Maybe i've been doing it wrong, but i just use DDU (without safe mode). That removes both the drivers and any associated software.
Then boot normally and install drivers.
Always better to let it reboot into safe mode before uninstalling as in normal mode certain things are either in use or locked down by Windows File Protection. Even though you can unlock these things then delete they have a habit being reinstated by WFP when your back is turned. Safe Mode just eliminates these issues.
Ok thanks, think I'll go in safe mode just to be sure. Not done it yet as seems to be a rare bug, but I'll do a fresh install anyway when I have the time.
Unrelated, but I've been trying to force Vsync off in a certain game and it seemed to have no effect. Searching I found this
Vsync controls are only for opengl? Still the case I assume?, those controls going to work with dx titles at anypoint. Radeonpro can do it (along with other stuff), so not sure why the crimson control panel should still be lacking so much compared to it.