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Werewolf said:
That might be a bit big for the average home...;)

I would settle for a 1/24th scale one (about a foot high I think) ;)

/would be sorely tempted

dude, if its not full size and requires a shotgun licence then I don't wanna know!


I have to say Patlabor is one of my favourite anime, and having my own mini-Alphonse is just too good an opportunity to miss. :D

Not out till December though. :(

I'm tempted to buy the EVA figures as well as they look pretty cool, pity there isn't a RahXephon figure though as that is the ultimate giant robot.
loopstah said:
I have to say Patlabor is one of my favourite anime, and having my own mini-Alphonse is just too good an opportunity to miss. :D

I raise you one Eva Unit 5:

Iv'e always wanted one !

I have Now and Then, Here and There on the way.
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Anyone heard of something called Bleech or bleach. Apparently its a series but I am not sure if I mis heard my friend talking about it as I am trying to find some info on it.

I was told its bigger than G.I.T.S S.A.C
Spacky said:
Anyone heard of something called Bleech or bleach. Apparently its a series but I am not sure if I mis heard my friend talking about it as I am trying to find some info on it.

I was told its bigger than G.I.T.S S.A.C

Bigger as in better? If so I doubt it.
z0mbi3 said:
Bigger as in better? If so I doubt it.

Well thats what a friend said, I'll ask them to spell it to me next time so I can approach google with a hamer-helm-keyboard attack.

As for G.I.T.S S.A.C, I just ordered series 2 box set :)
Bleach is one of the popular long running anime series (I'm not sure if it's insanely popular or not).

I don't know if i'd say it's better than GITS, but it's certainly got more episodes, but then so have Dragonball, Pokemon and Ranma (not that i'm knocking Ranma)

Vent, it's probably worth buying at a tenner:)
I don't know if the film would be worth £20-30 though, but I did think it was begging for a sequel;)
My only problem with bleach is the fact that up till episode eighty something-or-other not a single person actually died.

I know its got a timeslot in japan that means it cant be all hack and slash but come on...

Just out of intrest is series 2 of GITS SAC 26 episodes in total?
You know I was hoping to be all sensible with my student loan and everything and then TRSI do a bloody stupid sale and now I've put in 3, 25 for £100 orders and spent more elsewhere buying starter sets to go with them.

Oh well it's only money. :o
Werewolf said:
yup SAC 2nd gig is 26 episodes + the tachikoma shorts, i'm planning on watching the last disk of the R1 release tonight :)

I still need to finish series one as I was that unimpressed that I gave up.
You must have watched all of about 4-8 episodes? Persevere with it, it does get so much better. It becomes a compulsive watch round about disc 3. It's definitely one of the slower starters. I'm hoping a cheap Second Gig boxset(like the first one, as opposed to the £80 tin boxset, lovely though it looks) will be released at some point but no word on that yet.

Right Stuf Adds More Geneon (09:13 PM EDT): For those following the massive Geneon sale going on at Right Stuf, we've been told that a number of new titles have been added to the lists of qualified titles as well as a large amount of stock has come in so lots of shipments going out in the next few days. According to company president Shawne Kleckner, they hope to have most everything shipped very shortly and all orders filled as quickly as possible after the end of the sale.

Luckily for my bank balance, I can't find enough there to make up another order. My initial order's on the verge of shipping though :).
loopstah said:
Ghost in the Shell Movie Timeline
Ghost in the Shell
Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence
Ghost in the Shell 3: Solid State Society (I assume)

Ghost in the Shell TV Timeline
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 1st Gig (1-7)
Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex 2nd Gig (1-7)

Events take a slightly different turn in the films compared to the TV series so they're different stories with the same characters (with a few differences).

Technicaly, wouldn't the time line be Stand Alone Complex 1st & 2nd gig, followed by movies 1,2 and 3? Having seen them in order of release I believe this would be a better way of watching them.

While we're at it any info on 3 , my google yields little.
The movies tell parts of the same story as the series, but from another angle iirc.

Basically they are in a seperate timeline, with some fairly significant differences but with the same primary characters and some of the same ideas.
If you read the manga, then watch the films and tv series you'll notice a lot of the story themes carry across all 3 formats, but in each format it's told differently :)
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