons" when there are DIY/ gardening programs on. :(
m8 of mine just got a TV with a built in freeview decoder and hard drive (40 gig, but its just IDE) AND a USB port to attack external drives (he's got a 250gig there now) 32'' LCD TV, £750!! :eek: :eek:
only reason its that cheap is his next door is a TV/Satalite/Arial repair guy and gets trade prices from the supplyer!
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