The all things Anime related thread.

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loopstah said:
Have you seen Now and Then, Here and There? That can be pretty brutal and soul destroying with plenty of violence.

Trust me thats the LAST thing i need to watch right now...

After 3 days or Elfen Lied, Gunslinger Girl and Gantz im ready to take a dive out the window!!!

Speaking of gratz, I dont think I liked it. Pretty girls dieing like that just isn't right...
Sparky__H said:
Trust me thats the LAST thing i need to watch right now...

Ah, well better not then, it really does hit hard.

Lets try something cheery then like Excel Saga, that is guaranteed to cheer you up.
Or drive him completely insane.

Puni Puni Poemy is another good, nuts one :)

I've been watching some Heatguy J, the U.K. release is dirt cheap (complete set is £18 online), and has a very nice selection of language tracks (english and japanese in 2.0, 5.1dd and 5.1dts for both languages), but unfortunately only one subtitle track :( (so no sign/songs track).
So far i'm quite enjoying it, which is more than I really expected :)

Otogi Zoshi is another one i've been watching (can't remember if I've already mentioned it), and is done in a different style to most anime i've seen, and looks to be pretty good from what i've seen.
Werewolf said:
I've been watching some Heatguy J, the U.K. release is dirt cheap (complete set is £18 online), and has a very nice selection of language tracks (english and japanese in 2.0, 5.1dd and 5.1dts for both languages), but unfortunately only one subtitle track :( (so no sign/songs track).
So far i'm quite enjoying it, which is more than I really expected :)

I'll have to look into that compared to the price of about £70 for the US version it's definately a bargain.
anyone got a list with kinda the starters guide to Anime in it?
like the top ten anime serise to watch before you watch all the rest?

its just I'm board and am looking for things to purchase next!
VeNT said:
anyone got a list with kinda the starters guide to Anime in it?
like the top ten anime serise to watch before you watch all the rest?

its just I'm board and am looking for things to purchase next!

10 good series to watch that cover most genre:

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Excel Saga
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ah! My Goddess TV
Elfen Lied
Last Exile

Watched Dagger of Kamui last night, very 80's in style and music. Quite a good film though if you don't mind it being old and subbed, especially if you like Ninja. The story was not what I was expecting though so I was pleasantly suprised.

Today I watched Ah! My Goddess TV, definately one of my favourite shows, I love the characters (especially Belldandy), great story, and nice animation. The movie is definately connected to the series rather than the OVA though but I didn't spoil anything by watching it first.
Loopstah OMG TV just gets better ;)

I think the movie isn't related to the TV series as such, but rather feels closer to it than the OVA's (the TV series will probably cover the events of the movie at some time - maybe the end of S2 or sometime in S3).

Vent, I don't think there is a definitive guide (too much choice and anime fans can never agree on anything:p), but have a "recommended" section with fans recommendations (based on voting on the site from time to time).

Loopstah's list is pretty good and covers most anime types (except maybe romatic commedies), and I would definately recommend any of them apart from X TV (as I haven't seen it).
loopstah said:
10 good series to watch that cover most genre:

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Excel Saga
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ah! My Goddess TV
Elfen Lied
Last Exile

Watched Dagger of Kamui last night, very 80's in style and music. Quite a good film though if you don't mind it being old and subbed, especially if you like Ninja. The story was not what I was expecting though so I was pleasantly suprised.

Today I watched Ah! My Goddess TV, definately one of my favourite shows, I love the characters (especially Belldandy), great story, and nice animation. The movie is definately connected to the series rather than the OVA though but I didn't spoil anything by watching it first.

out of those so far I've seen

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
Ah! My Goddess TV

although not seen SAC and AMG all the way though (not mine sadly, only saw it when visiting m8)
My friend recently came back from a 6 month visit to Japan and has got me into anime. I somehow hadn’t even seen this thread before so that’s 58 pages of all the info I could ever need :D

Does anybody here watch Bleach? I don’t see it making any top 10 lists on here but I think is a fantastic series.
Locrian said:
My friend recently came back from a 6 month visit to Japan and has got me into anime. I somehow hadn’t even seen this thread before so that’s 58 pages of all the info I could ever need :D

Does anybody here watch Bleach? I don’t see it making any top 10 lists on here but I think is a fantastic series.

I do but shush!!!!!

It's not officially licensed yet so it's all Fansub & bootleg & we arent officially allowed to discuss that here (for obvious reasons) so we shall all move along & talk about something else...Isnt the weather nice today?? ;) :D :D
Locrian said:
My friend recently came back from a 6 month visit to Japan and has got me into anime. I somehow hadn’t even seen this thread before so that’s 58 pages of all the info I could ever need :D

Does anybody here watch Bleach? I don’t see it making any top 10 lists on here but I think is a fantastic series.

It hasn't been released in R1 yet and I don't bother with fansubs so I haven't seen it yet.

It's on my list as soon as it comes out though as the story sounds very interesting.

Decided to watch Tenchi Universe today and hit a brick wall when my vol 1 DVD was faulty but now it's fixed and I can spend the day with Tenchi and crew. :D
and I don't bother with fansubs so I haven't seen it yet.
Heathen :D
shall i just say there is sooooo much `stuff` out there unlicensed it rude not to look ;)
in fact a lot of anime is only licensed for usa/uk because it has gotten so popular on of my favorites`Yawara`has just been licensed for a usa releasenext year,mostly due to how popular it had become :)
bleach has been licenced to Adult Swim in the US,
these three links are all from the bleach area on adultswim so that should be ok yes?
if not then edit em out please WW!

Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach Opening
Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach Closing
Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach TV Promo

love that intro! hate the voices they have used, would be better subbed tbh.

also, anyone know anywhere I can get the mangas or are they all untranslated?
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VeNT said:
bleach has been licenced to Adult Swim in the US,
these three links are all from the bleach area on adultswim so that should be ok yes?
if not then edit em out please WW!

Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach Opening
Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach Closing
Visit the Adult Swim Bleach Website and see the English Bleach TV Promo

love that intro! hate the voices they have used, would be better subbed tbh.

also, anyone know anywhere I can get the mangas or are they all untranslated?

God why do they always get it so wrong. Those voices are terrible compared to the subs and the music of the trailer is random.
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Locrian said:
God why do they always get it so wrong. Those voices are terrible compared to the subs and the music of the trailer is random.
they use totaly the wrong type of language in dubs.
Just to clarify I dont understand what your getting at...the intro is EXACTLY the same as the Jap one even done to the same opening song Asterisk by Orange Range (It hasnt been dubbed) same with the closing theme Life is like a boat by Rie Fu Or did I watch a different opening & closing on the links you posted???

Gotta agree with the voices though Ichigo just sounds SO wrong it isnt even funny :(

As for the Manga I have upto volume 14 so far Volume 15 is due in October & 16 in December (the way they make me wait so long is criminal I tell you!!!! :mad: )


EDIT: On a re-read it appears no one was actually moaning about the Intro's so forgot I wrote that ok?? :D :D
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what the bloody salt shaker have they done to bleach??
Worst American voiceover ever :mad: Think I’ll stick with jap + subtitles thanks.

I’m kind of stuck watching this atm it's horribly addictive, plus its full of Japanese jokes which always makes me laugh:)
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