Well installed the nitro today, and got round to swapping fans and putting in right order. I was a little nervous about the nitro looks (wasn't sure on colour of card), but in the flesh looks awesome, and the hidden cable is genius, it really makes a difference not having 2 pcie cable plugging into the dongle sticking out the front and dangling down...gives such a clean look, very monolithic. Coming from a 3070tife, it makes the nvidia card look laughably small...god know what a 4090/5090 would be like

. the anitsag bracket is clean looking(thought of blends away, though not entirely sure it's needed)
haven't played around too much, but loaded up Indy Jones/flight sim/control/ briefly to have a look....with indy I was basically running 1440 upscale dlss and now 4k native, but before i had textures etc on low..now they're max...I can't believe I've been missing this for so long

...the difference in look is staggering...flick to flight sim and did a bit of flying in Dune and again, the detail, the landing pad was smooth before, now it's textured(I didn't think it would make a difference, but the extra detail really is noticeable)...guess this is 8gb vram to 16gb kicking in doing it's thing
anyway, early days, but so far very happy with it, no matter what, it's still a massive improvement over the 3070ti (well for me) on my limited use, and I'm not regretting my decision. Certainly a lot cheaper than a 5070ti for me