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The AMD Driver Thread

16 Aug 2009
Are hotkeys back in this new 15.12 driver? I need an easy way to switch between Eyefinity and single monitor mode at the desktop and luckily i'm still able to do this while using Catalyst Control Centre (i've been avoiding Crimson so far because of hotkey removal).

Its a PITA isn't it? I cannot understand why they would think it was a good idea to remove them. :confused:
4 Feb 2006

The new drivers are causing clock fluctuations even on my old 7950 single card mode. Tried putting up the resoluton to 1440P VSR and 4xAA in Valley and Heaven benchmarks but still the gpu load and frequency keep switching between 100%-60%. Causing stutter in frame rate. Happens in games too.
26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
Tony can you try running Star Wars Battlefront with CrossFire enabled without MSI Afterburner running. Someone on the AMD Forums mentioned that disabling afterburner fixed it for them. I find this hard to believe and suspect it's an isolated case, but if you get a moment try it out please.

Also, where do you see the option Always run 3D clocks? I can't seem to find it in the Fury GPU Tweak. Wondering if this may only be applicable to 3xx/2xx series GPU's.

Ok Thx matt, will try that tomorrow.

Regarding the 3D clock option, it's a tab thats at the top when you go into professional mode.
22 Nov 2009
Under the hot sun.
No idea mate.

Have you tried either of the workarounds? Both are pretty easy to maintain and work well if you want to use the drivers.

With 15.12,

a) Total War Attila, Charlemagne DLC, when alt tab to windows and go back, whole world breaks lose. Severe flickering, both as screen (between black-colour) and as frequency (vertical black lines). Clock speed goes up but fps stays bellow 10.

b) SWTOR & TESO. The graphics are not rendered properly, and while I have everything maxed out, the textures look like they are bellow the Low setting while on the move. When I stop and give it 1 second, they sort themselves out.
I play those games for years, and never had such issues.

c) The Always 3D clocks, on Asus GPU Tweak, do show on my 295X2 and Windows 7. And if I haven't clicked it, the flickering is severe on all games.

Seriously something is broken after 15.6 & Freesync. Because I never had such issues on screen quality or performance.
3 Apr 2007
Just tried out that 'ClockBlocker' software with AC:Syndicate and it's cleared up the stuttering I was getting, a lot smoother now.

Initially when playing it it felt like possibly a streaming issue with the game or hitting ram/vram limits but dropping settings etc didn't seem to help much. Running the CB s/w has cleared it up to the point that I've put the settings in game back up and it's still running better than before.

Think AMD need to dial back on the power savings a bit, or better yet give the consumer a the choice to turn it off when running 3D clocks via the driver.

Always been a fan of ATi/AMD but this latest Crimson package (though I do like the look and feel of it and the direction it is going) is a step backwards and just feels incomplete and rushed out for the sake of it.

Still don't like the fact that we now have Crimson, CCC Lite and then still having to go back to Windows settings just to manage the settings for everything, particularly in Win10 as the Windows settings seem worse than they where in Win7. :/
26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
freeysnc and crossfire working without any issues here, everything is fine for me. The problem for me comes when I enable "Frame Pacing". When Frame Pacing is on with Freesync, my core clocks do jump all over the place, even using the ASUS GPU tweak to lock 3d clocks doesnt work. Disable Frame Pacing though and everything works as it should, so this issue is obviously linked to Frame Pacing and Freesync somehow. I've put in numerous reports of this, hopefully someone actually reads the report because I must have thrown in maybe 12 to 15 reports in the last 2 months, I'm just one voice though with no acknowledgement they are looking at these issues.
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6 Aug 2009
freeysnc and crossfire working without any issues here, everything is fine for me. The problem for me comes when I enable "Frame Pacing". When Frame Pacing is on with Freesync, my core clocks do jump all over the place, even using the ASUS GPU tweak to lock 3d clocks doesnt work. Disable Frame Pacing though and everything works as it should, so this issue is obviously linked to Frame Pacing and Freesync somehow. I've put in numerous reports of this, hopefully someone actually reads the report because I must have thrown in maybe 12 to 15 reports in the last 2 months, I'm just one voice though with no acknowledgement they are looking at these issues.

All these issues :( just one massive mess.
8 Jul 2003
In a house
mess up in what way mate?

As an example, if i turn it off in GTA V, i get what looks like terrible tearing, right along the top of the screen when turning around.

Although saying that, ive just thought, maybe thats got something to do with the FreeSync not working when FPs off, not sure, its annoying though, as i tried with it off in that, to see if it got rid of the stuttering i only get with Xfire with it.

Found this compare video.

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12 Sep 2013
As an example, if i turn it off in GTA V, i get what looks like terrible tearing, right along the top of the screen when turning around.

Although saying that, ive just thought, maybe thats got something to do with the FreeSync not working when FPs off, not sure, its annoying though, as i tried with it off in that, to see if it got rid of the stuttering i only get with Xfire with it.

Found this compare video.


Yay Cat fishing music.
26 Sep 2013
West End, Southampton
As an example, if i turn it off in GTA V, i get what looks like terrible tearing, right along the top of the screen when turning around.

Although saying that, ive just thought, maybe thats got something to do with the FreeSync not working when FPs off, not sure, its annoying though, as i tried with it off in that, to see if it got rid of the stuttering i only get with Xfire with it.

Found this compare video.


ah right, yeah get ya. The games do look better with Frame Pacing enabled but for me I'll trade off the smoothness for the moment to get both my 390's maxing out on the cores lol. Annoying as hell, not sure why they can't make something work without breaking something else. Do AMD even have test rigs with Freesync and crossfire, just baffling how these drivers and software launch with so many issues. Does no-one test or are we the BETA testers here.
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