The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Just received the latest update from the BGC kickerstarter it's going off for replication :D
This makes me a very very happy wolfy.

I cannot wait to see Bubblegum Crisis in HD, one of the first anime I watched knowing what it was, and still easily one of my favourites, partly because of the music fitting the series so well :) (the opening scene is awesome as the title music segues into Konya wa hurrican as the camera pans over the city and into the nightclub)

On a totally unrelated note, the Harmony Ultimate is a godsend if you've got a load of stuff that uses a remote, I got one a couple of weeks back (to replace the 555 that I damaged the screen on:(), especially as I've got my TV connected to 2 blu-ray players, a VHD box, PC, media player device (that really I could remove), a HDMI switch and my surround sound.
When I've got time I'm going to re-arrange stuff so that the things that I don't need to see are hidden and use the hub's IR blasters to control them.

Watching Gurren Laggan and I'd totally forgotten so much of it (one of Yoko's comments about reading in the first episode, the bit with Boota in episode 4 which just had me laughing like an idiot etc).
It must be 5 years since I last watched it with the Beez (I think it was) release.
And I finally finished Gurren Laggan (TV) last night, which was very good :)
I'm looking forward to the films now, especially as I've never seen them before.
finish watching space brothers the other day and notice something that I didn't paid too much attention too.

their 4 character in it who's look and how they act must have been modelled after the ghostbusters also some of there name match up as well. for those who got it or seen it when mutta been assign to fix the problems with the moon rover.
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If I gamed at all then I would be severely tempted by this as Clannad is one of my all time favourite animes (hell I've spent more more than I care to think about on it over the years).
If I gamed at all then I would be severely tempted by this as Clannad is one of my all time favourite animes (hell I've spent more more than I care to think about on it over the years).

Bought clannad and the afterlife dvd earlier in the year, I think its great. Which surprised me as theres no violence, just an amazing story. I wonder if im missing out on any other anime with an amazing story?
Another one I really liked was spice and wolf, makes me wish for a 3rd season.
Clannad, and After Story, were the third series of that type released by KyoAni. Before that were Kanon (the 2006 version not the previous Toei version) and Air. Those series are good as well but not as good as Clannad (which was a lot more polished and, in my opinion, a lot better balanced).

I started liking Clannad during it's original airing (before it was licensed for media release in the US *cough* *cough*) and ended up getting the Japanese DVD LE releases for both that and After Story ... then Sentai released it on subtitled DVD so I picked that version up ... then I picked up the Japanese BD release (which is really nice but expensive) prior to the western BD release coming out.

A sure sign that the world is doomed....;)

Memyselfandi, I don't know if you've spotted it but there is a kickstarter to get Clannad translated and released onto Steam :)
I think it's currently at about 200% of it's funding goal after a couple of days.
A sure sign that the world is doomed....;)

Don't worry it is not over yet ... there will be more Naruto next spring

A couple of other interesting links on the subject from the Asahi Shimbun here and here.

Memyselfandi, I don't know if you've spotted it but there is a kickstarter to get Clannad translated and released onto Steam :)
I think it's currently at about 200% of it's funding goal after a couple of days.
Yep, I saw it above ... unfortunately I am not a gamer at all and I whilst I have bought anime related games in the past I've never got around to actually playing them so while I like this property a lot I don't think it's worth me going for it (I did spend quite some time ummm'ing and ahhh'ing over it though)
I'm tempted by it, but suspect it'll be cheaper on Steam at some point :)

I've finally got round to finishing the first of the Gurren Lagann films, which was pretty good, mainly recycled/reanimated footage for about the first half then it started to vary from the TV series more.
Oddly the end song on this is subbed, unlike the TV series (possibly because they re-used subs from the old Beez/Bandai subs?), whilst I'm guessing the films may have had new subtitle tracks.

I'm going to try and watch the second film over the next few days, hopefully it won't take me a week :) (I've been too tired to concentrate on subs for more than a few minutes by the time I've managed to watch anything this last week).
My copy of Attack On Titan part 1 and part 2 on blueray arrived today. looking forwarding to watching the series. I watched on crunchyroll about 10 episodes then stopped, as I wanted to wait to own it:)

Currently nearing the end of season 5 of Hunter X Hunter. Got all the way to season 3 thinking its a quite a nice series with the fighting not very violent. Then near the end of season 3 what the hell!:eek::D You know what bit I mean;) It was like watching pokemon then halfway through turning to a violent anime like gantz. Thinking that episode was a one off, I get to season 5 and its gory and violent as hell.
I received a message via kickstarter the other saying that the Patema Inverted sets should start shipping next week:)

I finished watching the second Gurren Lagann film last night which was very good, and I must admit to having a tear in my eye* once again when
Kamina died, and then Nia sort of disappeared/died at the wedding, and again when after the credits you got to Simon helping to forfil Nia's wish, and all the field of flowers over the graves

Tonight I'm going to try and rewatch something light and silly, possibly Puni puni poemi, or Magical shopping arcarde Abenobashi.

*Although to be honest since I had to have our mutt put down last month that's not been uncommon:/
I received a message via kickstarter the other saying that the Patema Inverted sets should start shipping next week:)

Week after for the Ultimate edition :( ... although it doesn't really matter to me as I won't get it until I see my parents just before Christmas (as it's being shipped there as it was originally scheduled to come just before I was away).

Tonight I'm going to try and rewatch something light and silly, possibly Puni puni poemi, or Magical shopping arcarde Abenobashi.
Always good to have a change of pace ... although I don't think I've ever managed to get through the latter series after picking up the old ADV(?) singles dirt cheap ...

*Although to be honest since I had to have our mutt put down last month that's not been uncommon:/
Sorry to hear that :(
Just finished kiki`s delivery service LA;)
Not too sure whether I like it or not.It is similar to the animé in many ways but a lot was different if you get my drift
Kiki`s village -very different looking
same for her chosen town
lots of different characters and the `normal` ones too
Plastic looking hippo:confused::confused::confused: and jiji looked really `fake` too:(

my conclusion
`Loosely` based on the story and animé
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