The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Summer Wars and TGWLTT are amazingballs!

I'd agree there, although Wolf Children is in my "to watch" pile :)

I really need to try and get the time to watch more of my backlog, but it seems like i'm forever running behind/low on sleep as it is :(

I had a bit of good news a couple of weeks back so treated myself to some goodies, namely a few lithographs from TRSI when they were on offer (going to order some frames on Tuesday when I can get to the market), and then spotted some model kits on Anime-on-line which tickled my fancy and I couldn't resist as they were quite cheap (a 1/8th Belldandy and Holybell resin kit, a Belldandy in red dress kit, Belldandy and Grampus kit, and a Pretty Sammy kit - ~£80 for the lot).
The Holybell and Belldandy one looks to be pretty big (the box is about 12x6x4, and it looks to have huge wings), but unfortunately I suspect it'll be ages before I get round to making any of them :(
Besides anything else I'm going to want to get a display cabinet prior to building them, as they are going to be big and fragile.
ok I've started watching hunter x hunter(2011) I can say from what I've seen so far (21 episode so far) it is as good as maybe little better that the original but their some notable different between them that are easily spotted, while bulk of it is the same.

1) gon home is in a wildness and he has to travel by a raft he build to get to the port city. 2) where the phase to intial was to made a pork meal in the original it was a fish meal 3) when they travel from phase 2 to 3 on the airship their was a incident that made the gon game with the chairmen go all over the airship 4)the rest phase between phase 3 and 4 was cut out in this phase their do treasure hunting on a island with battleship hotel were they become trap as a major storm was due to come. few other but too tried to mention them. they condense a lot of what happen in the original anime in to less episode in the new one for example in the original by episode 21 the 4 phase has just be gone, where in the new one the final phase has finish and gon is waking up from his battle with hanso. plus they alter the look of scene so that they not the same as the original but at the same time maintain how the scene played out for an example phase 2 took place in open grounds of walled area with castle like building where they did the cooking, in the original it took place in a enclose hanger type building for the cooking but they still kept the bit where they had to go into the woodlands to find the ingredients for the meal, a whole plot line that was in the first episode of the origlnal isn't in the new one unless they show it later on in a flashback. it where gon decide to become a hunter and make a promised is maded if he can catah the king fish of the lake he can take the hunter exam it also where find out his dad a hunter.

I've added some to the spoiler so those who wish to know what different from the two version can know without spoiling it for those who intend to watch the old version.

add a bit more as I was little type when I posted this last night
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Watched the UK BD release of Garden of Words earlier. Very nice looking short film (well with who did it you just knew it was going to look good). Anyone who has been to Shinjuku, and the national garden there, will recognise a lot of the places. It is a very Japanese story though in the type, amount and amount of "ending".
I didn't have a problem with the end, i think it only needed a few more minutes to properly spell out what happened over the credits . More then that then it would seriously drag.

So what happened to the Spice and Wolf Novel releases? They said they were going to release every 4 months and that happened for 1 year, now there's another 6 month gap until the next release (April)
I haven't had a chance to keep watch (I know...), but perhaps they were worried they were over saturating the marketplace between this and the manga, and it was affecting sales?
Where is manga up to? It must be seriously trailing behind the books, i bet we haven't even gone beyond what was shown in the TV series
I think the books have only just gone past the TV series (Town of Strife was IIRC the last part of season 2, and that was about book 8 or 9).

I've actually got to read the books, I've been buying them as they're released but only read the first one:o
Which reminds me, have they stopped doing the jackets for the books, as I realised the last few haven't had them (or at least my copies from Amazon haven't).

And on a totally different note, I just spotted that TRSI have Princess 9 up for pre-order, which is pretty awesome :) (it was one of those anime series that completely surprised me with how good, and much fun it was).
I'm tempted to order it as I know that at least one of my old ADV discs was suffering from rot/issues, and I ended up paying almost as much for a replacement as I did for the original bundle (and TRSI have the new collection up for $24 at the moment, plus shipping which puts it at under the customs limit).
And on a totally different note, I just spotted that TRSI have Princess 9 up for pre-order, which is pretty awesome :) (it was one of those anime series that completely surprised me with how good, and much fun it was).
I'm tempted to order it as I know that at least one of my old ADV discs was suffering from rot/issues, and I ended up paying almost as much for a replacement as I did for the original bundle (and TRSI have the new collection up for $24 at the moment, plus shipping which puts it at under the customs limit).

You'd be better off getting it from United Publications (or from their US site which still ships from the UK) since you'd get it a lot faster then if you ordered it directly from TRSI.
I think the books have only just gone past the TV series (Town of Strife was IIRC the last part of season 2, and that was about book 8 or 9).

I've actually got to read the books, I've been buying them as they're released but only read the first one:o
Which reminds me, have they stopped doing the jackets for the books, as I realised the last few haven't had them (or at least my copies from Amazon haven't).

When you say books i presume you mean the Manga? Because all the novels (Apart from the first one) all have covers that have the 'grown up' version of the covers and the Manga style cover underneath.

Got them from amazon
EDIT - Actually my memory might be playing tricks on me, you might be right. I think they've dropped the covers entirely from No. 7 as they really weren't popular with anyone
I managed to find time to watch the second half of Last Exile: Fam the Silver Wing over the weekend, which was good :)
I liked they way they kept a similar feel to the original series (despite it being something like 10 years between them), and it was nice to see some of the original characters back.

I'm going to try for Wolf Children or Arakawa under the Bridge x Bridge this week, but not betting on it (I seem to be constantly chronically short of time, despite in theory having loads of spare time).
I've still not finished getting my DVD's sorted (about two weeks now), although I am getting there, with 100+ cases for the loft, and a similar number for the tip/charity shops.
well character design wise when I watch Witch hunter robin I can always see last exile character in it as I think the same people do did that also did last exile not to mention that you also got the same English dub artist who did last exile.
Picked this up today from the local delivery office after paying my ripoff custom charge, yes, the shipping and the custom charge was more then 3/4 of the price of the T-Shirt itself, not the first time I paid so much.

Anyway, we have Takanashi Rikka from Chunibyo Demo Koi ga s/hitai! and the two straps are Nibutani Shinka and Tsuyuri Kumin.

Anyone playing Kancolle?

Started to play this last week and been playing it none stop. It's really easy to play and you don't need to understand Japanese or anything. The hardest thing about the game is winning the "Lottery" to win a spot on a server.

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