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The dub sounds fine to me from those clips, but then again I don't spoil a dub by listening to the Japanese track first. :p
loopstah said:
The dub sounds fine to me from those clips, but then again I don't spoil a dub by listening to the Japanese track first. :p

Always seems to me you loose most of the emotion when they dub.

But I’m bias as I hate the American accent.
Sparky__H said:
Always seems to me you loose most of the emotion when they dub.

But I’m bias as I hate the American accent.

I actually really like the Yank accent normally but in that they just dont fit :( :(

In the Jap version Ichigo sounds exactly like you'd expect him too...I honestly cant see that american pulling off any of the good sight gags properly the voice just doesnt fit with the scene's.

I hate to think what Kon the bear will sound like :(

I just hope when the DVD's get a release they include a sub version...I seriously wont be able to handle the dub on that.

I'm halfway through the Nausicaa manga and I have to say it is far better than the film.

Imagine if Peter Jackson had made 1 lord of the rings film with the first half hour of Fellowship, the middle hour of Two Towers and the last half hour of Return of the King and then made Gandalf a bad guy and you get the Nausicaa film.

I still think the film is great but it's just a shadow of the manga. :(
loopstah said:
I'm halfway through the Nausicaa manga and I have to say it is far better than the film.

Imagine if Peter Jackson had made 1 lord of the rings film with the first half hour of Fellowship, the middle hour of Two Towers and the last half hour of Return of the King and then made Gandalf a bad guy and you get the Nausicaa film.

I still think the film is great but it's just a shadow of the manga. :(
/me puts down another manga on his to do list.
VeNT said:
/me puts down another manga on his to do list.

Well I've only read upto 3/7 at the minute as I'm waiting on #4 in the post but all the events in the film have already been covered (although most happen in a different manner) except the giant warrior and I imagine that will reappear near the end.

I watched Tenchi Universe yesterday after I fixed disc 1. A great show, as good as the OVA if slightly different in parts. I liked this version a bit more though. Now I can watch the movies as I believe 1 and 3 are based on the TV series and 2 on the OVA. I've got Tenchi in Tokyo ordered so all I need now is to pick up the GXP! boxset.
loopstah said:
I'm halfway through the Nausicaa manga and I have to say it is far better than the film.

Imagine if Peter Jackson had made 1 lord of the rings film with the first half hour of Fellowship, the middle hour of Two Towers and the last half hour of Return of the King and then made Gandalf a bad guy and you get the Nausicaa film.

I still think the film is great but it's just a shadow of the manga. :(

I borrowed the Manga from a friend a few years ago and could hardly put them down, far far better than the film.
Any Naruto fans in here ?

Just wondering if the fillers have stoped and have they moved onto the main story ? I stopped watching after getting fed up with the fillers.
Or are the fillers still getting shown ?
Watched Gungrave yesterday. A fantastic series, one of the best I've seen. The animation is nice, the characters are detailed and the mafia theme works well. Quite sad at the end as well, but it was what I expected and the flashback portion set it up perfectly.
Chaos said:
Any Naruto fans in here ?

Just wondering if the fillers have stoped and have they moved onto the main story ? I stopped watching after getting fed up with the fillers.
Or are the fillers still getting shown ?

Supposedly the last one this week... I hope
Naruto is cool, I wasnt really into anime until I started to watch it, good to hear the fillers are stopping soon gona start watching it again.
I’m so very tired of naruto, fillers have finished it for me.

I’m informed the fillers stop sep 13th when there's a 3ep special where you learn how Kakashi got his eye and a "clip show" episode.

Bleach's current adventure is pretty dull too and seems to be copying naruto but I guess they're just following the tried and tested system of past anime's.

Just watched episode 1 of gungrave, hope this isn't just a plotless gun anime.
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Watched The World of Narue yesterday. Just the type I like, bright, cheerful and cute. A nice cute love story with aliens and lots of cheerful stuff happening. Happy, cheerful and cute, did I mention it was cute? :D Although I did think it was pronounced Na-roo and not Na-Roo-ee. :o (same thing happened with Patlabor, I thought it was Pat-la-bore until I watched it.)
Naruto Fillers make baby jesus cry :( Cannot wait for them to end to be honest, i watched one of them and turned it off 10 mins in.
Right that’s gungrave finished and while it’s the type of ending I was expecting, I’m not happy with the way it happened at all.

Please not anything sad as after Elfen Lied I’m seriously suicidal!

Green Green was disapointing, not much more then a late night japanese **** off show.

Now working my way through Chobits. The start tune is sickeningly cute and catchy!
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Watched Magical Shopping Arcade Abenobashi on Sunday. What a funny show, it's sort of like a not quite as wacky Excel Saga. I thought it was a kids show but it definately isn't. It does get a bit more serious near the end but not that serious, it's a laugh, if you like fart jokes, cross-dressing and parody then it's worth watching. :D

Also watched Hyperspeed Gran Doll. Cheesy, but cute in it's own way. The dub was pretty mediocre but it fit the show.

Don't know if I'll have chance to watch much more anime for a while now, not that it will stop me buying it. I'll have to try and fit an episode or two in when I'm not busy or on Sundays. :(
it's been a while since my last post in this thread: )

I finished Heat Guy J off the other night, for what was essentially fluff it was pretty good (especially at the price:)).
I'm currently watching Elfin Lied, i'd forgotton how gory and harsh it is in places, but i'm definately enjoying it :)

I'm hoping to watch Steamboy tommorow (or possibly tonight?), and then Only Yesterday, followed by A.D. Police TV* - I've finally got a few days where i'm not half killing myself to decorate the kitchen, and what's better i've got the house to myself so i'm taking advantage of it to watch a lot of Anime uninterupted and with the volume up:D

I'm also hoping that my GITS:SAC 2nd Gig vol 7LE will arrive quickly, it shipped from the states yesterday.

Loopstah, would you recommend Abenobashi?
I've seen clips of it and it looks fun (but i'm trying to cut down on my Anime spending)

Sparky_H, i've got one word to say to you.
Pantsu :p

Now for a bit of news from Anime on DVD, the U.K. Eva Platinum Complete Collection looks pretty sweet, it apparently comes with pretty much all the extra's (in terms of disk content) that the R2J version had, and is in a very nice looking tin. RRP is £100 though (probably £60-75 online).

CPM are also reducing the price on some of their stuff (again), this time round it includes the Gall Force DVD's, which means i'll probably end up ordering them as whilst it's not a great series it's not bad for an RRP of $40 (so about $26+ shipping online).

*Now OOP it seems, I managed to pick a copy up on Ebay for a fiver (legitimate, I was very carefull about that - the seller was a discount games guy who had a small selection of anime he'd obviously picked up at a stock clearance or something).
Werewolf said:
Loopstah, would you recommend Abenobashi?
I've seen clips of it and it looks fun (but i'm trying to cut down on my Anime spending)

Definately, it was pretty funny. The fact most of the characters have deep southern accents makes it even funnier. The thinpak is quite cheap as well.

On another note TRSI have a 10 DVDs for $50/ 25 DVDs for $100 on selected Geneon DVDs. With international postage it works out about £50/ £100 so it's still £5/£4 a DVD and hell of a deal. No box sets but a lot of series in singles form.
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