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If it's up at a reasonable time I'll put a mirror up.

@Cromulent, see second post, far cry 3 is broken for all users regardless of amd or nv. You can improve it with the instructions in post 2 but it's never going to be great until the developer stops rolling around in his console dosh and makes a game update fix.
The question is, if these frame pacing drivers work will there be a performance hit?

In terms of frame rates, for sure. I think thats been the problem all along, the measured performance has not matched the percieved (what you see on screen) in some cases.

There is bound to be a hit on some of the measured benchmarks, how big the hit is, we will have to see.
This driver will never get released it's wishful thinking that it will magically fix stuttering which is probably down to the hardware.

Yep. I think people are setting themselves up for a fall by betting their chips on it even happening. For the last week I have been thinking that if these drivers were good I would maybe forget about the 780s,then it was "I have 2 days to test them and decide", now its just sod it. As we discussed earlier in the thread if they could sort out the stutter it would have been done by now. Whats a couple of days gonna do? They either work or they dont at this point. I been looking forward to these alll day as well :(
Locky: don't forget that some sites have already tested the Alpha version of this driver when the 7990 got reviewed and it does seem to do the trick.
Making me wait for this driver, making me wait for the next gen cards, if they don't hurry up I might have to consider going back to the green team.

They already lost me. Im not hating cos I really want to see these drivbers happen but it's a false promise. When the frame pacing stuff kicked off they were hardly going to say there is no fix with the 7990 being sold were they.
Locky: don't forget that some sites have already tested the Alpha version of this driver when the 7990 got reviewed and it does seem to do the trick.

My theory on that is its a mash up of CCC/RP which isnt stable enough to fully release but some games are playable on it. Again though peeps, this isnt flamebait and I am not hating as I have 2 7970s now,this is just my humble opinion. Please feel free to prove me wrong :)
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