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The AMD Driver Thread

Witth only 1-2 weeks before they announce/launch the 300 series I bet they are sh**ting themselves if they can't get Witcher 3 and PCars to work at a decent framerate on the new cards. Imagine the 390X getting slaughtered in PCars by a 970/980. That will be the end I fear.

Edit: just checked the AMD forum and I can't make head or tail of it. Are there any discussions on there or what? Where do you click to see the most recent posts? WTH were they thinking designing that sh*te.

AMDMatt please tell them to make a proper forums like Nvidia or OCUK ffs.
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I just want to know what the reason is why they didn't have crossfire ready for release? Do a huge company like AMD not get copies of the game early to be able to have a crossfire profile ready? Surely they would be sent the code way in advance to test and get these things ready. This just feels extremely Amateur and I can imagine many of us will have finished the game by the time its available and not care anymore.
Guy invested a LOT in 3 8GB 290X cards, I'm ****ed off for him tbh!!!!! :D

Since 2013 I have purchased a 7990, 4x 270 (mining) a 290, 2x 290X and a 295X2, and even an FX9590 CPU, all brand new from OCUK (270's from another retailer), but I am seriously questioning if I want to continue buying their products.

I don't like Nvidia's business ethics either so when my rig is no longer viable I may just bow out of PC gaming all together. :(
I have pointed Roy on Twitter to this thread (not for the first time) and urged him to release the drivers he is sitting on.

I think we should all tweet him directly...about freesync and Crossfire profiles.

Also why aren't OCUK openly applying pressure to AMD to release drivers. OCUK are the biggest buyers of AMD cards in the UK and most of us have bought them from here and so surely OCUK must have some leverage when it comes to keeping its customers (US!) happy!!

We need a revolution to end this driver oppression!!!

Just to point out Roy doesn't work on the drivers it's not his call if and when a driver is released, so it's not him sitting on anything..

Roy is a community manager.
Just to point out Roy doesn't work on the drivers it's not his call if and when a driver is released, so it's not him sitting on anything..

Roy is a community manager.

He is the 'Corporate Vice President of AMD' according to his twitter profile...which makes him in charge of everything! He feels at ease tweeting about listening to the community etc therefore I am holding his responsible for this fiasco!
I cant see any reason why they would purposely delay things this long, maybe they have ran into issues. Would people rather they rushed out something that didnt work and added more fuel to the hate amd fire?

They seem to have gotten themselves into a tricky situation but I also think people who are flapping about it so much need to lighten up.

My AMD card is old now, 7950, however its running the Witcher 3 at 1440p with Medium details at 30fps constant. (limiter on). The graphics look good and barely different to the higher detail .

Im not quite sure why people are unable to play the game. Okay so without a crossfire profile you arent gonna be maximizing potential, but you are definitely not gonna struggle to play it.
I cant see any reason why they would purposely delay things this long, maybe they have ran into issues. Would people rather they rushed out something that didnt work and added more fuel to the hate amd fire?

They seem to have gotten themselves into a tricky situation but I also think people who are flapping about it so much need to lighten up.

My AMD card is old now, 7950, however its running the Witcher 3 at 1440p with Medium details at 30fps constant. (limiter on). The graphics look good and barely different to the higher detail .

Im not quite sure why people are unable to play the game. Okay so without a crossfire profile you arent gonna be maximizing potential, but you are definitely not gonna struggle to play it.

I would much rather a delay and it working perfectly than rushing something a making more problem.
I paid £500 for a Freesync display I can't use crossfire, sure I said my point of view am not happy, but I accept that these things need testing.

Don't see me in here everyday crying..

a lot of nvidia users are also putting little digs into this, lost count the amount troll posts in here lately, twisting, stairing it up..
No names.. They know who they are.
Im not quite sure why people are unable to play the game. Okay so without a crossfire profile you arent gonna be maximizing potential, but you are definitely not gonna struggle to play it.

But I'd imagine there will be a hellish amount of texture flickering which is a pain in the ass.

These new 980Ti's are looking tasty from what I've been reading...
But I'd imagine there will be a hellish amount of texture flickering which is a pain in the ass.

These new 980Ti's are looking tasty from what I've been reading...

I honestly don't even know what the texture flickering would be. The game looks good and plays fine for me. Maybe I'm just not quite a perfectionist. Seems.. Just.. Like a normal game to me! With nice graphics.
I honestly don't even know what the texture flickering would be. The game looks good and plays fine for me. Maybe I'm just not quite a perfectionist. Seems.. Just.. Like a normal game to me! With nice graphics.

Texture flickering is one of the side-effects of using a Crossfire profile that's not quite right for the game. AMD tend to have to engineer something particular in the driver for that game to resolve it, or use a different Crossfire method for that game. You won't get it with a single GPU. :)
I cant see any reason why they would purposely delay things this long, maybe they have ran into issues. Would people rather they rushed out something that didnt work and added more fuel to the hate amd fire?

They seem to have gotten themselves into a tricky situation but I also think people who are flapping about it so much need to lighten up.

My AMD card is old now, 7950, however its running the Witcher 3 at 1440p with Medium details at 30fps constant. (limiter on). The graphics look good and barely different to the higher detail .

Im not quite sure why people are unable to play the game. Okay so without a crossfire profile you arent gonna be maximizing potential, but you are definitely not gonna struggle to play it.

It runs ok for you, that's good. Sadly that doesn't apply to everyone hence the "disquiet" that's emerged.
Sure we'd rather they released something that worked rather than something that didn't, bit of a silly thing to say? What's frustrating is that it's taking them so long to fix these issues - they've had access to the game for a while I would imagine.....
I'm still waiting for a proper GTA5 profile, that game's been out a while now and nothing at all - that is why we're annoyed!
I honestly don't even know what the texture flickering would be. The game looks good and plays fine for me. Maybe I'm just not quite a perfectionist. Seems.. Just.. Like a normal game to me! With nice graphics.

For example...

This flickering will only happen if you have multi-GPU's and enable AFR to utilise both cards when there isn't a Crossfire profile.
We also pay for crossfire to run these games at high settings. Everyone can lower the settings depending on the card/cards they have but usually people buy crossfire to run things at the highest settings with good fps and with more and more people buying 4k screens and ultrawide screens if I max this game out at 3440x1440 and with the ini tweaks I did to make the game look even better im getting barely 20fps and with crossfire working as it should I would be getting between 30-40fps with good scaling which would make the game look beautiful and play well enough as 30fps or over is good enough for me.
I cant see any reason why they would purposely delay things this long, maybe they have ran into issues. Would people rather they rushed out something that didnt work and added more fuel to the hate amd fire?

They seem to have gotten themselves into a tricky situation but I also think people who are flapping about it so much need to lighten up.

My AMD card is old now, 7950, however its running the Witcher 3 at 1440p with Medium details at 30fps constant. (limiter on). The graphics look good and barely different to the higher detail .

Im not quite sure why people are unable to play the game. Okay so without a crossfire profile you arent gonna be maximizing potential, but you are definitely not gonna struggle to play it.

Not only am I not "maximizing potential", but I am having horrendous performance. Switching crossfire off, I am only able to get 24-30 fps at 1080p with a mixture of medium and low settings. If I set crossfire to AFR, I generally get 40-60fps at 1440p with a mixture of medium/high settings, but the flickering is intolerable. So I know there is performance there for me, but I am not able to utilise it, so for now, I have a sub par frame rate, running below my native resolution on less than desirable graphical settings. That is why I am upset.

It's great that you are having acceptable performance, but there are people genuinely having problems, AMD's whole attitude to this has been nothing short of appalling. Of course people are annoyed and frustrated.

Of course, I could just lighten up. After all, I should be grateful that AMD let me purchase their card's, let alone use them. Right?
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