The anime thread sequel (it's still not as good as the Manga though),

Interesting ... I could be up for a copy of that.

I actual prefer the Railgun series to the Index ones ... just seem better balanced to me. I'm following Hinike! Euphonium, Ore Monogatari and Plastic Memories at the moment. The former I can related to quite a lot having spent a large portion of my school years playing in concert bands at various levels.
Yeah, but you've probably got better luck than me!

The extra ten dollars works out about half of the tax/handling fee for something at ~$25, and since they changed the import value to £15 it seems I get hit about 60-75% of the time (I've pretty much stopped importing unless the total order is about £100+ because of that).
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso was a very nice series which had a good emotional depth and nice music. It's nice when we get a music based series as they can be pretty good, e.g. Nodame Cantabile, K-ON! and the new Sound!, Euphonium (which is on Crunchyroll) which looks quite interesting from the first episode.

As Werewolf says any legit streaming site will be more limited than a non-legit one as they have to license titles which they show, a license cost which goes to offset the costs of production and allows the anime industry to make more titles (hence the :rolleyes: at the scummy attitude shown above), and hence the sites will need to raise revenue in some way to pay for those licenses and given the amount of titles which Crunchyroll has £40 for the year is pretty reasonable for that site.

Strike Witches with boats .... it was ok, and had some quite good moments, but it was heavily over-hyped ...
Don't you think you're being a bit liberal with your accusations of people having scummy attitudes?

That's the sort of thing you ought to be saving for things that are actually serious.
watched the first 4 episodes of the disappearance of yuki nagato and i really liked it, even Haruhi Suzumiya is more likable in this. In her own show she was a selfish bitch but here she's much more toned down and is a much more even show

Up to episode 8 now and it's mega comfy to watch. I think i'm liking this more than the original show (The film is still the best thing out of the whole franchise through)
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Finished the first season of Psycho Pass with the gf over the weekend, we both want Dominators!

We also started Akame Ga Kill, which is awesome! Great mix of humor and action.
just got the email from anime limited saying that they will be sending out my replacement disc for Durarara!!. the way it worded, it suggest that they might send out a standard edition set.

Team Anime Limited here. We hope all is well.

We just wanted to give you an update to say that your replacement Durarara!! Blu-ray discs are being sent to you tomorrow (Thursday 28th May) via First Class Royal Mail. (We are sending you a Standard Edition version of our Durarara!! release as it contains our re-authored Blu-ray discs.)
From what I've read elsewhere that is what they're doing, as the extras on the LE were physical rather than disc based.

It makes sense as it's probably cheaper for them to send you a complete set (possibly from the distributor/fufillment centre) than to just send out the discs.

Hopefully I'll get my replacements sent soon as well, as I really enjoyed it but ended up watching the dub (which wasn't bad), as the errors on the subtitles were really annoying me.
I have just watched Highschool Of the Dead. I really enjoyed it ;)

LOL In all fairness its pretty standard affair with a fair bit of titillation but it was fun to watch. I hope they do a second season.

Does anyone know if there has been any more Initial D recently? I think the last one I saw was special stage 5.
The newest Initial D is final stage as far as I know and I'm pretty sure that ends the story, or at least that is what I last watched
Awesome it looks like I havnt seen from 5th Stage On :D

I am also loving rewatching a couple of Oldies... Guyver and Cyber City Odeo 808 :D

Can anyone recommend anything like H.O.T.D? ;)
Awesome it looks like I havnt seen from 5th Stage On :D

I am also loving rewatching a couple of Oldies... Guyver and Cyber City Odeo 808 :D

Can anyone recommend anything like H.O.T.D? ;)

have a look at some of the following titles

Hellsing Ultimate
High School DxD
Deadman Wonderland
Is This a Zombie?
Angel Beats!
Tokyo Ghoul
Elfen Lied
Corpse Princess
The Future Diary
Ga-Rei: Zero
Attack On Titan
Finally managed to finish watching another series in the last week (thanks to my new S6 which is offering me more opportunities than before to watch!); first show I've managed to watch in probably a good 6 months (the last one being Kill la Kill)!

That said, the show I watched, Kore wa Zombie, was a bit basic, and not really my usual cup of tea, or a series I'd bother watching again really.

My next choices are a bit more up my usual street; Baccano and Hyouka which are both waiting for me :)
My wife is also interested in watching Sword Art Online a bit, so that'll probably come in in the next month or two somewhere.
Baccano is amazing, make sure you watch it dubbed because the voice acting is great and all of the Italian American accents made it more enjoyable for me at least :)

Personally I think Sao was originally ok in its first season, but then I feel it became stale fast
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