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The AMD Driver Thread

12 Sep 2013
But you should figure out yourself, that 1000 games is extreme of the extremes and any software which scans the games will be slow to do it. It might not even be crimson software in itself, CPU, HDD(most likely) are the bottlenecks. So you moaning about such thing is pointless thus my cheeky comment. Any other genuine problem with crimson would most likely result in me commenting more seriously if I have anything to comment ;)

It is a lot of games I've never said it isn't but the problem lies in how it moves through the games list as there's a long delay (by long delay I mean the program goes white and say's that it is not responding which can last up to 10 or so seconds) to get into the list then if you want to go into one of the games settings (or the default games settings) there's another long delay, Then to get back out of a games settings there's yet another long delay followed by another long delay to get out of the section to the main menu. God forbid you wanted to sit there and go through a list of games doing individual settings. In contrast Raptr does not have the problem with the same 1000+ games. Once you turn the PC and program on it would do an initial load up and then run like you expect. No lag as I go into all the seperate game settings, Crimson seems to want to reload it all every time you try to move about inside the program.
But regardless of that as I have stated in earlier posts it is not a major issue just a niggle, you're the one who makes things like this into an issue by jumping on people for posting negative feedback.
29 Oct 2015
It is but you can't join most forums with names that have been used by someone before and 99% of forums wouldn't let me use it so I tried to make it something I can use everywhere for consistency.

probably says more about my eyes / brain, but in following a few threads in which you've posted, I've always thought it was Natasha the Dog (hadn't clocked the pic at all!) ... :eek:
12 Sep 2013
Just tried jumping into Witcher 3 for another playthrough....

Clocks jumping about everywhere, graphical artefacts constantly on screen.

Disabled Freesync, constant 1050 across both cards :(

That's a shame, Does not having Freesync on in the title make a big difference to your experience playing it or is more about that it should be working properly (Which it should)?

Is it just that game or does it do this with lot's of them? For me my core clocks sit between 300 and 600 in a game I play all the time but everything else I've tried seems to be fine, That's single card for me with no freesync monitor, For you there's clearly a crossfire/freesync/clocks issue but is it across the board?
22 May 2003
Presets no longer have keyboard shortcuts when using Crimson driver

I have a R390 and run Windows 10. Up to now, i have been using the 15.8 beta drivers but thought i'd update to the latest Crimson 15.11.1 beta driver.

I have 3 screens and normally use the single centre monitor when using the PC but like to switch to Eyefinity when i play games, watch films using VLC and fullscreen Youtube within Firefox etc.

Since installing the Crimson driver, i've discovered that keyboard shortcuts for my Single/ Extended/ Eyefinity presets no longer work, the feature is no longer present. How can i easily change between Eyefinity, single monitor and extended without having to open the Crimson app and then launch the old Catalyst Control Centre to manually click on the preset profile with the mouse cursor? It was bad enough when they stopped the winkey + P combo from working properly but now it looks like i'll be going back to the old driver.
27 Dec 2009
Gillingham, Kent
I take it opening Crimson, then selecting the Eyefinity tab along the top isn't working for you? I only ask as mine just displays "A display group could not be created using Quick Setup. Try Advanced Setup instead" but I just assumed that was because my setup is a bit odd.

You should be able to select a game in the Crimson "Gaming" tab, then select the game you want to play in Eyefinity, select Profile Options along the top and turn on "Launch with Eyefinity". The theory (and the demo videos) show you have your system setup for Extended screens, this then activates Eyefinity as soon as the game launches, then goes back to Extended as soon as the game finishes.

For me though, neither of the above work. I click Crimson > Preferences > Radeon Additional Settings to bring up the old CCC interface. From here I can Re-enable or Disable my Eyefinity setup at will to move between merged and separate screens. To make it a bit quicker, I've now pinned the CCC interface to my taskbar, so I just click that and then Enable/Disable Eyefinity setup.
7 Mar 2013
North East
I have to say I am now thinking of going back a driver or two as at first with a single R9 390X all did seem to be fine but after adding a second R9 390X I have started to see a few odd things happen, for the first time that I can ever remember I was getting a driver stopped responding message and last night I noticed after seeing some screen judder one of my cards was sitting at 58 Deg and the other was all the way up at 81 Deg !!!! so I removed the MSI utility and went back to the latest version of afterburner and after a gaming session today neither card went above 60 Deg ..... so not sure if it is the driver or the MSI App ..

However Afterburner Does show the GPU usage going up and down like a yo yo ..... and often I'm seeing GPU1 bouncing all over and GPU2 at Zero ....

CF is enabled but I'm starting to wonder if it is actually working ....
4 Jun 2009
Been using the latest crimson driver since I put windows 10 on about a week ago and they have been fantastic for me so far.

I don't know if it is windows 10, better optimisation in AMD's drivers or just something ****ing up with my previous windows 8.1 install but performance is considerably better overall, batman AK is super smooth now (no crashes either so far...) + in one area where gta 5 used to drop to 43FPS, it is now locked to 60FPS and ACS is also running smoother :)
5 Nov 2014
Hey Guys, just saw this thread.

I have a 390 waiting to go in, when I tested at first with the latest drivers I did notice the fps drops quite low 1080P gaming.

installed after burner and noticed that the core clock was not going past 800-900mhz when the default factory clock is 1080mhz.

in minecraft it was sitting at 300-400mhz!

what is the best drivers to use? I had to remove the gpu before I could try any older drivers as its for Christmas! lol
17 Mar 2012
ARC-L1, Stanton System
Hey Guys, just saw this thread.

I have a 390 waiting to go in, when I tested at first with the latest drivers I did notice the fps drops quite low 1080P gaming.

installed after burner and noticed that the core clock was not going past 800-900mhz when the default factory clock is 1080mhz.

in minecraft it was sitting at 300-400mhz!

what is the best drivers to use? I had to remove the gpu before I could try any older drivers as its for Christmas! lol

What games do you play? if its low stress on the GPU and / or you have 60 FPS VSync lock on the GPU will down clock its self to save power.
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