The American Police

I have literally answered that a few posts ago. Strangely enough, in a country that doesn't have many guns and most people never even consider guns, we don't have accurate figures for "how many illegal firearms have you seen in the past year" statistics.

Tiny is quite obvious. We don't have guns. Unless you are rural or in a really bad part of cities you probably never see guns legal or otherwise. I lived in the country and we had a range close to us for clay pigeon shooting. Outside of that I have never seen a handgun in person apart from on armed police. I have lived in London for years and never saw a gun on anyone but the police.

If you are struggling to imagine it, imagine that no one you knew had any personal firearms unless they hunted (which isn't common in the UK) and that your police didn't carry guns and your criminals didn't have guns. Thats pretty much what its like in the UK.

Just for info, on the last count there was approximately 600k section 2 (shotgun certificate) holders and 150k section 1 (Firearms certificate) holders in the U.K. - some people have both so you can’t add them together, but probably about 650-700k people with legally held gun in the U.K. Between them they hold 1.3 million section 2 shotguns and 250k section 1 firearms which includes everything from AR-15s, cannons, mortars, flare guns to tanks (yes you can have a firing tank in the U.K. so long as you have a reason and it’s not self loading). So approximately 1.55 million guns in a pop of 65 million in the U.K. - 1 gun for every 42 people.
99.9% can't own/possess/fire one.

Otherwise they would. The only thing that stops your average law abiding person from possessing guns here in the UK is that it's not legal for your average law abiding person to own one. They simply wouldn't be issued a license, or even have grounds to apply for one.

Actually - technically thanks to Section11(4) of the 1968 firearms act no one in the U.K. needs a firearms license to own an AR15. There are plenty of hoops to jump through and this particular bit of legislation is currently being looked at so it will just be the .22 calibre version (to let clubs have guests) so it won’t necessarily be true in another year.

Ignoring that for a second 150k already have a FAC so technically your stat should be 99.78% Many more could apply if they wanted, .22 target shooting is quite easy to get into.
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Having spent a little bit of time in the US though - the mentality of the average gun owner in the US is completely alien to the understanding of a lot of the posters in these kind of threads here - for the most part they really have a very different perspective to what people think - though there are some nutters.

The big difference between the U.K. and US besides the fact that we screen the nutters out by examining their Criminal and GP records on a fairly regular basis is the discipline and education at the range. We have a minimum probation time at ranges (3-6 months) where the new member will be tutored and watched to see if they are safe with firearms.

In the US you can just buy a gun as you want one nevermind if you have any idea what you are doing - I have seen some right (often innocent) dangerous stuff at US ranges which would see you thrown out of U.K. ranges with the police coming round to your house shortly after to take your license and firearms.
I can't recall any incidents regarding UK police having to litteraly riddle someone with bullets the way US police tend to. Not saying it's never happened at all but they tend to be a lot more professional when it comes to discharging a firearm.

Jean Charles de Mendez - London Underground 2005. 11 shots fired, 7 into his head - I’d say that’s pretty riddled.
Completely disagree. The only difference is that most of the officers in the UK aren't armed with guns. If they were, they would be making the same mistakes and killing a proportionate amount of people.

I really doubt it, everyone loves comparing to america while forgetting the PSNI are all armed. They are killing a proportionate number of people...
Just for info, on the last count there was approximately 600k section 2 (shotgun certificate) holders and 150k section 1 (Firearms certificate) holders in the U.K. - some people have both so you can’t add them together, but probably about 650-700k people with legally held gun in the U.K. Between them they hold 1.3 million section 2 shotguns and 250k section 1 firearms which includes everything from AR-15s, cannons, mortars, flare guns to tanks (yes you can have a firing tank in the U.K. so long as you have a reason and it’s not self loading). So approximately 1.55 million guns in a pop of 65 million in the U.K. - 1 gun for every 42 people.

Some places suggest there are up to 4 million guns in the UK if you include things like war trophies, guns that were never handed in after the war, antique guns etc.

Its all a bit by the by though as they are not "active" or being seen as a weapon. People aren't buying antique shotguns to protect themselves. They aren't concerned they will be shot. We don't have any sort of gun culture here.
Some places suggest there are up to 4 million guns in the UK if you include things like war trophies, guns that were never handed in after the war, antique guns etc.

Its all a bit by the by though as they are not "active" or being seen as a weapon. People aren't buying antique shotguns to protect themselves. They aren't concerned they will be shot. We don't have any sort of gun culture here.

You're right we have a knife problem in London / inner city areas instead.
I accept the numbers but mitigate that a small minority hyper inflate the numbers, whereas the vast majority seem to be able to handle them just fine.

Of course, the majority of people are normal sane people in stable lives without reason to ever pick up a gun in anger. The problem is that with 300m people even a tiny percentage of bad eggs can cause a lot of damage. No one has claimed that every American is a gun totting nutter but there are enough of them that it leads to a very poor homicide rate for a country of their wealth and stability.
I accept the numbers but mitigate that a small minority hyper inflate the numbers, whereas the vast majority seem to be able to handle them just fine.
The rate is sixty times that of the UK. \
Moreover The Small Arms Survey stated that U.S. civilians alone account for 393 million. That is more than the entire US population. Makes one think don't you think?
Completely disagree. The only difference is that most of the officers in the UK aren't armed with guns. If they were, they would be making the same mistakes and killing a proportionate amount of people.

Do you not think that’s rather a big difference? It’s not the only one though, UK police are better trained in general but clearly we take firearms training and use much more seriously.

But if you like then just look at the difference in say the use of tasers, in the UK they’re used for self, things like a suspect with a knife etc... in the US they’re used far more casually, for compliance etc...
Armed officers and hostage negotiators were scrambled to a man who barricaded himself into a flat after making threats to police near London Bridge.

Police carrying assault rifles were seen rushing to the tower block estate in Great Dover Street at around 3pm on Saturday.

Some police snipers wearing night vision goggles were seen pointing their guns at a window in the housing estate.

Residents said they saw two police snipers on the scene pointing at a flat in the block, with others being told to keep away from the windows as armed police move in.

Armed officers entered the property detained the man. He has been arrested on suspicion of affray and making threats to commit criminal damage.
That's the way WE do it :)

Threats to commit criminal damage huh?
Night vision goggles at 3pm? London must be dark early ;)

Firearm-related death rate per 100,000 population per year
USA - 12.21
UK - 0.20

That is USA is 60 times the rate of UK

Well of course it is.

But you remove the legal gun from the streets and sure, it might reduce that number.

But what will replace the gun? Knives, crossbows, etc

That the overall homicide rate in the US is less than 60 times the UK tells us clearly that simply by removing guns we don't stop homicides we just replace the method with another.
Completely disagree. The only difference is that most of the officers in the UK aren't armed with guns. If they were, they would be making the same mistakes and killing a proportionate amount of people.

So if our police force were handed guns and not rained they would be the same as the undertrained US police force. Lol great argument .

By the way the reason US police fire more than once is due to them not learning about guns from playing CoD
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Well of course it is.

But you remove the legal gun from the streets and sure, it might reduce that number.

But what will replace the gun? Knives, crossbows, etc

That the overall homicide rate in the US is less than 60 times the UK tells us clearly that simply by removing guns we don't stop homicides we just replace the method with another.

It tells us the homicide rate is drastically reduced by removing the huge amount of guns on the street. Or were you ignoring that oh so obvious fact.
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