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The AMD Driver Thread

25 Dec 2014
Charlotte, NC
It's so weird how a lot of us have no issues and then some have all the issues. :( My only single gripe is the clocks vary when playing games in windowed mode. No stutters, but I see it and it annoys me lol! Thankfully I only play one game like that.
4 Jun 2009
Got windows 10 on now and latest crimson drivers...

Where has the power voltage thing gone? I use to set that to +50% all the time? Here are screenies:

J6DfGpP.png 4lfyWNY.png

Also, what settings do I use for rivatuner again?

12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
What a mess this is - nvidia fanboys must be ****ing themselves laughing. lol AMDMatt disappeared of face of the planet with all these issues.

No surprise there. Don't worry, as soon as AMD have something good to announce he will be back. lol

Sad, but it's the way AMD roll these days. It only makes me potentially picking up pascal when it comes out to be an easier choice :o

You can find me on the AMD forums, AMDCare, or via the AMD.com/support website. It's no longer my responsibility to hang around here pandering to you folks. I keep updating the thread though and help out when I'm not working in my spare time, merely as a courtesy. I'm not about to abandon this thread or OcuK completely.

If you have issues to report, you can do so here.
12 Sep 2013
It's so weird how a lot of us have no issues and then some have all the issues. :( My only single gripe is the clocks vary when playing games in windowed mode. No stutters, but I see it and it annoys me lol! Thankfully I only play one game like that.

My only gripe is my one game I consistently play now sits with a core clock that goes no higher than in the 3, 4 or 5 hundred mhz's.

I've tried a lot of other games and there okay,
I've tried the latest Afterburner to lock the clock and it does in all the other games I've tested but it won't do it in this one it still sits in the 400's usually.
I've been playing the game for 6 years and have put many thousands of hours into it and currently have several mod projects I'm working on with it so I run it every day and this causes sub 30 fps performance at times which is an issue.

Other than that it's fine.

Crimsons slow if you have a lot of games installed and try to move past them to get to the settings(really slow with over 1000) but as a rule I don't go into it very often so I can put up with that.
10 Oct 2012
My only gripe is my one game I consistently play now sits with a core clock that goes no higher than in the 3, 4 or 5 hundred mhz's.

I've tried a lot of other games and there okay,
I've tried the latest Afterburner to lock the clock and it does in all the other games I've tested but it won't do it in this one it still sits in the 400's usually.
I've been playing the game for 6 years and have put many thousands of hours into it and currently have several mod projects I'm working on with it so I run it every day and this causes sub 30 fps performance at times which is an issue.

Other than that it's fine.

Crimsons slow if you have a lot of games installed and try to move past them to get to the settings(really slow with over 1000) but as a rule I don't go into it very often so I can put up with that.

Im curious.. what game is that?
16 Nov 2013
You can find me on the AMD forums, AMDCare, or via the AMD.com/support website. It's no longer my responsibility to hang around here pandering to you folks. I keep updating the thread though and help out when I'm not working in my spare time, merely as a courtesy. I'm not about to abandon this thread or OcuK completely.

If you have issues to report, you can do so here.

Sorry Matt that comes across to me as bad :confused:

I didnt know that you were just ever here to pander to us. I even recall when you didnt work for AMD you were still here and helping people even though it wasnt your responsibility.
If your work keeps you busy better to just say that IMO rather than how you worded it

Hope you have a merry xmas :D
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Sorry Matt that comes across to me as bad :confused:

I didnt know that you were just ever here to pander to us. I even recall when you didnt work for AMD you were still here and helping people even though it wasnt your responsibility.
If your work keeps you busy better to just say that IMO rather than how you worded it

Hope you have a merry xmas :D

Haha, perhaps pander was the wrong word to use. :p

Sadly I don't have a lot of time to keep up to date with every post in this thread. It's not a case of I'm avoiding the thread or have disappeared and will only return where there is good news. The best bet is to use the official channels to get help or report issues.

Merry Christmas to you Triss. :D
27 Dec 2009
Gillingham, Kent
You can find me on the AMD forums, AMDCare, or via the AMD.com/support website. It's no longer my responsibility to hang around here pandering to you folks. I keep updating the thread though and help out when I'm not working in my spare time, merely as a courtesy. I'm not about to abandon this thread or OcuK completely.

If you have issues to report, you can do so here.

Fair enough. I remember when you posted that your job was moving you from the OcUK forums onto the AMD forums full time due to the revamp of the AMD forums. Good to see a response showing some personality from a rep rather than the normal robotic corporate line. Thanks for taking the time to still come and see us mate.

Im curious.. what game is that?

Stalker, it's the one nashathedog has been talking about each time he's posted since Crimson launched, but understandable you might not remember with the amount of posts in this thread! :)
12 Jul 2007
United Kingdom
Fair enough. I remember when you posted that your job was moving you from the OcUK forums onto the AMD forums full time due to the revamp of the AMD forums. Good to see a response showing some personality from a rep rather than the normal robotic corporate line. Thanks for taking the time to still come and see us mate.

Thanks Stu. I'll always make time for the OcuK folk, that's why i still update the thread and help out around here - when i can.

Those quotes i saw deserved an explanation though, i thought. :)
12 Sep 2013
Im curious.. what game is that?
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Call of Pripyat

One would think that if someone is having issues with specific game, he/she would name that game. But I guess AMD is supposed to magically work out all the issues without any detailed reports ;)

I didn't see a need to name the game as I was talking about my overall impression of the new software which happens to be good apart from the specific problems mentioned, If something needs reporting it needs to be done in the correct place as I've done with both the issues I've mentioned. http://www.amd.com/report
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10 Jul 2009
a bit of a snide comment no?

Yes, but people down here should know much better than to comment about a problem without as much detail as possible.

Now that I know that Stalker is the game, I am not surprised it is causing issues: old game with a history of bugfest. On the other hand that game was developed on AMD hardware (yes even CPU, back in the day when phenom 2 roamed the earth), so there is no excuse for it to not work properly.
On the 3rd hand, I am sure AMD is looking into the many reports regarding core clocks.
Me personally, I think 3rd party clocking apps like Afterburner are messing things up here.
10 Jul 2009
I didn't see a need to name the game as I was talking about my overall impression of the new software which happens to be good apart from the specific problems mentioned, If something needs reporting it needs to be done in the correct place as I've done with both the issues I've mentioned. http://www.amd.com/report

So we chalk this thread off as just for moaning purpose. Why not report the issue at AMD site, and do the same detailed report down here. More place you report more chance AMD will look into it ;)
12 Sep 2013
I didn't see a need to name the game as I was talking about my overall impression of the new software which happens to be good apart from the specific problems mentioned, If something needs reporting it needs to be done in the correct place as I've done with both the issues I've mentioned*. http://www.amd.com/report

So we chalk this thread off as just for moaning purpose. Why not report the issue at AMD site, and do the same detailed report down here. More place you report more chance AMD will look into it ;)

As usual you ignore what's said and blabber on repeating what's already been said to you. It was reported, It's been reported here and there, In fact you(it wasn't you) responded to my first report here blaming Afterburner, I then responded to you saying I do not use any of those programs but because I have them installed I'll do an uninstall of everything and re-install Crimson to try again and having done that the issue was still there but you ignored that part of the post and continued to blame 3rd party software just like this reply ignores my having just told you I've already reported it in the appropriate places. And now here you are today acting out because I write a negative in a post of positives regarding Crimson, Could anyone be more transparent?

EDIT: Looking back it may not of been you I was responding too back then but your posts and you are all over the thread continuously so if you do actually read things rather than just look for opportunities to write snarky comments you wouldn't of missed the multiple comments discussing it spread over a page and a half.
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12 Sep 2013
Guys, guys, there's no need to fight among ourselves. That's what the Nvidia boys on the forum are for! :D

What there's no need for is the snide comments but as we see from back then he was reading the posts and at least being consistent

1000 games installed and wonder why UI is slow to scan all of them and display :D
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