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Well I just finished FMP The Second Raid and im very happy with it. The end was quite a tear jurker but im unhappy they left the ending so open for the sake of another series.

The Captin doing her happy dance at the end was really good.

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Sparky__H said:
Well I just finished FMP The Second Rest and im very happy with it. The end was quite a tear jurker but im unhappy they left the ending so open for the sake of another series.

The Captin doing her happy dance at the end was really good.


[pedant mode]It's The Second Raid[/pedant Mode].

I'm not unhappy about them leaving FMP open for more. It's easily my favourite anime series and one I can watch again and again. I think I watched the first series 3 times in a week when I first got it, for instance :p.

Hellsing isn't great(all style and not much substance, and THE most annoying main female character ever, as well as a rubbish ending) but Last Exile is excellent. Shame about the unfortunate character names though(Lavie Head? seriously?).

I'm waiting on part 2 of Wolf's Rain to come in the post(knew it was a mistake to start watching Part 1 last week :p) and Rahxephon, along with the DVDs I ordered in the Geneon sale at Rightstuf. I'm hopeful they'll come today.

I've still not watched more than one episode of Heat Guy J, but otherwise I'm virtually caught up on all my anime.

Just a bit of advice for anyone who is considering buying any of the Funimation Limited Edition Starter Sets, they really are Limited.

Samurai 7 Vol 7 + Box
Negima Vol 1 + Box
Basilisk Vol 1 + Box
Desert Punk 1 + Box
Trinity Blood 1 + Box
Speedgrapher 1 + Box

are all running out of stock or are already sold out at many online retailers and they wont be replaced (which is crazy for Trinity Blood as it was only released on Tuesday).

The US branch of that multi-national webstore have them in stock but not many other places do.

I imagine this applies to the Limited Edition versions of the other volumes in some of the series as well, but as the art box volumes are the most popular they are the ones in short supply.

Personally I've ordered all of them as I prefer an artbox to go with my DVDs.
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I think this has been the case since they first started.

Unlike Bandai and ADV who may make 5-10k units of their LE's Funi tend to only make a couple of thousand at most, i remember I was extremely lucky to get a Kiddygrade "Starter set", and ended up with the secondary Tenchi Universe box set - the one Funimation produced when it became clear that the 1k or however many they had intended to produce with the box + extras was not going to even meet pre-orders (they ended up releasing 3 versions of disc 1, one with the full starter set, one with the DVD and a box, and the standard one).

So, with Funimation sets always get your pre-orders in as early as possible to avoid disapointment :)
Right I don’t like to throw the words STUNNING and BREATH TAKING around but LAST EXILE is these and more…

Every scene is a work of art and the characters are very well developed. Story trails off a bit with the Guild and isn’t as enjoyable but it doesn’t let up on the imagery.

Highly recommended Anime!
Sparky__H said:
Right I don’t like to throw the words STUNNING and BREATH TAKING around but LAST EXILE is these and more…

Every scene is a work of art and the characters are very well developed. Story trails off a bit with the Guild and isn’t as enjoyable but it doesn’t let up on the imagery.

Highly recommended Anime!

Yeah, it's pretty purty aint it. I loved it, great story, even better animation and it just oozes class.
Last Exile is great, I loved the ship designs, story, music and the characters (Range Mureta has some really nicely done characters).

I've got the postcards etc that came with the first runs of the R1 DVD's and they are really nice (I think they are based on images used on the R2J DVD's and the Spheres artbook for the series).

Right so I have watched:

Suzuka – I quite liked this as it has its sad and happy moments and it’s actually quite a down to earth story. No-one has special powers or anything like that, just normal people trying to live their overly complicated lives.

Lamune – Warm and fluffy but characters lack depth and easily predictable ending.

Rah-Xephon – I can only describe this as one huge ass Evangelion rip-off but without the soul destroying Komm Susser Todd.

Air – I don’t recommend anyone watch this as the ending is an absolutely heart wrenching, tear inducing story of eternal pain in the guise of a childish happy world anime where everything is soft and fluffy…
Sparky__H said:
Rah-Xephon – I can only describe this as one huge ass Evangelion rip-off but without the soul destroying Komm Susser Todd.


RahXephon does the whole "giant robot show with dubious quasi-religious overtones added to make it look cool, that features the end of the world and has a main character who is a young lad with problems" thing much better than NGE does. :p

Truthfully, I like them both although NGE loses out because Shinji is a whiny little **** and I like the whole love angle in RahXephon.
z0mbi3 said:
Technicaly, wouldn't the time line be Stand Alone Complex 1st & 2nd gig, followed by movies 1,2 and 3? Having seen them in order of release I believe this would be a better way of watching them.

While we're at it any info on 3 , my google yields little.

GITS 1, then 2. Then SAC is where they whiped the slate clean and pretended that the movies never happened so you have SAC1, SAC2, and the new movie Solid State Society which is all based in the SAC universe not the movie universe. Anime can be kinda confusing as they do occasionally push the reset button :D I can't wait to see Solid State Society but I so long for another full length series. It is *such* a good show. The animation, music, themes, story, plot, everything is just top notch.
loopstah said:
Truthfully, I like them both although NGE loses out because Shinji is a whiny little **** and I like the whole love angle in RahXephon.

Did Ginax have a hand in RahXephon?

And where did you get love angels from? They try to kill each other at the end to decide the race that wins.
Sparky__H said:
Did Ginax have a hand in RahXephon?

And where did you get love angels from? They try to kill each other at the end to decide the race that wins.

Angle not angel, I liked the whole Ayato-Haruka and Ayato-Hiroko love stories that added a little more to the series than NGE.

For anyone interested in Ghibli movies Musiczone are selling all of them at £8.97 each.
I finished my collection today with Porco Rosso, My Neighbours the Yamadas and Only Yesterday. :D
loopstah said:
Angle not angel, I liked the whole Ayato-Haruka and Ayato-Hiroko love stories that added a little more to the series than NGE.

For anyone interested in Ghibli movies Musiczone are selling all of them at £8.97 each.
I finished my collection today with Porco Rosso, My Neighbours the Yamadas and Only Yesterday. :D
I realy loved Porco Rosso,

"what do you expect, I'm a pig"
Well this weekend I watched Grave of the Fireflies great film but how sad a story was it ?? Also watched Cowboy Bebop and FMA Conquest of Shambala and thought both of those were pretty good too.
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