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*** The AMD RDNA 4 Rumour Mill ***

Problem with the unified approach is that a lot of die space may be used for architecture which could be useless for gaming and unnecessarily increases the cost of each chip that is destined for gaming.

No, if you read the article they explain their thinking, currently Nvidia use a unified architecture, so the gaming GPU's have the same capabilities as the workstation GPU's and with that the they can utilise the full feature set of CUDA, that's how you get DLSS and Ray Reconstruction ecte...

For a couple of year now AMD have been building their equivalent or rival to CUDA, ROCm, now the want to unify the architecture for the same reason Nvidia already do, this is how AMD get to DLSS and Ray Reconstruction equivalents.
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i guess its just to spread out R&D costs because AMD's CDNA has not developed the kind of market traction to justify a separate, dedicated line item on the P&L
you can, without loss of generality, adapt a method of compiling code to different architectures.. for example: train on chip X and infer on chip Y, the move is basically AMD saying we are not confident of our potential in GPU driven supercomputing and they just put a marketing spin around it

and from what i have read about nvidia's future plans, they are actually moving towards greater compartmentalization- for example: the proposed revolutionary 12 month cadence for AI chips
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PlayStation 5 news but rdna4 related

The ps5 pro was announced with 300% faster RT than the base machine and 67% more CUs

Mark Cerny discussed the RT in an interview and said this:

PS5 Pro uses a new advanced ray tracing feature set that AMD built and will use as the next gen step in their roadmap. But if you look around, currently there are no other AMD GPUs that use this technology yet, we are the first. We motivated and pushed AMD in the development of this, and I'm very happy we did, the response from the developers has been extraordinarily great.

Cerny basically saying AMD has created some new RT hardware that will be used in future GPUs
It's interesting that they've put such importance on RT given how little so many people seem to care about it. But more than that given the way consoles work how are they gonna work that in games? Surely if the RT runs fine on a PS5 or XBOX Series X then the improved RT performance is sorta pointless. But if it's only useable on the PS5 Pro then the game has to work without it so then you're adding dev time and money to produce both versions. Will PS5 Pro players be able to turn it off or will it be a case of RT is on for PS5 Pro and off for PS5? Could you then end up with games running better on a PS5 than a PS5 Pro? If you can turn it off on a PS5 Pro, why would anyone turn it on given people preference for FPS over RT?

Will AMD bother using it in their new GPUs if people are just going to turn it off for extra performance?
Especially if RDNA 4 is going to be mid-end and below, so you might not have the performance to spare even if the hit if considerably lower than RDNA 3.

AMD talking about wanting to gain market share rather than compete at the high end, but will they be releasing mid-range cards with high-end prices? Or mid-range cards with slightly cheaper than Nvidia mid-range card prices? Cuz if that worked they'd have gain a bunch of market share with RDNA 3 wouldn't they?
It's interesting that they've put such importance on RT given how little so many people seem to care about it. But more than that given the way consoles work how are they gonna work that in games? Surely if the RT runs fine on a PS5 or XBOX Series X then the improved RT performance is sorta pointless. But if it's only useable on the PS5 Pro then the game has to work without it so then you're adding dev time and money to produce both versions. Will PS5 Pro players be able to turn it off or will it be a case of RT is on for PS5 Pro and off for PS5? Could you then end up with games running better on a PS5 than a PS5 Pro? If you can turn it off on a PS5 Pro, why would anyone turn it on given people preference for FPS over RT?

Will AMD bother using it in their new GPUs if people are just going to turn it off for extra performance?
Especially if RDNA 4 is going to be mid-end and below, so you might not have the performance to spare even if the hit if considerably lower than RDNA 3.

AMD talking about wanting to gain market share rather than compete at the high end, but will they be releasing mid-range cards with high-end prices? Or mid-range cards with slightly cheaper than Nvidia mid-range card prices? Cuz if that worked they'd have gain a bunch of market share with RDNA 3 wouldn't they?

It will be the game developers wanting better RT hardware more than the gamers.

In terms of the difference in visual quality between the ps 5 and ps 5 pro, it'll most likely just be different modes that gamers can choose so quality RT might run at 60 fps on ps 5 pro where as this might run at 30 FPS on the normal console.
Will be interesting to see how much improvement in RT has been achieved with RDNA4. The launch of the PS5 Pro will give us a good indicator before AMD launches their next gen gpu's.
Cerny said 2-3x which usually means about 35% in the real world.

Or less

Rt only makes up a small part of the frametime and I suspect the 300% only applies to one aspect of RT - there are many aspects that make up how RT is done and you can have 300% speed up in one area and end up increasing the actual framerate like 5-10%

Most likely the 300% performance improvement that Cerny mentions will translate into ps5 pro games having better RT graphics than the base machine but not have higher framerate. They even showed this in the Hogwarts game - on pro the RT reflections have a higher quality than the base machine but the framerate is the same.

Most likely the RT reflections look better because the internal RT resolution is set higher - currently AMDs advicee to game devs is to set RT internal resolution to 0.25 of screen resolution, so the pro will probably be higher than 0.25. Hard to say how much unless we compare it against PC footage, as on PC the game uses 1.0 for RT resolution
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Positive news hopefully.
Yeah good news. I will be preordering a Pro as soon as they become available however having just bought a 7900GRE I guess I will sit out RDNA 4 as they are only producing midrange cards, so I guess it will either be an RDNA 5 card or if NVidia produce something decent with a good amount of memory for around £700 next year I guess I could jump ship. Looking forward to seeing what the pro delivers RT wise.
It's interesting. If Sony are saying there are good gains, and if AMD solely has to focus the majority of their efforts on RT (their main weakness) then yeahhh, what gains, who knows, but any improvements are welcome and are pretty much guaranteed.
Rumours already out about rdna4 RT performance being higher than Blackwell's
If it is I predict quite a change in the RT discussions with Nvidia users deciding it doesn't make THAT much difference and AMD users deciding it's a game changer that's the biggest step forward in graphics in the last decade!

It's interesting. If Sony are saying there are good gains, and if AMD solely has to focus the majority of their efforts on RT (their main weakness) then yeahhh, what gains, who knows, but any improvements are welcome and are pretty much guaranteed.
It'd be interesting if AMD did focus on RT as they've also said that they want to focus on gaining marketshare and yet on this very forum we have a poll that shows that RT performance is the last thing people want in their next GPU, so it seems like their focus could've gone elsewhere if they were trying to appeal to customers...
Rumours already out about rdna4 RT performance being higher than Blackwell's


If we take the same sort of uplift Sony claim "2X to 3X" but that with 45% more GPU and the 3X will be besdt case (FC6 and 2X worst, CP2077)

The 8800 XT looks like a similar +45% GPU so 2X in CP 2077. Lets go worse, lets say 2X the 7800 XT.

26 FPS


Having better RT is all well and good but it’s DLSS quality upscaling which is what AMD really need, especially so if they are only planning to put out mid range cards.
Having better RT is all well and good but it’s DLSS quality upscaling which is what AMD really need, especially so if they are only planning to put out mid range cards.
Nah amd will have high end cards, problem is their high end only keeps up with Nvidia mid range.
I suspect amd will get a beating from intel too and then AMD will just stick to console and mobile gaming for a year or 2 till arm takes that away from them too.
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