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I've noticed a bug, though im not sure its the fault of the drivers. I'm getting browser flickering on Chrome since ive installed my second card. It wasn't happening on single card. It also didn't happen a week or so when i was using chrome with crossfire on the 13.6 beta drivers. It makes me think its something to do with the recent flash player update of chrome. Disabling hardware acceleration in chrome makes the flickering much less noticeable but i can still tell its not working 100% as intended. I notice it when looking at different tabs in chrome or when i first open the browser or sometimes look at different webpages.
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I've noticed a bug, though im not sure its the fault of the drivers. I'm getting browser flickering on Chrome since ive installed my second card. It wasn't happening on single card. It also didn't happen a week or so when i was using chrome with crossfire on the 13.6 beta drivers. It makes me think its something to do with the recent flash player update of chrome. Disabling hardware acceleration in chrome makes the flickering much less noticeable but i can still tell its not working 100% as intended. I notice it when looking at different tabs in chrome or when i first open the browser or sometimes look at different webpages.

I can fix it by setting disable 2d clocks in HIS Tool, but naturally this is not ideal. I like low idle clocks. Gonna try an older driver revision, could be a windows 8 problem maybe.
Aight someone tell me i ain't going mad. Tried 13.5 Beta 3, 13.6 beta 1 and 2. Both drivers with and without crossfire enabled gets me flickering when browsing in chrome, Windows 8. The issue can be fixed by setting disable 2d clocks in HIS Tool.

Anyone else seeing this or am i alone here?

Its a minor issue as gaming wise its fine but anything less than perfection for me in unacceptable. :D
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I don't want to jinx myself but i think ive fixed it. I was trying to disable ULPS and extend overclocking limts at the same time on the same restart. Since doing them one at a time and restarting after each change so far no problems. I got greedy and paid the price.


Scrap that its still faulty. However it appears that IE works fine so i guess its a chrome issue with the new flash version. Grrr.
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Figured out whats wrong. The DVI slot on the gpu is faulty. Swapped the cards round and moving the second card into slot 1 and using the DVI on that, no flicker in chrome or on desktop. Move the other card back and flicker in chrome and on desktop. Just my luck two faulty cards in a row.
I get some slight slight flickering on 13.6 that I didn't get on 13.5, using HDMI

Yeah i thought it might be a driver/crossfire issue now but ive narrowed it down to one gpu. Its either the gpu itself or the dvi slot. I can only use dvi so i can't try out other connections at 1440p on my monitor, but im pretty sure its the dvi slot. Bit annoying really as the card is a very good clocker. If i put it in the second slot and use the other gpu the issue disappears. The problem will come when and if i try to sell the gpu's on. Better i send it back now than later i guess.
E3 2013: AMD is Your Core of Gaming

AMD is making its way to E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), the world’s premier trade show for all things gaming, taking place from June 11 to 13, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

So far, 2013 has been a big year for AMD, especially in gaming, so we’re incredibly excited to be at E3 to share our latest technologies with gamers everywhere.

Our motto at E3 this year is BE INVINCIBLE.
Read more here

Posted Video

Look forward to the new GPU announcement.
AMD is making its way to E3 (Electronic Entertainment Expo), the world’s premier trade show for all things gaming, taking place from June 11 to 13, 2013 in Los Angeles, California.

So far, 2013 has been a big year for AMD, especially in gaming, so we’re incredibly excited to be at E3 to share our latest technologies with gamers everywhere.

Our motto at E3 this year is BE INVINCIBLE.
Read more here

Posted Video

Look forward to the new GPU announcement.

With a bit of luck that new GPU announcement will be then.
With a bit of luck that new GPU announcement will be then.

Yes then the real question, do I upgrade right away or wait for BF4. Looking back at the 14min trailer it seems the game is using much high res textures. Do you think 7950/7970 would struggle with high setting @60fps?

Because that the only game coming out where I think upgrade.
Yes then the real question, do I upgrade right away or wait for BF4. Looking back at the 14min trailer it seems the game is using much high res textures. Do you think 7950/7970 would struggle with high setting @60fps?

Because that the only game coming out where I think upgrade.

It looks very much like Crysis 3, and that is very demanding, I doubt a 7950 would struggle with high settings, but then it depends on what you think is struggling, if your looking for ~100 FPS, no I doubt they would get that.

Do you have Crysis 3?
It looks very much like Crysis 3, and that is very demanding, I doubt a 7950 would struggle with high settings, but then it depends on what you think is struggling, if your looking for ~100 FPS, no I doubt they would get that.

Do you have Crysis 3?

I dont, have the first two but I only play the single player so waiting on crysis 3 to drop into the bargain bin lol

For me its 60fps solid I still play atm 1080p and don't use msaa etc I use the less taxing smaa

I planing a nice upgrade end of this year anyway. I thinking about dual monitor but I can't make mind up on higher res or higher hz :D
Then do I just buy another 7950 or go with new 8000 series

I do hate the upgrade itch lol
With a bit of luck that new GPU announcement will be then.

It will, thaw press release in the first like says something like "show off the new radeon desktop gpus"

On a more serious note, my mrs has just gone into labour, so may not be about for a fair few days, can one of you kind gents keep me updated via trust of any updates etc...?
Will trust you over any exciting events PG, good luck and congrats!

Look what Rory Taylor just posted. I reckon a new challenger is about to enter the arena. Has to be new radeon gpu's.

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