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The AMD Driver Thread

Thats it.

GPU-Z. no stutter at all. obv cant check gpu usage but it seemed smooth as butter.

What did you work out was best settings for crossfire 290x's then to stay at 60fps @ 4K?

Use MSI Afterburner for monitoring fps, gpu temps, usage , etc. I have it constantly running and never have any stutter problems with it.
read above just now and left feeling it's time to quit amd now,we need drivers for games when they are released,not weeks of hot air and no action.
Does amd have a proper team working on drivers? don't employ a retired gardener sorting there drivers on the cheap do they:)
I don't use crossfire,but to be honest people I know well do,one said to me while playing witcher 3"least with amd's idea of what crossfire is all about,your guaranteed of always having a spare card":D

AMD have no drivers for witcher 3, and still performs better, than nvidia?
Thank you, I'll stay.
I'll say something, go Green Nex mate, AMD are a joke end of.

Yup, pretty certain I will be jumping to nvidia, it is just a question of when.... it all comes down to 2 things:

- batman AK and how it runs
- monitor choice for gsync

So I could be jumping ship next month... will just pick up a second hand cheap 980 though, the 980ti is going to be too expensive.

Although want to see what happens with the 7xx series cards regarding worse performance lately especially in the witcher 3.

We really need a 3rd gpu brand :(
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I'm sure as hell bailing. Just waiting for the next wave of cards to be released so I can pick up a second hand 970 or something. I don't need much more to play at 1080p.
Eyetrip in 50 years...


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