Shankly you absolute gem.
Twitch, youtube, and even ******* facebook have been making my PC turn into a leafblower for the last 2 years. I've googled it and found nothing, and then you come along, like a bloody white knight, with the solution.
Now your CPU does the rendering while browsing, and the UVD component inside your 7950 takes early retirement.
The Nano is missing button to turn off power efficiency (16.8.1).
Any other clue to resolve the flickering issue other than go and buy a 1080 or a Titan?
The Nano should never of had this feature, as it didn't have any power saving optimisations like the other Fury and 3xx range. If it did show up as an option, it was a bug.
If you can reproduce it with a certain driver, let me know and provide a screenshot please.
Disable hardware acceleration in the browser you using?
Last 10 minutes of this GPUTemp graph are watching a Youtube clip
shankly1985, I did think about that, but nothing has changed on my machine apart from these drivers... so basically, why should I? Is it good practice to do this as a normal 'tweak'?
Sorry, very new to this thread... I see people on 16.7/16.8 with problems. Is there a known good driver version I should try to install? Like I said, first time I've ever had any problems so I didn't think twice about upgrading.
It's a 7970 btw.
I wouldn't recommend it unless hardware acceleration is causing issues when watching video. Disabling it will force videos to render on your CPU and that usually means more dropped frames while watching videos. When you watch via with hardware acceleration enabled (GPU) you should get less dropped frames. You can test this yourself by right clicking a YouTube video and selecting Stats For Nerds while watching video on YouTube.
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