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The AMD Driver Thread

The thing is, do you actually think they are intentionally holding back?

I have a feeling they arent doing it on purpose. Why in gods name would they hold back and pee so many people off? They are clearly having difficulties.

I appreciate its frustrating and I admit I dont have half the issues as I only run a single GPU. Cant one card be disabled and the game be played as if it was just a single card setup? (I ask, obviously because I dont have experience in this)

A release of the drivers is the only thing thats going to please people, so I dont really know what you expect to gain by AMD acknowledging or announcing that they have issues.
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Cant one card be disabled and the game be played as if it was just a single card setup? (I ask, obviously because I dont have experience in this)

Yes, but try and do that at 4k with half decent settings and the result is less than desirable.

I don't think anyone really thinks they are doing it on purpose either, its the lack of information and their blasé attitude of late that is annoying people.
The thing is, do you actually think they are intentionally holding back?

I have a feeling they arent doing it on purpose. Why in gods name would they hold back and pee so many people off? They are clearly having difficulties.

I appreciate its frustrating and I admit I dont have half the issues as I only run a single GPU. Cant one card be disabled and the game be played as if it was just a single card setup? (I ask, obviously because I dont have experience in this)

A release of the drivers is the only thing thats going to please people, so I dont really know what you expect to gain by AMD acknowledging or announcing that they have issues.

Their lack of communication as to what is going on is what's really grating me. I wouldn't be surprised if the issues that I'm (and others) having in GTAV and BF Hardline aren't fixed with the next driver...

You can disable one card and run it with that but I've paid for two cards, so I want to be able to use two cards properly.
Yes, but try and do that at 4k with half decent settings and the result is less than desirable.

I don't think anyone really thinks they are doing it on purpose either, its the lack of information and their blasé attitude of late that is annoying people.

Maybe accept that 4k is gonna be a problem for now and then just give the game a go at a more easy going resolution.

I'm not sure what information would make people happy though. Do they say "We simply cant seem to get crossfire working with this game, we have no idea when we will". How would people respond to that?.

I think the fact they say they are working on it, and that it will be released when working is about as much as people can expect.

I do appreciate that it must be frustrating when you have £500+ invested in graphics cards, but I do also think that sometimes people need to just step away from the computer, take a moment, and chill out :)
Maybe accept that 4k is gonna be a problem for now and then just give the game a go at a more easy going resolution.

I'm not sure what information would make people happy though. Do they say "We simply cant seem to get crossfire working with this game, we have no idea when we will". How would people respond to that?.

I think the fact they say they are working on it, and that it will be released when working is about as much as people can expect.

I do appreciate that it must be frustrating when you have £500+ invested in graphics cards, but I do also think that sometimes people need to just step away from the computer, take a moment, and chill out :)

I've been away from my computer for a couple of weeks because I'm having problems with drivers and the games im playing are unplayable! :p
I don't believe they are holding it back intentionally. I read a rumour somewhere that Project Cars profile is giving them problems and that's holding the release back. They are only rumours though and I don't hold a great deal of stock in them.

Whether they are holding it back intentionally or not is irrelevant as far as I am concerned. It's not acceptable, whether there is genuine reasons holding back or not. This is a massive release. Witcher 3 and Project Cars are probably the most popular games of their genre right now. It's 9 days after release and we are still not able to get performance that is of an acceptable standard to the price we have paid for our hardware.

In a time, where they need to fight to get some market share back, this is not what you would expect. I understand it's as busy a time as it's going to get for them right now, but you neglect your current customers at your own risk. I have already decided I am staying with AMD for their next set of cards. I got a freesync monitor recently and I would like to have that feature available to me. It's their saving grace right now, but I will say one thing for sure. There is not a hope in hell I am going crossfire. If I feel their not providing an acceptable service, the next card after that will be Nvidia, I don't buy into certain Nvidia actions and practices, but at least you feel supported there.
Maybe accept that 4k is gonna be a problem for now and then just give the game a go at a more easy going resolution.

I'm not sure what information would make people happy though. Do they say "We simply cant seem to get crossfire working with this game, we have no idea when we will". How would people respond to that?.

I think the fact they say they are working on it, and that it will be released when working is about as much as people can expect.

I do appreciate that it must be frustrating when you have £500+ invested in graphics cards, but I do also think that sometimes people need to just step away from the computer, take a moment, and chill out :)

But 4k wouldn't or shouldn't be a problem with working crossfire profiles, to have your expensive 4k panel running at a low resolution and having 1-3 cards idle in your rig is just not economical for people like myself who have a lot of money in this hobby but are by no means rich.

And to me personally I would rather them come forward and say yes we are having issue or something, nothing wrong with honesty!

I am not having a go at you and I fully respect your opinion but you must see the other side of the coin. :)
Well, most of us do have control. Of a sort. We can go nvidia.

I would in a flash if I felt anything else they currently had was the right price for performance. And I doubt the 980ti is going to change that.

So, I can either just sit tight and hope for the best, bite the bullet and go to two gtx 980, or pay silly money for sli 980 Ti.

Though, I suppose there is a fourth option... Can just get one 980 Ti and a ps4.
Well, most of us do have control. Of a sort. We can go nvidia.

I would in a flash if I felt anything else they currently had was the right price for performance. And I doubt the 980ti is going to change that.

So, I can either just sit tight and hope for the best, bite the bullet and go to two gtx 980, or pay silly money for sli 980 Ti.

Though, I suppose there is a fourth option... Can just get one 980 Ti and a ps4.

Well I vowed never to go Nvidia again after the way they treated 970 owners, everything they have done since then has strengthened my resolve. Unfortunately Amd have had a few issues but the hysteria on here has been OTT. I am patiently waiting for their new cards and am quietly confident they will produce the goods. I can understand the CF issues annoying some but to be honest there have always been issues with dual cards since they first came out, I myself have dabbled (2X 7950) and found it mostly ok but occasionally troublesome. If the BIG card does turn out to be as expensive as the TX then I will probably have to go back to xfire to give me the performance I need to do my 4K justice, so be it. I am however hoping to get the top amd single card as that would be my preference. As for Nvidia, unless they came out with a full apology and some gesture of goodwill for the 970 owners then they are dead to me, sad but that's the way I feel. We need Amd to produce the goods at a reasonable price point ( I feel top tier graphics cards are getting to silly money) and continue to do so for the future. Not having a pop at anyone here by the way you are all entitled to spend your money as you see fit but I think most of what is said on here about Amd is a little premature as I feel they have a lot going on just now what with, new cards/drivers/games/Win 10 etc and yes I know Nvidia are a bit better at this but then they are massive in comparison aren't they? ;):)
AMD Matt goes very silent when the drivers are late i see, maybe amd should delay these more often :D

It's really putting me off going crossfire pure waste of money as there is no support for new games soon after release.
He's still posting new threads of marketing bumf on how dx12 will bring amazing Xfire performance whilst going quiet the epic fail going on in dx11 world.

I wonder who's idea it was to start talking about DX 12 and all that stuff Matt posted. I agree with others, bad timing. Get the drivers out first, then next day post that. AMD run so badly as a business, so sad to see :(
AFAICT, AMD single-card users seem to have faster and more stable performance than Nvidia users. At least we have the tessellation slider to limit hairworks, which is more than Nvidia users have. Everything under Titan-level is getting a performance hit from it. In that respect, we may be overreacting, and the grass isn't greener on the other side. Yes, Nvidia got a day one driver out, but if it's buggy and they've got to do it again, that's not much good for anything except marketing. Jumping to the devil you don't know may make you feel better, but it might not actually fix the problem.

I think where AMD have let us down is not being ready for a big release, screwing over crossfire uses (as usual) and again telling us a driver was on it's way and then it not happening and going silent on us for far too long.

This is all easily fixed by simply getting the initial day one drivers out on time. I think this delay has happened because they are trying to do new drivers for new big game releases, Windows 10 drivers, and drivers for the R3xx cards. Too much work, and not enough resources to do it.
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Im still on omega driver, should I be downloading the beta? Playing witcher3 ATM which seems OK but can get a bit juddery at times. I'm on a 290x.
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AFAICT, AMD users seem to have faster and more stable performance than Nvidia users. At least we have the tessellation slider to limit hairworks, which is more than Nvidia users have. Everything under Titan-level is getting a performance hit from it. In that respect, we may be overreacting, and the grass isn't greener on the other side. Yes, Nvidia got a day one driver out, but if it's buggy and they've got to do it again, that's not much good for anything except marketing. Jumping to the devil you don't know may make you feel better, but it might not actually fix the problem.

I think where AMD have let us down is not being ready for a big release, screwing over crossfire uses (as usual) and again telling us a driver was on it's way and then it not happening and going silent on us for far too long.

This is all easily fixed by simply getting the initial day one drivers out on time. I think this delay has happened because they are trying to do new drivers for new big releases, Windows 10 drivers, and drivers for the R3xx cards. To much work, and not enough resources to do it.


Well said.
I find it funny that people are actually expecting day1 driver for all new games. Something is wrong if we need day1 driver for every single game, it just means that something was wrong in previous drivers. Crossfile profiles are different, but I don't see us needing whole new driver for that. Previously we had those profile packages we could download separately.

I'm satisfied of my witcher3 performance on my 7970. Ofc I always welcome more performance, but to say that older drivers weren't already optimised for the game might not be true at all.
I find it funny that people are actually expecting day1 driver for all new games. Something is wrong if we need day1 driver for every single game, it just means that something was wrong in previous
drivers. Crossfile profiles are different, but I don't see us needing whole new

It means the devs didn't do their job properly, and the driver teams are having to figure out workarounds and fixes for the problems in the DX black box.

driver for that. Previously we had those profile packages we could download separately.

Yeah, AMD stopped doing those for some reason. Like a lot of AMD things, they were a good idea that AMD never followed-up into something useful.
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