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holy ****

GITS: Innocence will probably be getting a dub
Apparently Manga and Madman will be teaming up to produce a dub for the UK and Australian release:eek:

Taken from a Convention report at and the AOD forums.
no, it will still have the original language track (it would be stupid not to), but it should also have an English track, something that has pretty much become standard for Anime releases in the UK/US/Australia.

I still can't beleive that Dreamworks didn't include an English track on their release as they had an english cast pretty much ready for most of the characters and the franchise had always had a dub - the excuse it was being treated as a foreign film/art film just didn't ring true (I still think it was more to do with the cost of dubbing it)
Cool. I'll probably have to get that version as well since I cant get my dodgy version replaced, something to with not being in the US or Canada.
soundwave said:

Does anyone know if Flame of Recca has been picked up by an Anime House for official release??

Looks like it could be a good series from what I've read.


I don't know if this has been posted before so please forgive me. I can't remember the song of the top of my head but it translates to Brothers I think and it's in the OST. I'll track it down sometime in the next few days I have it on CD somewhere.
Went to the MCM expo in london yesterday, it was great! there was so much to see and buy i must have spent around £120!! :eek: really good fun though bought the next two volumes of G.I.T.S and met Richard Ebcar (batou) he autographed my copy of stand alone complex
Most frequently watched anime is definitely Cowboy Bebop. I don't think I'll ever get tired of it, even though some episodes are really depressing to watch there's something compelling about them!
I've probably watched Dragonball Z more times than Bebop because when I was a kid they used to get repeated every so often, and each time I'd watch it again in the hope that this time they won't stop about halfway through the Cell story, but I guess the network were just too cheap to ever buy the whole series!:) Considering I've only known Bebop for a year and a half though, the amount of times I've watched it make it easily the most often-replayed thing I own!
Werewolf said:
no, it will still have the original language track (it would be stupid not to), but it should also have an English track, something that has pretty much become standard for Anime releases in the UK/US/Australia.
Oh that's ok then... the way you said it I couldn't make up my mind whether you meant it as a bad or good thing:) I wasn't too impressed with the original serie's dub tbh, the actors sounded like they were speaking slow-ly and clear-ly so all the 8-year-olds this "cartoon" was obviously aimed at could un-der-stand them :rolleyes: I've yet to see an anime dub with good acting, and wouldn't be a deciding factor for a purchase of mine anyway, as, unless it's extremely verbose like some episodes of GITS:SAC I have no trouble following subs.
mmm went a bit wacky last week and got all the RahXephon dvd's (buy 1 get one free @ virgin ) tis most excellent stuff!

Just waiting for my copy of the movie with art box thingy to turn up from dvd pacific :)
LC: It's so subjective though isn't it? Japanese and english are very different languages - even if a dub is well made, if you've heard the original language before going to the dub it might grate, not just due to the different languages, but simply because it's different voices than you're used to.
manveruppd said:
LC: It's so subjective though isn't it? Japanese and english are very different languages - even if a dub is well made, if you've heard the original language before going to the dub it might grate, not just due to the different languages, but simply because it's different voices than you're used to.

A prime example of that would be Dragonball Z.
I've seen them all dubbed & am SLOWLY building up my DVD collection with the Original Soundtrack & the differences in Character voices can be totally annoying when your so used to one voice.
Trying to go back to the original is pretty bizarre.

Ah, yes, some of the actors who did the dub for that one are much better than their Japanese counterparts, but the Funimation dub has all sorts of additional "problems", such as their changing lines from classicoriginals like "Don't kill him! I want to get the chance to fight him again at full strength!" to puke-inducingly "peace&goodwill" PC bile like "Don't kill him! Everyone deserves a chance to change!" :rolleyes:
manveruppd said:
Ah, yes, some of the actors who did the dub for that one are much better than their Japanese counterparts, but the Funimation dub has all sorts of additional "problems", such as their changing lines from classicoriginals like "Don't kill him! I want to get the chance to fight him again at full strength!" to puke-inducingly "peace&goodwill" PC bile like "Don't kill him! Everyone deserves a chance to change!" :rolleyes:

I think that was for the TV version (U.S. TV regs are pretty tight about things like "kill" in a kids show), and they have actually been redubbing those episodes for uncut release :)
If memory serves Pioneer dubbed the first seaon of DBZ to "TV broadcast" standards for Cartoon Network/Toonami in the U.S.
When Funimation took over (episode 54 onwards?) I beleive they started dubbing it with some alternate lines where need be so they could do two versions, the TV version and an uncut version (I know they redubbed early episodes and have been doing uncut releases).
I think DBZ was also Funi's first ever dubbing project and when people keep pointing back to it and saying how bad Funimation are because they change bits of dialogue, it is a bit unfair as it tends to ignore the circumstances (kids TV version) and everything they've done since (Fruits Basket, Blue Gender, Kiddy Grade, Tenchi GXP, Full Metal Alchemeist etc)

You see the same with several shows that were licenced primarily for TV broadcast, even the Tenchi Muyo OVA's 1 and 2 for example have a fair bit of redubbing (and digital Bikini's;)) in the broadcast version, but the "normal" DVD's aren't touched.
Yep, that's true, I've read about the uncut release coming out this year sometime, though I'm not particularly tempted to be honest...:)
I understand why they've had to do it, I know it wasn't a matter of incompetence or overcautiousness on their behalf, but I still :rolleyes: @ it. This prudishness in Western society (particularly U.S.) with regards to what we consider appropriate for kids really depresses me, especially considering the US has one of the highest teen crime rates in the world - certainly higher than Japan AFAIK. This isn't the place for a debate on sociology and ethics, but excessive sheltering of kids is a source of a lot of our problems I believe.
What always gets me about the TV version of DBZ was in the early episodes when Goku falls off Snake Road & down to the underworld.

In Japan the T-shirts the Ogres wear say HELL but for the US TV version Funimation/pioneer (Whoever did the early stuff) changed the Shirts to show HFIL - Home For Infinte Losers because they cant say Hell for some reason.
Always makes me laugh & them changing Hercule's name from Mr Satan thats another one, They even edited the signs people hold up in the World Tournament show's.

But still if these things need doing for syndication then thats fine by me, after all if they didnt I'd never have seen DBZ in the first place.

the hell change is another one for the TV market, for some reason you can't say it on U.S. kids TV (or couldn't, it might have changed) ;)

The U.S. has some funny idea's about what is not suitable for kids TV considering their approach to a lot of other things :)
Speaking of DBZ, I just ordered an uncut full set with covers that look like this:


Anybody else got this? Whats the quality like with regard to sound, image and subtitles?
Shamrock said:
Speaking of DBZ, I just ordered an uncut full set with covers that look like this:


Anybody else got this? Whats the quality like with regard to sound, image and subtitles?

Those are the bootleg ones IIRC

Cant comment on the Quality, I've been getting the Funimation ones.
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